Surveillance and Erasure of Privacy - SOK BOOK

Gilles Deleuze - societies of controls theory;

society has moved from a disciplinary society where control is enforced through institutions to a society of control

  • control is everywhere at all times and at times it is not so obvious

  • since you don’t know where and how you’re being controlled it makes resistance more complex.

  • 2013 - Snowden leaked documents about the activities of the NSA, made people aware of the widespread mass surveillance comparable to 1984 - George Orwell

    • access to data from google and facebook

    • collected detailed messages and emails

    • recorded a conversation from Angela Merkels phone

Ben Thamis - Panopticon Prison - prison where there is multiple eyes, prisoners will behave as they are being watched even when they aren’t.

  • Self - Censorship - the idea of you being watched mean you wont do certain things if you’re being watched

  • Governments can misuse data for political repression → silence people who disagree with you, selling your data to marketing companies

  • increase the risk of hacking, leaks and unauthorized access

terrorism and criminal behavior has given more leeway to more excessive surveillance

Osama Bin Laden - found out where he was through advanced stealth drones, eavesdrops on electronic transmission

  • raises questions about, when trying to find your target you may listen into to other peoples conversation, where does that data go, are you allowed to listen to it.

  • right of citizens to remain hidden/privacy - to know how their data is being utilized, biometric surveillance (facial recognition)

Bobbio → discusses issues such as control and how this effects democracy, no dictator who has as much information about his subject as todays states do,

  • goes against democracy - control of the people by those in power, democracy should be about controlling those in power.
