
Chapter 20: The Evidence for Evolution


  • Understanding how evolution is supported through various forms of evidence.

  • Emphasis on Darwin's observations and modern research supporting evolutionary theories.

Darwin’s Observations on Finches

  • Darwin’s Finches:

    • Collected 31 specimens from 3 Galápagos Islands.

    • Not a bird expert; relied on ornithologist for identification.

    • Identified as closely related species differing primarily in beak characteristics.

    • Total of 14 species recognized today.

Beak Characteristics

  • Different beak shapes linked to feeding habits:

    • Observed that each species adapted to exploit different food sources.

    • Hypothesis posited by Darwin: each species modified for specific ends based on available resources.

Natural Selection Principles

  • Conditions for Natural Selection:

    • Variation must exist in the population.

    • Variation must influence reproductive success.

    • Variation must be heritable, allowing it to pass to future generations.

Case Study: Medium Ground Finch

  • Peter and Rosemary Grant's research:

    • Studied beak depth variations on Daphne Major island.

    • Average beak depth fluctuated according to available seed types caused by environmental changes.

    • Droughts: increased average beak depth due to availability of tough seeds.

    • Normal rain: reduced depth when small seeds predominated.

Evolutionary Tree and Adaptive Radiation

  • DNA Comparisons of Darwin’s Finches:

    • Tree predicts evolutionary relationships and adaptations to vacant ecological niches.

    • Demonstrates the process of adaptive radiation among finch species.

Peppered Moths and Industrial Melanism

  • Environment’s influence on trait selection in species:

    • Light and dark variations of Biston betularia moth and the rise of dark forms due to predation on light forms.

    • Resulted from habitat darkening, primarily during the industrial era.

    • Clean Air Acts in the mid-20th century led to light-colored forms regaining dominance.

Artificial Selection

  • Human-driven selection influences species development:

    • Selection favors individuals with desired traits for reproduction.

    • Example using Drosophila melanogaster to illustrate rapid changes over generations (bristle number).

Domestication and Selection Effects

  • Selection of traits leads to distinguishable breeds:

    • Example with dogs and specific traits for functions (e.g., Dachshunds for chasing badgers).

    • Silver fox experiment: consistent selection for docility led to notable changes in traits similar to dogs.

Fossil Evidence and Evolution

  • Types of fossils and dating methods:

    • Fossils provide a historical record of life on Earth.

    • Relative Dating:

      • Age determined by the position of rock layers.

    • Absolute Dating:

      • Uses radioactive decay to establish age.

Intermediate Forms and Evolutionary Transitions

  • Archaeopteryx:

    • Significant fossil representing a transition between reptiles and birds, showcasing evolutionary traits from both groups.

  • Discoveries of aquatic mammals illustrate the evolution from land-dwelling ancestors.

Anatomical and Developmental Evidence

  • Homologous structures across species:

    • Similar structures serve different functions, indicative of common ancestry (e.g., forelimbs of mammals).

  • Comparative embryology:

    • Early similarities in embryonic development among vertebrates provide evidence for common descent.

Imperfections in Adaptation

  • Many organisms are adaptations that reflect a history of evolution, arising from natural selection, not perfect design.

  • Examples include vertebrate eyes with structural imperfections compared to mollusk eyes.

Vestigial Structures

  • Traits that no longer serve significant functions:

    • Include structures like the human ear-wiggling muscles and hip bones in snakes, evidencing evolutionary history.

Genetic Evidence of Evolution

  • Evolutionary changes in DNA:

    • Mutations in alleles accumulate over generations, reflecting evolutionary paths.

    • Molecular clocks reveal how genetically distinct species are over time.

Biogeography and Evolution

  • Study of species distribution influences understanding of evolution:

    • Example of convergent evolution in marsupial and placental mammals with similar adaptations in similar environments.

  • Darwin’s conclusions on island species:

    • Species on islands derive from nearby continental relatives, leading to adaptive evolution in response to available niches.

Addressing Objections to Evolution

  • Common misunderstandings about evolutionary mechanisms:

    • Misconceptions surrounding the concept of ‘theory’ in science and evidenced-through fossil records.

    • Discussion of intelligent design and inherent complexity versus random processes in evolution.


  • Natural selection plays a significant role in evolutionary changes alongside artificial selection.

  • Continuous advancements in scientific understanding refine the mechanisms of evolution.
