Cell Divison and Mitosis

Why are cells small?

  1. Exchange of waste and nutrients is more efficient

  2. DNA can’t keep up with cell demands for info

    1. Ideal cell:  

      • large surface area

      • small volume

      • (large SA/V ratio)

Why do cells divide?

  • Growth (of multicellular organisms)

  • Repair (replacing cells in injury)

  • Reproduction 

    • sexual 

    • asexual (cell division, budding, splitting, cutting)

      • aka cloning (genetically identical)


  • DNA —> Chromatin —> Chromosomes —> Sister Chromatids

  • A single package of  DNA, the number of chromosomes depends on the species

    • Adders Tongue Fern 1260, Dog 78, Chimpanzee 48, Human 46

Cell Cycle

  • From birth to reproduction of a cell

  • speed depends on type of cell 

       (fast in skin vs. slow in lung cells)

  • 2 phases

  1. Interphase - cell is doing its job, preparing to divide

    1. G1:

    2. S:

    3. G2

  2. Mitotic phase - nucleus and cell divide

    1. mitosis (nucleus divides)

    2. cytokinesis (cell divides)

Mitotic Phase

  • Results in 2 identical daughter cells

    • 2 parts

      • Mitosis - nucleus and chromosomes divide

        1. interphase

        2. prophase

        3. metaphase

        4. anaphase

        5. telophase

        6. cytokinesis

      • Cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides


  • chromosomes become visible (coil up)

  • nuclear envelope breaks up

  • spindle forms from centrioles.

    • spindle:  microtubules that guide chromosomes during mitosis


  • chromosomes line up across the cell

  • spindle connects to sister chromatids at centromere


  • sister chromatids get pulled apart 

    • spindle fibers pull chromosomes toward opposite ends of the cell

Telophase - reverse of prophase

  • spindle disappears

  • nuclear envelopes reform around each nucleus

  • chromosomes uncoil


  • splitting of the cytoplasm

  • animals: plasma membrane pinches in

  • plants:  a cell plate forms in between the cells and grows out to sever the 2 cells

