Behavioral Challenges of Autism

Behavioral Challenges of Autism

Overview of the Course

Focus: Addressing behavioral difficulties in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) that interfere with health, safety, and independence. This course trains participants based on the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's (BACB) Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) task list to fulfill the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify behavior challenges in individuals with autism.

  2. Select effective strategies for addressing specific behavioral challenges.

  3. Understand the importance of ethical treatment during behavioral interventions.

Characteristics of Autism

Case Study: Grady

  • Background: 10-year-old boy diagnosed with autism at age five.

  • Developmental Strengths:

    • Developed vocal language at the same time as peers, showcasing his ability to communicate effectively within familiar contexts.

    • Displayed an early reading ability (at 3 years old), indicating strong cognitive skills; shows affection towards family members which reflects an emotional bond despite social challenges.

  • Behavioral Challenges:

    • Prefers to play beside rather than with peers, indicating possible social anxiety or preference for solitary play.

    • Organizes toys in strict sequences, leading to distress if disrupted, reflecting a need for predictability and control.

    • Exhibits severe tantrums characterized by crying, screaming, and self-injury (e.g., biting his hand, head banging) when faced with unexpected changes or disorganization, which could be a response to overwhelming sensations or confusion.

  • Impact of Behavior:

    • Affects educational opportunities, leading to restrictive settings such as special education classes.

    • Negative influence on family dynamics, as parents must constantly manage Grady’s behaviors, impacting daily routines.

    • Limits flexibility in handling changes to routines or travel, further isolating him socially and academically.

    • Frequent calls to parents from school increasing stress and leading to job loss for Grady's mother due to needing to manage these crises.

Diversity in Autism

  • Individuals on the autism spectrum have unique communication styles and interactions; each individual's experience with autism is singular, and therefore generalizations are not applicable.

Diagnostic Characteristics


  • Involves extensive observation and various assessment tools, including standardized tests, parental interviews, and direct observations to gather comprehensive insights.

  • Common Characteristics:

    • Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity and nonverbal communication (e.g., difficulty understanding social cues, maintaining eye contact).

    • Stereotyped behaviors (e.g., repeating phrases, hand flapping) which often serve as self-regulation mechanisms.

    • Insistence on sameness leading to great distress with changes; routines and rituals are crucial for predictability.

    • Restricted and intense interests (e.g., hyper-fixation on specific topics, which may limit engagement in other activities).

    • Sensory hyper/hyporeactivity (e.g., strong discomfort with certain fabrics or sounds) that affects daily life and social interactions.

Understanding Behavior Challenges

Why Certain Behaviors Occur

  • Misunderstanding or inability to identify triggers for certain behaviors (e.g., toe walking, covering ears) could lead to ineffective interventions.

  • Emphasis on understanding the 'what' (neurology, learning history) instead of just 'why' a behavior occurs; understanding causation is key to effective intervention.

Communication Problems

  • Importance: Effective communication is key to fulfilling needs; when communication breakdowns occur, anxiety and aggression may manifest.

  • Case Studies:

    • Clay (8 years old): Limited communication leading to problem behaviors (e.g., covers ears in noisy environments, grabs food impulsively).

    • Jasmine (13 years old): Uses scripts in appropriate contexts but struggles with unpredictable questions, reinforcing the need for targeted communication therapies.

Repetitive Behavior and Unique Interests

  • Individuals may engage in repetitive behaviors for various reasons, including stress relief and sensory preference; these behaviors can be calming and provide predictability.

  • Restricted interests may interfere with daily activities, necessitating plans to incorporate therapeutic engagement that acknowledges these interests in a productive manner.

Addressing Behavioral Challenges

Intervention Strategies

  • Individualized Approaches: Interventions must be tailored to individuals based on a functional assessment of their behavior, ensuring that interventions target specific needs.

  • ABA Therapy: Begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand triggers of behavior and develop an intervention plan that includes reinforcement strategies.

  • Functional Assessment: Identifying when and why behaviors occur to design effective interventions; ongoing data collection is vital to monitor progress and adjust interventions as necessary.

Ethical Considerations in Interventions

  • RBT Ethics Code: Documented policies guiding ethical service delivery in behavior change programs must be adhered to, ensuring respect and dignity of individuals with ASD.

  • Collaborate with families and clients in planning to enhance effectiveness and consent must be obtained before implementation.

  • Prioritizing least restrictive interventions ensures the safety and well-being of individuals, minimizing potential trauma during behavioral interventions.


The course provides insights into understanding and addressing the behavioral challenges that individuals with autism face.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Individualized strategies are crucial to successful intervention.

  2. Ethical practice is essential in designing and implementing behavior change programs.

  3. Continuous collaboration with families enhances understanding and effectiveness of interventions.
