A quantified statement typically looks like:
"For all x∈S, property P(x) holds."
Steps to prove:
Start by assuming an arbitrary element x∈S
Show that P(x) holds for this arbitrary x
Conclude that since x was arbitrary, the statement is true for all x∈S
Prove that for all n∈Z, n² ≥ 0
Pick any n∈Z
n² ≥ 0 holds since squares are always non-negative
Conclude the proof
Use counter-examples: Find an element in the domain for which the statement is false
An existential statement looks like:
"There exists x∈S such that property P(x) holds."
Steps to prove:
Find a specific example x∈S for which P(x) is true
Show that this example satisfies P(x)
Prove that there exists an even number n∈Z such that n²=4
Pick n=2
Show that 2²= 4.
Conclude the proof
Disprove: Prove the Negation
Nested quantifiers involve a combination of "for all" and "there exists."
Steps to prove:
Handle the outermost quantifier first.
If ∀x∃y, assume an arbitrary x and find a corresponding y
If ∃x∀y, find a specific x that works for all y
Prove that for every real number x, there exists a real number y such that y=x+1
Start with an arbitrary x∈R
Set y=x+1 and show that it works
Conclude the proof
For statements of the form "if P, then Q," prove that Q follows from P
Steps to prove:
Pretend that we know statement A is true
Use the fact that statement A is true to show that statement B is true
Do not assume at any point that B is true
Prove that if n is an even integer, then n² is even.
Assume n is even, so n=2k
Show that n² = (2k)² = 4k² which is even
“Let x be a real number, and suppose that 2²^x is an odd integer. By definition, this means that 2²^x = 2n + 1 for some n ∈ Z. Now, observe that…”
For a statement "if and only if," you need to prove two directions:
P ⟹ Q and Q ⟹ P
Steps to prove:
Prove P ⟹ Q: Assume P is true, and show Q follows
Prove Q ⟹ P: Assume Q is true, and show P follows
Prove that n is even if and only if n² is even.
Prove n is even ⟹ n² is even
Prove n² is even ⟹ n is even
Transitivity of Divisibility (TD)
Divisibility by Integer Combinations (DIC)
Instead of proving P ⟹ Q directly, you can prove the contrapositive:
"If not Q, then not P."
Steps to prove:
Assume Q is false, then show that P must also be false
Prove that if n² is odd, then n is odd (contrapositive)
Contrapositive: "If n is even, then n² is even."
Prove this instead, as it's often easier
Method of Elimination
A ⟹ (B V C) = (A ∧ (¬B)) ⟹ C
For statements of the form "either P or Q," you can prove either P or Q is true
Steps to prove:
Prove one of the two parts (either P or Q)
Alternatively, consider cases and show at least one must hold
Prove that n∈Z, then n is either even or odd
Show that every integer is either divisible by 2 (even) or has a remainder of 1 (odd)
To prove P, assume ¬P (the opposite of P) and show that this leads to a contradiction
Steps to prove:
Assume the negation of the statement you're trying to prove
Show that this leads to a logical contradiction (something impossible)
Prove that sqrt{2} is irrational
Assume the opposite: sqrt{2} is rational
Show that this leads to a contradiction (i.e., a non-reducible fraction)
To prove the existence and uniqueness of some object satisfying a property, prove:
Existence: Show that at least one such object exists.
Uniqueness: Show that if two objects satisfy the property, they must be equal.
Prove that the equation x² = 1 has a unique positive solution.
Existence: x = 1 works.
Uniqueness: The only positive solution to x² = 1 is x =1
To prove results about summations or products, use mathematical induction, algebraic manipulation, or known formulas.
Steps to prove summation formulas:
Use induction or simplify using algebraic identities.
Prove that 1+2+ … + n = n(n+1)/2
Prove by induction or verify with simple algebra
An open statement contains variables and becomes true or false depending on the values of the variables.
Steps to prove:
Substitute specific values into the open statement to prove or disprove it
Determine conditions under which the statement is true
Is n² + 3n even or odd?
Substitute values for n to check
Assume x∈S (start with an arbitrary element)
Prove x∈T (show it is in the larger set)
(For proper subset only): Find element in T that is not in S (this proves S≠TS)
Prove that a statement holds for all natural numbers by assuming it has for all previous values (not just one previous value)
Steps to prove:
Base case: Prove the statement for the smallest number (usually n=1)
Inductive step: Assume the statement is true for all n ≤ K; and prove it holds for k+1
Prove that every number greater than 1 is divisible by a prime
Base case: 2 is prime
Inductive step: Assume the statement is true for numbers up to k, and prove it for k+1
Statement: If a∣ba \mid ba∣b and b∣cb \mid cb∣c, then a∣ca \mid ca∣c.
Key Idea: Divisibility can "pass along" a chain of numbers.
Application: Use this when you know a∣ba \mid ba∣b and b∣cb \mid cb∣c, and you want to prove that a∣ca \mid ca∣c. Helpful in proofs involving multiple steps of divisibility.
Statement: If a∣ba \mid ba∣b and a∣ca \mid ca∣c, then a∣(bx+cy)a \mid (bx + cy)a∣(bx+cy) for any integers xxx and yyy.
Key Idea: A divisor of two numbers also divides any integer combination of them.
Application: Use this in problems where you are forming linear combinations of numbers and need to prove divisibility.
Statement: If b∣ab \mid ab∣a and a≠0a \neq 0a=0, then ∣b∣≤∣a∣|b| \leq |a|∣b∣≤∣a∣.
Key Idea: The absolute value of a divisor must be less than or equal to the absolute value of the dividend.
Application: Use this to set bounds or restrictions on possible divisors.
Statement: For any integer aaa and positive integer bbb, there exist unique integers qqq (quotient) and rrr (remainder) such that a=qb+ra = qb + ra=qb+r, where 0≤r<b0 \leq r < b0≤r<b.
Key Idea: This is a core tool for understanding how division works with remainders.
Application: Crucial for solving problems involving division with remainders, including GCD calculations using the Euclidean algorithm.
Statement: If a=qb+ra = qb + ra=qb+r, then gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,r)\gcd(a, b) = \gcd(b, r)gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,r).
Key Idea: The gcd doesn’t change if you replace the larger number by the remainder from its division by the smaller one.
Application: This is essential in the Euclidean algorithm for finding the gcd of two numbers. Keep reducing the size of the numbers by taking remainders until you reach 0.
Statement: For integers aaa and bbb, and a non-negative integer ddd, if ddd is a common divisor of aaa and bbb and there exist integers sss and ttt such that as+bt=das + bt = das+bt=d, then d=gcd(a,b)d = \gcd(a, b)d=gcd(a,b).
Key Idea: The gcd is the smallest positive integer that can be written as a linear combination of aaa and bbb.
Application: Use this when working with linear combinations to prove the gcd or when applying Bézout's Lemma.
Statement: For all integers aaa and bbb, there exist integers sss and ttt such that as+bt=das + bt = das+bt=d, where d=gcd(a,b)d = \gcd(a, b)d=gcd(a,b).
Key Idea: The gcd of two numbers is a linear combination of those two numbers.
Application: Use this lemma to explicitly find the gcd by expressing it as a linear combination, often done in number theory problems.
Statement: If c∣ac \mid ac∣a and c∣bc \mid bc∣b, then c∣gcd(a,b)c \mid \gcd(a, b)c∣gcd(a,b).
Key Idea: Any common divisor of two numbers must also divide their gcd.
Application: Use this to simplify problems where you need to find the gcd or prove divisibility by a common divisor.
Statement: gcd(a,b)=1\gcd(a, b) = 1gcd(a,b)=1 if and only if there exist integers sss and ttt such that as+bt=1as + bt = 1as+bt=1.
Key Idea: Two numbers are coprime (gcd = 1) if you can express 1 as a linear combination of them.
Application: Use this to show that two numbers are coprime or to prove related results about gcd.
Statement: If d=gcd(a,b)d = \gcd(a, b)d=gcd(a,b), then gcd(ad,bd)=1\gcd\left(\frac{a}{d}, \frac{b}{d}\right) = 1gcd(da,db)=1.
Key Idea: If you divide two numbers by their gcd, the resulting numbers are coprime.
Application: Use this when simplifying problems by removing the gcd factor and working with smaller, coprime numbers.
Statement: If c∣abc \mid abc∣ab and gcd(a,c)=1\gcd(a, c) = 1gcd(a,c)=1, then c∣bc \mid bc∣b.
Key Idea: If aaa and ccc are coprime, and ccc divides the product ababab, then ccc must divide bbb.
Application: Useful for factoring and divisibility arguments involving coprime numbers.
WLOG: Without Lost Of Generality