de nos jours | nowadays |
aujourd'hui | nowadays |
se demander | to speculate |
s'interroger | to speculate |
bien que | although |
faiblir | to weaken |
faible | weak |
les années... | the ...'s |
une verbe prominal | reflexive verb |
en dehors de | outside of |
un engagement | commitment |
survivre | to survive |
mettre en emphase | to emphasise |
intensifier | to emphasise |
brûlant(e) | burning (ambition) |
uniquement | uniquely |
procurer | to give |
donner | to give |
offrir | to give |
intégral(e) | integral |
necessaire | integral |
clé/clef | integral |
essentiel(le) | integral |
important(e) | integral |
arc-en-ciel | rainbow |
la rénovation | renovation |
la restauration | restoration |
la reconstruction | reconstruction |
l'amélioration (f) | improvement |
un site | site |
manquer | to miss (a person, abstract) |
rater | to miss (not a person, geographical) |
escarpé | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
raide | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
abrupt | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
à pic | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
élevé | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
incliné | sloped (roof), steep (mountains) |
le flanc | side (of a mountain), flank |
provoquer | to trigger/provoke (an emotion) |
le toit | roof |
le plafond | ceiling |
toiture | roofing |
la planche | wood plank |
le sol (par terre) | floor |
courant | prevalent |
menacer | to threaten |
promesse | commitment |
dévouement | commitment |
point d'interrogation | question mark |
virgole | comma |
être en hausse | to increase |
trotoir | pavement |
sur deux | out of 2 |
inévitable | inevitable |
un tier | third |
pousser | to push, to grow (crops) |
susciter | to provoke |
divergent | diverging/opposing |
épanouissement | prosperity/fufilment |
développement | prosperity/fufilment |
accomplissement | prosperity/fufilment |
dépassé | outdated |
démodé | outdated |
percuer | to perceive |
le poids | weight |
tandis que | wheras |
être en baisse | in decline |
le déclin | decline |
le bas | bottom |
estimer | to consider |
relever | to reveal |
lier | to tie (one issue with another) |
la sécurité sociale | welfare |
l'héritage | inheritance |
données | statistics |
chiffres | statistics/numbers/figures |
statistiques | statistics |
avantage | advantage |
bénéfice | advantage |
privelège | advantage |
faire le ménage | to do the housework |
inscrire | to subscribe/be listed |
revenus | revenue/profit |
profits | revenue/profit |
argent gagnée | revenue/profit |
répertorier | to be listed (contacts, numbers) |
incrire | to be listed (contacts, numbers) |
négliger | to neglect/disregard |
ignorer | to neglect/disregard |
laisser tomber | to neglect/disregard |
abandoner | to neglect/disregard |
nier | to neglect/disregard |
la gestion | management |
crucial | crucial |
nécessaire | crucial |
important | crucial |
essentiel | crucial |
préconisé | prescribed |
consideré | prescribed |
donné | prescribed |
suggérer | prescribed |
le montant | amount (not time)/price |
le prix | amount (not time)/price |
la somme | amount (not time)/price |
allouer | to allocate |
distribuer | to allocate |
le Loto du patrimoine | heritage bingo/lottery |
un notaire | notary |
jugé | deemed |
virgule | comma |
milliard | billion |
une goutte | drop (of water) |
génèrer | to generate |
créer | to generate |
l'ampleur | scale (of things needed) |
compte tenu | considering |
ammener | to bring |
aider à recolter | to bring |
un pilier | pillar |
conséquent | big/considerable |
durable | long lasting |
stable | long lasting |
les pouvoirs publics | public authority |
se reposer | to relax |
phare | lighthouse (to be the forefront) |
un pouvoir | power |
tel que | such as |
destructeur | damaging (effect) |
le site-même | the site itself |
à cause de | as a result of |
la sur-visite/sur-fréquentation | over-visiting |
de/en plus | in addition |
subir | to undergo (a transformation) |
endurer | to undergo (a transformation) |
bruyant | busy |
animé | busy |
un endroit turistique | tourist spot |
incontournable | hot spot, unable to miss |
bon-marché | cheap/good value for money |
la paix des ménages | peaceful relationship |
monter en flêche | to go up in spikes |
se réjouir | to be happy |
brutallement | brutally |
téléporter | to teleport |
lorsque | when |
quand | when |
pas qu'un peu | not a little |
la salaire | salary |
c'est comme ça | that's the way it is |
le gagne pain | breadwinner |
un gage | guarantee |
déclencher | to spark/cause |
hyptothèse | possbility |
un compte en banque | cheque in the bank |
une hésitation | hesitation |
biactif | dual earning |
rédouter | to be wary/scared of |
compagnon | partner |
travaille à faire | work to be done |
une sacrifice | sacrifice |
les temps-partiels | part-time |
une tâche (domestique, ménagère) | (domestic/household) task |
rétraite | pension |
s'affrauvirir | to get poor |
niveau de vivre | quality of life |
quasiment | almost |
bouger | to move |
sacré-piège | quite a trap |
un piège | a trick |
faire moité-moité | to do half and half |
l'écart | gap/discrepency |
moeur | mentality/way of thinking |
mentalité | mentality/way of thinking |