Vocabulary- Body Parts and Miscellaneous Medical Terms
Body Parts
broncear(se) → to get tan
cuidar(se) → to care for yourself
descansar→ to rest
doler (ue) → to hurt
dormir(se) (ue,u) → to sleep
fumar → to smoke
sentir(se) (ie, i) → to feel (emotional)
Other Expressions
la cita → appointment/date
el doctor/ la doctora → doctor
el ejercicio → exercise
el enfermero/ la enfermera → nurse
la gripe → the flu
la medicina → medicine
el niño/ la niña → (young) child
el resfriado → a cold
estar refriado/ a → to have a cold
estornudar → sneeze
la fiebre → fever
me arde →it burns me
me pica → it itches me
respirar → to breathe
sentirse mal → to feel bad
tener doler de… → to have a pain/ ache of…
toser/ la tos → to cough