English 12 Vocab List #3

Paramount - of the most importance or significance

Deplorable - being a subject for reapproach or disapproval; wretched

Jocular - intended for or included to joke

Embellished - to beautify or adorn; decorate

Inconsequential - insignificant; trival

Resilient - rebounding; recovering

Tenacity - persistence

Impute - to attribute to something or someone

Churlish - rude; mean; difficult to work with

Demise - termination; death

Ancillary - subordinate; secondary; auxiliary

Fiduciary - a person to whom property or power is trusted

Bilious - irritable, cranky, grumpy

Sardonic - bitter, scornful decision; cynical

Literacy Terms

Suspense - a feeling of curiosity or dread

Thesis - main idea in a work of nonfiction

Argument - writing or speech intended to persuade the reader

Common Errors

Choose - to select today. Choose your own path in life.

Chose - to select in the past. Yesterday, I chose to go home early
