ionic bond:: coulombic attraction between an e- rich and e- poor atom
covalent bond:: sharing electrons between atoms
octet rule mainly applies to:: second row elements
octet rule:: atoms tend to gain or lose e- to obtain noble gas configuration (8 val e-)
BF3:: 6 val e-, very e- deficient
BF3 is:: very reactive with compounds that have LPE
PCl5 and SF5:: have over-filled val shell
bond line formula::
each line is a bond
each terminus is a carbon
each carbon follows octet rule (H fills octet unless otherwise stated)
atoms other than C and H are labeled
H attached to heteroatoms are explicitly written (OH, NH2, SH, etc)
formal charge:: #bonds + #LPE - val e- in neutral atom
balanced formal charge:: more stable than other versions of the same compound
resonance structures:: more than one possible lewis structure
resonance structures are really:: hybrid orbitals that exist in an inbetween form rather than multiple distinct resonance forms
possible resonance structures can be drawn as:: multiple structures or one structure with delocalized e-
resonance rules::
keep atomic positions the same
octet rule still applies
when there are multiple possible versions, the one with the least charge separation is the most stable
when 2+ atoms can support formal charge, the more EN atom is more stable with (-) charge
each resonance structure should have the same # e- and the same net charge
each resonance structure should have the same # LPE
electron delocalization stabilizes the structure
lewis structure cannot:: predict molecular geometry
VSEPR:: LPE will stay as far from each other as possible to minimize repulsion between them
lewis structure + VSEPR can:: predict molecular geometry
tetrahedral bond angle:: 109.5°
trigonal planar bond angle:: 120°
molecular orbital theory question:: why atoms need to come together in covalent bonds (why bonding releases energy)
LCAO derived from:: schrödinger’s equation and wave function
LCAO:: combining wave functions linearly to get a new wave function for the molecular orbital
rules of MO theory::
e- fill the MOs according to Aufbau, Pauli, and Hund
Aufbau :: orbitals filled from lowest to highest energy level
Pauli :: 2 e- per orbital and e-’s have opposite spins
hund:: single fill orbitals of equal energy before pairing e-
hybridization:: combining multiple individual wave functions to get a new wave function for a new orbital
sp orbital shape:: uneven dumbell
sp orbital can:: form sigma bonds with other s orbitals (bonding if same sign, antibonding if different)
bonding orbital:: effective overlap
antibonding orbital:: ineffective overlap
boron can:: promote a 2s e- to a 2p e-, creating 3 sp2 orbitals
finger trick:: count bonding e- pairs/LPE/areas of e- density on your fingers starting with thumb (s) then fingers (p, p2, p3)
sp3 hybridization structure:: tetrahedral
pi bond:: double bond, p orbital dumbells line up (either bonding or antibonding)
sigma bond:: single bond only
nodal plane:: goes between antibonding orbitals