Chapter Overview

  • Stress exists on a continuum and is subjective.

  • Marcus Luttrell's story illustrates extreme stress faced by individuals.

  • Stress is defined as the interpretation of stressors as threatening or challenging.

  • Relationships between preparation level for an exam and stress response.

3.1 Understanding Stress

Learning Objectives

  • Define stress and stressors:

    • Stress: Interpretation of events (stressors) as threatening or challenging.

    • Stressor: Trigger or stimulus inducing stress.

  • Identify major sources of stress;

  • Describe physical and cognitive reactions to stress;

  • Review potential benefits of stress.

Major Sources of Stress

  • Acute and Chronic Stress:

  • Acute Stress: Severe but short-term stress (e.g., car accidents, deadlines).

  • Chronic Stress: Continuous stress without a definitive endpoint (e.g., ongoing wars, domestic violence).

  • Impact on sexual functioning and health consequences.

Evaluation of Stress Responses

  • Stress responses create physiological reactions (blood pressure, heart rate increases).

  • Chronic stress can have negative effects (depression, low birth weight).

3.2 Stress and Illness

Illness Contributory Factors

  • Ulcers:

  • Initially thought caused solely by stress; now acknowledged as compounded by stress and H. pylori bacteria.

  • Chronic Pain:

  • Involves continuous pain lasting months; psychological factors amplify pain perception.

  • Cancer:

    • Stress does not cause cancer but can weaken the immune response.

  • Cardiovascular Disorders:

    • Stress increases risk factors like high blood pressure.

3.3 Stress Management

Approaches to Managing Stress

  • Cognitive Appraisal:

  • Primary Appraisal: Assessing if a situation is harmful.

  • Secondary Appraisal: Evaluating available resources to cope.

  • Coping Mechanisms:

  • Problem-focused Coping: Strategies to directly address the stressor.

  • Emotion-focused Coping: Strategies to manage emotional response.

  • Importance of social support and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

Personality and Stress Management

  • Locus of Control:

    • Internal locus: Belief in personal control over life decisions.

    • External locus: Belief that outside forces dictate fate.

  • Positive Affect and Optimism:

    • Individuals with positive affect tend to have better health outcomes.

3.4 Health Psychology

Definition and Role

  • Health Psychology: Studies the interaction between biological, psychological, and social aspects of health.

  • Focuses on the prevention of illness, health-related behaviors, and the relation between stress and health outcomes.

  • Work includes promoting healthy behaviors, educating about health risks (e.g. smoking).

Job Stress

  • Karoshi: Death from overwork in Japan highlights extreme job stress.

  • High job strain associated with increased risks of heart disease and suicide.

  • Essential to promote workplace health and psychological well-being.
