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21(1) Economic Growth

Page 1: Economic Growth

  • Definition of Economic Growth: Increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time

  • Causes of Economic Growth:

    • Discovery of natural resources

    • Investment in capital or infrastructure

    • Technical progress

    • Relocation of resources (finding new)

  • National Output: Total value of output of goods and services produced by a nation and calculated via availability of goods and services

  • Benefits of Economic Growth:

    • Increased employment

    • Increased output (production)

    • Increased sales and profits

    • Increased income

    • Increased tax revenue

    • Improved infrastructure

    • Improved living standards

  • Drawbacks of Economic Growth:

    • Unemployment

    • Depletion of natural resources

    • Inflation

    • Widening income inequalities

    • Rise in poverty

    • Negative externalities (e.g., pollution)

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Total market value of all final goods and services provided within an economy by its factors of production over a given period of time

  • Calculations:

    • Nominal GDP: value of output produced measured at their current market value

    • Real GDP: value of output measured assuming the prices are unchanged

    • CPI (Consumer Price Index): measures the average output income per person in an economy = GDP/Population

    • Inflation rate: (new-old)/old x 100

  • Positive Impact of Economic Growth:

    • Creating new job opportunities

    • Increasing living standards

    • Pulling people out of poverty

21(1) Economic Growth

Page 1: Economic Growth

  • Definition of Economic Growth: Increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time

  • Causes of Economic Growth:

    • Discovery of natural resources

    • Investment in capital or infrastructure

    • Technical progress

    • Relocation of resources (finding new)

  • National Output: Total value of output of goods and services produced by a nation and calculated via availability of goods and services

  • Benefits of Economic Growth:

    • Increased employment

    • Increased output (production)

    • Increased sales and profits

    • Increased income

    • Increased tax revenue

    • Improved infrastructure

    • Improved living standards

  • Drawbacks of Economic Growth:

    • Unemployment

    • Depletion of natural resources

    • Inflation

    • Widening income inequalities

    • Rise in poverty

    • Negative externalities (e.g., pollution)

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Total market value of all final goods and services provided within an economy by its factors of production over a given period of time

  • Calculations:

    • Nominal GDP: value of output produced measured at their current market value

    • Real GDP: value of output measured assuming the prices are unchanged

    • CPI (Consumer Price Index): measures the average output income per person in an economy = GDP/Population

    • Inflation rate: (new-old)/old x 100

  • Positive Impact of Economic Growth:

    • Creating new job opportunities

    • Increasing living standards

    • Pulling people out of poverty