IB Computer Science Modeling and Simulation

Genetic Algorithms in Machine Learning


  • Genetic algorithms are used in machine learning to find optimal solutions through an evolutionary process.

  • Genes in genetic algorithms represent different characteristics, similar to a list of information in machine learning.

  • Genetic algorithms involve creating a population of potential solutions, evaluating their fitness, selecting fit individuals for breeding, and creating offspring with combined genetic material.

  • The process includes initialization, fitness calculation, selection of individuals for breeding, pairing individuals to create offspring, introducing random changes through mutation, and replacing the old population with new offspring.

  • The goal is to repeat this process over multiple generations to reach an optimal solution.

Main Ideas:

  • Genetic algorithms mimic the process of natural selection to find optimal solutions.

  • Individuals in the population represent potential solutions encoded as strings of information.

  • Fitness scores determine the quality of solutions in solving the problem.

  • Selection of fit individuals for breeding simulates the concept of eugenics.

  • Offspring are created by combining genetic material from selected individuals.

  • Mutation introduces random changes to promote genetic diversity.

  • The process is repeated over multiple generations to improve solutions iteratively.

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms for Science

  • Genetic algorithms evaluate solutions based on fitness functions

    • Fit solutions are selected for breeding

    • New solutions are generated through crossover and mutations

Genetic Algorithms for Everyday Use

  • In genetic algorithms for itinerary planning

    • Initial set of itineraries is generated

    • Fitness is calculated based on travel time and costs

    • High fitness itineraries are selected for reproduction

    • Swapping segments of city sequences creates new itineraries

    • Mutations introduce small changes in itineraries

    • Less fit itineraries are replaced with new ones to improve overall quality

Genetic Algorithms for Good

  • Genetic algorithms for endangered animal groups

    • Initial paths are set for reaching isolated animal groups

    • Paths are evaluated using fitness functions

    • Unsuitable paths are replaced with better ones

    • Mutation and crossover are applied iteratively to find the best solution


  • Genetic algorithms are iterative processes for finding optimal solutions

  • They involve evaluating fitness, breeding, mutations, and replacements

  • Applied in various scenarios like itinerary planning and reaching endangered animal groups

  • Key aspects include understanding the initial population and fitness functions

Neurons On Input

Genetic Algorithms

  • Genetic algorithms involve:

    • Choosing initial population randomly or pseudo-randomly

    • Applying fitness function to each population

    • Selecting fit members for the next stage

    • Applying genetic operators like crossover and mutation

    • Repeating the process until acceptable fitness level is reached

  • The process continues until a plateau is reached or a maximum number of generations is reached

Neural Networks

  • Neural networks are simplified versions of the human brain

  • They function similarly to neurons in the brain, recognizing patterns in data

  • Neural networks help in identifying categories, predicting outcomes, and finding patterns

  • They improve their task completion ability over time by learning from examples

  • Neural networks consist of input layer, hidden layer, and output layer

  • Input layer accepts data, hidden layer makes decisions, and output layer provides final prediction

  • Training is essential for neural networks to accurately recognize patterns

Training Neural Networks

  • Scenario: Predicting university admissions based on GPA, SAT score, and number of AP/IB classes

  • Input layer consists of neurons representing the criteria

  • Output layer predicts acceptance (1) or lack of acceptance (0)

  • The number of input and output neurons depends on the criteria and possible results

  • Neural networks are represented in code to process data, not physical entities.

The Neural Network

Training the Neural Network

  • Data with known output is needed to train the neural network.

  • Dataset includes information on students like GPA, SAT score, and number of AP or IB classes.

  • Input data into the neural network and expect the output to represent successful students.

Adjusting Network Weights

  • Adjust weights of connections between neurons to get the correct output.

  • Input layer connected to a hidden layer with each connection having a weight.

  • Values from input neurons are processed, multiplied by weights, and sent to hidden neurons.

Training Process Overview

  • Feed data into the network through the input layer.

  • Make predictions by passing data through the hidden layer to the output layer.

  • Compare network's prediction with the correct answer from training data.

  • Calculate the error using a cost function to minimize the difference between predicted and correct answers.

Hidden Neuron

Back Propagation Process

  • Back propagation is the process where the network adjusts its neurons' calculations based on errors.

  • It involves changing the weights inside the network, which act as multipliers for neuron outputs.

  • Weights exist between input and hidden neurons, and between hidden layers and output.

Training the Neural Network

  • Training involves repeating the process for every piece of data to adjust weights.

  • Each cycle through the data is called an epoch.

  • Back propagation helps the network improve its task performance.

Network Evaluation

  • The network's performance is evaluated to check for improvements in tasks like recognizing images or predicting outcomes.

Neural Network Example

  • Input values are represented by mathematical values in the neural network.

  • Weights exist between input and hidden layers, and hidden layers and output.

  • Neurons' values are multiplied by weights and added to get the final output.

Activation Function and Bias

  • A bias value is added to adjust the network's precision.

  • The total value is passed through an activation function like sigmoid or relu.

  • The activation function helps in getting the final output value after processing through the network.Hidden Neuron Conclusion

Cost Function and Back Propagation

  • Cost function addresses the difference between the desired output and the actual output.

  • Back propagation adjusts weights and biases based on the cost function to improve predictions.

  • Back propagation occurs during the training process to enhance accuracy in predicting outputs.

Terminology for Training

  • Weights: Parameters that regulate the strength of input signals.

  • Biases: Added to weighted inputs to shift values for better fitting complex patterns.

  • Activation Functions: Alter the output based on weighted inputs and biases.

    • Two important activation functions are sigmoid and ReLU.

    • There are various other
