THMT | 1984 |
“I would like to believe this is a story I’m telling. I need to believe it. I must believe it. Those who can believe that such stories are only stories have a better chance” chapter 7 | “Some had ceased to exist: he had never existed |
“I repeat my former name, remind myself of what I could once do, how others saw me. I want to steal something” Chapter 17 | “Stricken immediately by an overwhelming desire to possess it” (the notebook from Mr Charrington’s shop) Chapter 1 |
“But a chair, sunlight, flowers: these are not to be dismissed. I am alive, I live, I breathe,” chapter 1 | “Now that he recognised himself as a dead man it was important to stay alive as long as possible.” |
“Ignoring is not the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.” Chapter 10 | “Orthodoxy means not thinking- not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconciousness” |
I'll say anything they like, I'll incriminate anyone. It's true, the first scream, whimper even, and I'll turn to jelly, I'll confess to any crime | “In the face of pain there are no heros” |