start with the largest multiple of 16 that can fit into our original numbers
How many times can 4096 fit into 9742? Two times
So, the fourth value in our answer is 2 (working from left to right)
4096 contributes to our overall value twice
9742 - 4096(2) = 1550
Then, we move down the powers of 16
How many times can 256 fit into 1550? Six times
Then, we move down the powers of 16
How many times can 16 fit into 14? Zero times
So, the second value in our answer is 0 (working from left to right)
No subtraction since 16 did not contribute to our total value
Then, we move down the powers of 16
How many times can 1 fit into 14? 14 times
So, the first value in our answer is E (in hexadecimal) (working from left to right)
Final answer: 9742 in hexadecimal = 0x260E