
The Legend of Macbeth

  • Mentioning "Macbeth" in the theater evokes gasps of horror from experienced individuals.

  • It is believed that the spells used in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" were actual black magic incantations that Shakespeare witnessed.

  • The witches found out he used their sacred incantations and subsequently placed a curse on the play.

Opening Night Incident (1606)

  • Date of Opening: 1606

  • Key Fact: Women did not perform in Elizabethan theatre; all roles were played by young boys or men.

  • On the opening night, Lady Macbeth (a key character) died suddenly.

  • This event fueled belief in the curse from the witches.

Theatrical Superstitions

  • There are various superstitions surrounding saying "Macbeth" in theater settings:

  • If one must mention the play, they should leave the building, spin around three times, spit, and then ask to be let back in.

  • Instead of saying "Macbeth", the term "the Scottish play" is utilized to avoid invoking the curse.

A Recent Incident

  • A recent event at ABC theatre:

  • Some students joked and said "Macbeth" while next door preparing for a show.

  • A subsequent fire curtain fell, triggering an alarm and causing delays during the performance.

  • There were no injuries, but the incident highlighted the seriousness of the superstitions surrounding the play.
