abysmal | Extremely bad, appalling |
arbitrary | Based on random choice or personal whim rather than reason or system. |
arcane | Understood by only a few; mysterious or obscure. |
beleaguered | Beset with difficulties; surrounded and under attack. |
mundane | Lacking interest or excitement; dull; also, relating to the ordinary or worldly rather than the spiritual. |
nebulous | Vague, unclear, or ill-defined; also, resembling a cloud or mist. |
perspicacious | Having a keen understanding or insight; perceptive. |
sedulous | Showing dedication and diligence; meticulous and hardworking |
tacit | Understood or implied without being stated outright. |
tendentious | Expressing a particular point of view, especially a controversial one; biased. |
tortuous | Full of twists and turns; excessively complicated or indirect. |
voluble | Talking fluently, readily, or incessantly; talkative. |