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Power sharing


  • A small country in Europe

  • 59% lived in flemish regions and speaks the Dutch language

  • 40% of people lived in the wallonia region and speak French

  • 1% of the population speaks German

  • In the capital, Brussels, 80% of people speak French and 20% speaks Dutch

  • It has borders with france, Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg

  • Population over 1 crore half the population of haryana

Reasons for tension in Belgium

  • The minority French speaking Community was relatively rich and powerful

  • This was resented by Dutch speaking Community who got the benefit of economic development and education much later

  • This led to tension between the two communities during the 1950s and 1960s

  • The tension was more acute in Brussels

  • Dutch speakers were the majority in the country but a minority in the capital

Sri lanka introduction

  • Sri lanka has a diverse population

  • Sri lanka got independence in 1948

  • The major social groups are- sinhala and Tamil speakers

  • 74% were sinhala speakers

  • 18% were Tamil speakers

  • Among tamils there are 2 sub groups- sri lankan tamils and Indian tamils

  • 13% of the Tamil group was the sri lankan tamils

  • Sri lankan tamils were native to the country

  • The rest whose forefathers came from India as Plantation workers during colonial period were the Indian tamils

  • 7% of Christians spoke both sinhala and Tamil

  • Most Sinha speakers were Buddhists

  • Tamil speakers were either hindu or Muslims

Majoritariansim in sri lanka

Steps taken to establish sinhala supremacy

  • In 1956, an act was passed to recognize sinhala as the only official language, thus disregarding tamils

  • The government followed preferential policies that favored Sinhala applicants for university positions or government jobs

  • A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism

The impact

  • All these measures increased the feeling of alienation among sri lankan tamils

  • They felt sinhala Buddhists leaders were not sensitive towards thier culture and language

  • They felt the government and constitution policies denied them equal political rights

  • Tamils were discriminated against getting jobs and other opportunities and ignored their interests.


  • The relations between the sinhala and Tamils were strained

  • The sri lankan tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language

  • They also demanded regional autonomy and Equality for opportunities in securing education and jobs

Sri lankan tamils were denied repeatedly

In 1980s, political organizations were formed and demanded an independent tamil Eelam (state) in the northern and Eastern parts of sri lanka.

This resulted in civil war, which caused a terrible set back to the social, cultural and economic life of the country and thousands of people of both the communities were killed. It ended in 2009.

Accommodation in Belgium

In Belgium there were differences and diversity in the population but the Belgium leaders took a different path. They recognized the existence of regional differences an cultural diversities.

Belgium model

  • Between 1970 &1993, they amended thier constitution 4 times so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together.

  • Number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government to ensure that decisions are not being made unilaterally.

  • More powers of central government is given to state government of the 2 regions of the country. state government are not subordinate to central government.

  • Brussels have a separate govt in which both the communities have equal representation.

  • A Third kind of govt, community government, elected by people of one language community- Dutch, French,German- wherever they live.

Powers of community government

The community government has powers regarding Cultural, educational and language related issues.


  • Avoided civic strives between the two major communities.

  • Avoided Division of country on linguistic lines.

  • Many countries of Europe came together to form European union, Brussels chosen as it's headquarters.

Why power sharing is desirable?

For 2 reasons- Prudential and moral


Power sharing is good because it helps us to reduce the possibility of conflict between social group.

Prudential reasons for power sharing

  • Social conflicts often leads to political instability and violence, power sharing ensures political stability.

  • Imposing Majoritariansim may not be effective in the long run

  • Tyranny of majority isn't only oppressive towards minority; it often brings ruins to the majority aswell.


Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy.

Moral reasons for power sharing

  • Power sharing is the very spirit if democracy.

  • People have the right to be consulted on how they're governed.

  • A Democratic rule includes sharing Power with those who are affected and who have to live with its effect.

  • A legitimate government is one where one citizen, through participation, acquire a stake in the system.

While Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes,Moral reasons emphasise the very act of power.

Forms of power sharing

Power sharing


  • A small country in Europe

  • 59% lived in flemish regions and speaks the Dutch language

  • 40% of people lived in the wallonia region and speak French

  • 1% of the population speaks German

  • In the capital, Brussels, 80% of people speak French and 20% speaks Dutch

  • It has borders with france, Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg

  • Population over 1 crore half the population of haryana

Reasons for tension in Belgium

  • The minority French speaking Community was relatively rich and powerful

  • This was resented by Dutch speaking Community who got the benefit of economic development and education much later

  • This led to tension between the two communities during the 1950s and 1960s

  • The tension was more acute in Brussels

  • Dutch speakers were the majority in the country but a minority in the capital

Sri lanka introduction

  • Sri lanka has a diverse population

  • Sri lanka got independence in 1948

  • The major social groups are- sinhala and Tamil speakers

  • 74% were sinhala speakers

  • 18% were Tamil speakers

  • Among tamils there are 2 sub groups- sri lankan tamils and Indian tamils

  • 13% of the Tamil group was the sri lankan tamils

  • Sri lankan tamils were native to the country

  • The rest whose forefathers came from India as Plantation workers during colonial period were the Indian tamils

  • 7% of Christians spoke both sinhala and Tamil

  • Most Sinha speakers were Buddhists

  • Tamil speakers were either hindu or Muslims

Majoritariansim in sri lanka

Steps taken to establish sinhala supremacy

  • In 1956, an act was passed to recognize sinhala as the only official language, thus disregarding tamils

  • The government followed preferential policies that favored Sinhala applicants for university positions or government jobs

  • A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism

The impact

  • All these measures increased the feeling of alienation among sri lankan tamils

  • They felt sinhala Buddhists leaders were not sensitive towards thier culture and language

  • They felt the government and constitution policies denied them equal political rights

  • Tamils were discriminated against getting jobs and other opportunities and ignored their interests.


  • The relations between the sinhala and Tamils were strained

  • The sri lankan tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language

  • They also demanded regional autonomy and Equality for opportunities in securing education and jobs

Sri lankan tamils were denied repeatedly

In 1980s, political organizations were formed and demanded an independent tamil Eelam (state) in the northern and Eastern parts of sri lanka.

This resulted in civil war, which caused a terrible set back to the social, cultural and economic life of the country and thousands of people of both the communities were killed. It ended in 2009.

Accommodation in Belgium

In Belgium there were differences and diversity in the population but the Belgium leaders took a different path. They recognized the existence of regional differences an cultural diversities.

Belgium model

  • Between 1970 &1993, they amended thier constitution 4 times so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together.

  • Number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government to ensure that decisions are not being made unilaterally.

  • More powers of central government is given to state government of the 2 regions of the country. state government are not subordinate to central government.

  • Brussels have a separate govt in which both the communities have equal representation.

  • A Third kind of govt, community government, elected by people of one language community- Dutch, French,German- wherever they live.

Powers of community government

The community government has powers regarding Cultural, educational and language related issues.


  • Avoided civic strives between the two major communities.

  • Avoided Division of country on linguistic lines.

  • Many countries of Europe came together to form European union, Brussels chosen as it's headquarters.

Why power sharing is desirable?

For 2 reasons- Prudential and moral


Power sharing is good because it helps us to reduce the possibility of conflict between social group.

Prudential reasons for power sharing

  • Social conflicts often leads to political instability and violence, power sharing ensures political stability.

  • Imposing Majoritariansim may not be effective in the long run

  • Tyranny of majority isn't only oppressive towards minority; it often brings ruins to the majority aswell.


Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy.

Moral reasons for power sharing

  • Power sharing is the very spirit if democracy.

  • People have the right to be consulted on how they're governed.

  • A Democratic rule includes sharing Power with those who are affected and who have to live with its effect.

  • A legitimate government is one where one citizen, through participation, acquire a stake in the system.

While Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes,Moral reasons emphasise the very act of power.

Forms of power sharing