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100 YEARS OF CANADA (The Centennial)

  • Takes place between 1867-1967

Centennial of Canadian Confederation

  • Logo was a maple leaf made out of 11 triangles

  • 10 provinces and northwest territories

  • Centennial medals

  • Centennial money

    • Dove

    • Rabbit mackerel

    • Bobcat

    • Wolf

    • Goose

  • Centennial train

    • January 9th in Victoria BC to december 5th in Montreal

    • Exhibits that showcased Canadian history and culture

    • 63 cities

July 1st

  • Canada day

  • Built a special building

  • Train travelled across the country

  • Prime minister pearson lit the Centennial Flame

  • Now called the Eternal flame

  • On remembrance day the light is turned red

Expo 67

  • Montreal hosted

  • To celebrate the birthday

  • Theme was “Man and His World”

  • Man the creator

  • Man the explorer

  • Man the producer

  • Man the provider

  • Man and the community

  • 50 million people visited the site

  • 113 country pavilions exhibiting their culture and traditions

  • Apr 27th to Oct 29th

  • International monetary success


  • Baby boomers were teenagers

  • Huge change in culture

  • Youth quake

    • ½ canadian population was under 25

    • Wanted a different life than their parents

    • Many became activists

    • Many challenged society’s norms

    • Successful with this due to their large population

    • Many of them also became hippies

  • Baby boomers has disposable income

    • Don't need the money to survive

    • Can spend money on things they want


  • Bohemian look of social and anti war demonstrations

  • Loose natural look

  • Long hair

  • Jeans tie dye

  • Frays

  • Folk music


  • Huge way to express identity, beliefs, things supported, things u liked


  • Psychedelic swirls

  • Bright colors

  • Short, shapeless shirt dresses

  • Pencil skirts

  • Vinyl boots and shoes

  • Short bobs

  • Long Straight Hair

  • Babydoll

  • All about bold colour


  • Bell bottoms

  • Tie dye

  • Work shirts

  • Jesus sandals

  • Headbands

  • Velvet suits

  • Frilled colours

  • Nehru jackets


  • Nudity

  • Drug Use

  • Language

  • Rock & Roll

  • Early Sixties: pop and rock of the 50s

  • Mid sixties

  • Blues rock

  • Pop rock

  • Folk rock

  • Psychedelic rock


  • Mr. Dressup

    • 1967

    • Puppeteer Ernie McCooms

    • 4 year old Casey and his dog Finnigan

    • Crafts, drawing, stories, tickle trunk

    • Aired every weekday morning

    • 4000 episodes

    • Received order of canada

    • Canadian television hero

  • Sesame Street

    • 1967

    • American

  • Cookie Monster

  • Lots of Puppets in the 60s

Global Village

  • TV and media changed the world

  • UOFT professor Marshall McLauhan

  • “The way technology would bring people together would systematically changed the course of society”


  • Massive evolution

  • More globally aware

  • Culture awareness

  • What was happening politically and socially around the world

  • Controversial books

    • To Kill a Mockingbird

    • Where The Wild Things Are

Top 10 TV Shows of the 1960s

  • Lots of sci-fi shows (bc of space race)

  • Comedies and sitcoms 30 mins

  • One hour drama

  • Entertainment shows (singing and dancing)


  • More simplistic

  • Influence and inspire its viewers

  • Non conformist

  • Colourful

  • Loud

  • Challenge societal expectations

  • Go into the unknown and to look and feel the art

  • Alexander Calder: mobiles and sculptures

  • Helen Frenkenthaler: non representational art

  • Andy Warhol: leading artist

Canadian Artists

  • Neil Young

  • Born in 1945

  • Launched his music career in the 60s

  • Buffalo Springfield in 1969

  • Canadian Music Hall of Fame

  • Canadian Walk of Fame

  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


  • Kentucky derby

  • Most famous horse race in the world

  • Run the first sat in may

  • May 2nd 1964

  • First canadian horse to win

The original six hockey teams

  • Montreal Canadiens

  • Toronto Maple Leaves

  • Boston Bruins

  • Chicago Blackhawks

  • Detroit Red Wings

  • New Tork Rangers

The New Six

  • LA Kings

  • Pittsburgh Penguins

  • St. Louis Blues

  • California Seals

  • Minnesota North Stars

In 1967, Canadians travelled to the olympics and won award for skiing


  • Drama

  • Westerns

  • Action

Social Changes

  • Universal Health Care

  • 1962

  • Tommy leader of the CCF

  • Universal health care to saskatchewan

  • Applies universally in Canada on July 1st 1968

Medicare - 1966

Greatest Canadian Tommy Douglas

Canadian Bill of Rights

  • Diefenbaker believed that Canada’s internment of Japanese was disgraceful

  • Felt that a bill of rights would prevent such an event from re-occurring

International Issues - Equality )Concept)

  • Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early….

Canadian Pension Plan

  • 1965

  • Creates the CPP response to the growing poverty in retired Canadians.

  • Gives back 25 of the workers earnings

  • 2016: averaged around $7700

The Pill- 1961

  • Contraception was illegal up to 1969 in Canada

  • Start of the women’s movement and secual revolution

  • What would change

  • Some argue it was a decline in social morality

  • Very successful

  • 1961-1969 : was illegal

  • Had the right to control economical well being

    • Had the right to a bank account or credit card

  • Had the right to employment

    • Werent equal under the law

    • Werent earning the same

  • Women didn't have control over her reproductiveness

  • 1969, legal contraceptives legal for all women

  • Enabled women to go to university

Young Offenders Act

  • Under 14, treated differently than if u were older

  • Case in 1967

  • Steven truscott was wrongly convicted of killing his 12 year old school,ate Lynne Harper

  • 50 years in jail before released


1969 (criminal code):

  • Homosexuality

  • Abortion

    • only legal if the women's health was in danger

  • Jumpstarted womens right and lgbtq movements

1969: Birth Control

  • Start of the women’s movement and the sexual revolution

  • Argument against: it would decline the women’s social morality

Introduction of LGBTQ2 - Equality RIghts

  • Homosecuality was illegal up to 1969 in the Criminal Code of Canada

  • Abortion is also legalized in the same bill in 1969 if the women’s health is in danger

Auto Pact

  • In the early 60s, the Canadian auto industry was failing limited market high tariffs in the imported parts

1965: the Auto Pact was created

  • Relationship between Canada and the US to remove tariffs


  • Displayed key elements of free trade and protectionism

  • Key role in the creation of the Free Trade Agreement with the US

  • Saved the Canadian auto industry

A Couple of Significances

  • Key elements of both free trade


  • John G. Diefenbaker

  • Conservative Party

  • 1957-1963

  • Cut taxes

  • Increased pensions

  • Built railways, roads and schools

  • Introduced Canada’s first bill of RIghts

  • He also valued diversity

  • Appointed the first women to cabinet

  • Appointed the first aboriginal to senate


  • St. Laurent, research was put into developing a fighter jet that could protect Canada from a Soviet Attack

  • This culminated in the Avro-Arrow, the most technically advanced jet of its kind

  • However, it was very costly, approximately $8 million per plane, which was 10x the cost of an American Starfighter

  • Canadian made orenda endive made for the Arrow was scrapped for a US made engine which led many to believe the US was influencing the project )they were not)

  • The program all together was costing over

  • Many went to the United States to work for Boeing

  • Most believe it was the right decision, but poorly executed as the public the avro arrow

  • It also

    • Diefenbaker - disappointments

    • Economic recession

    • Diefenbaker fixed the dollar at 92.5 cents

    • Made exports cheaper and imports more expensive

  • Diefenbaker- the cuban missile crisis

  • Soviets build missile sites in cuba so they could launch a nuclear attack against the US

  • Kennedy demanded Khrushchev turn back the ships that were on their way to deliver the missiles

  • US formed a naval blockade around cuba

  • Threatened to take military action if Khrushchev didn’t comply

  • For 5 days, Khrushchev refused to call back his ships. The world stood on the brink of nuclear war

  • Kennedy requested Canada immediately put its military on alert

  • Diefenbaker delayed for 2 days

  • Angry that kennedy had not consulted him first

  • Feared that being on military alert might heighten tension with the USSR

  • Demonstrate an act of independence from US foreign policy

  • Crisis ended


100 YEARS OF CANADA (The Centennial)

  • Takes place between 1867-1967

Centennial of Canadian Confederation

  • Logo was a maple leaf made out of 11 triangles

  • 10 provinces and northwest territories

  • Centennial medals

  • Centennial money

    • Dove

    • Rabbit mackerel

    • Bobcat

    • Wolf

    • Goose

  • Centennial train

    • January 9th in Victoria BC to december 5th in Montreal

    • Exhibits that showcased Canadian history and culture

    • 63 cities

July 1st

  • Canada day

  • Built a special building

  • Train travelled across the country

  • Prime minister pearson lit the Centennial Flame

  • Now called the Eternal flame

  • On remembrance day the light is turned red

Expo 67

  • Montreal hosted

  • To celebrate the birthday

  • Theme was “Man and His World”

  • Man the creator

  • Man the explorer

  • Man the producer

  • Man the provider

  • Man and the community

  • 50 million people visited the site

  • 113 country pavilions exhibiting their culture and traditions

  • Apr 27th to Oct 29th

  • International monetary success


  • Baby boomers were teenagers

  • Huge change in culture

  • Youth quake

    • ½ canadian population was under 25

    • Wanted a different life than their parents

    • Many became activists

    • Many challenged society’s norms

    • Successful with this due to their large population

    • Many of them also became hippies

  • Baby boomers has disposable income

    • Don't need the money to survive

    • Can spend money on things they want


  • Bohemian look of social and anti war demonstrations

  • Loose natural look

  • Long hair

  • Jeans tie dye

  • Frays

  • Folk music


  • Huge way to express identity, beliefs, things supported, things u liked


  • Psychedelic swirls

  • Bright colors

  • Short, shapeless shirt dresses

  • Pencil skirts

  • Vinyl boots and shoes

  • Short bobs

  • Long Straight Hair

  • Babydoll

  • All about bold colour


  • Bell bottoms

  • Tie dye

  • Work shirts

  • Jesus sandals

  • Headbands

  • Velvet suits

  • Frilled colours

  • Nehru jackets


  • Nudity

  • Drug Use

  • Language

  • Rock & Roll

  • Early Sixties: pop and rock of the 50s

  • Mid sixties

  • Blues rock

  • Pop rock

  • Folk rock

  • Psychedelic rock


  • Mr. Dressup

    • 1967

    • Puppeteer Ernie McCooms

    • 4 year old Casey and his dog Finnigan

    • Crafts, drawing, stories, tickle trunk

    • Aired every weekday morning

    • 4000 episodes

    • Received order of canada

    • Canadian television hero

  • Sesame Street

    • 1967

    • American

  • Cookie Monster

  • Lots of Puppets in the 60s

Global Village

  • TV and media changed the world

  • UOFT professor Marshall McLauhan

  • “The way technology would bring people together would systematically changed the course of society”


  • Massive evolution

  • More globally aware

  • Culture awareness

  • What was happening politically and socially around the world

  • Controversial books

    • To Kill a Mockingbird

    • Where The Wild Things Are

Top 10 TV Shows of the 1960s

  • Lots of sci-fi shows (bc of space race)

  • Comedies and sitcoms 30 mins

  • One hour drama

  • Entertainment shows (singing and dancing)


  • More simplistic

  • Influence and inspire its viewers

  • Non conformist

  • Colourful

  • Loud

  • Challenge societal expectations

  • Go into the unknown and to look and feel the art

  • Alexander Calder: mobiles and sculptures

  • Helen Frenkenthaler: non representational art

  • Andy Warhol: leading artist

Canadian Artists

  • Neil Young

  • Born in 1945

  • Launched his music career in the 60s

  • Buffalo Springfield in 1969

  • Canadian Music Hall of Fame

  • Canadian Walk of Fame

  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


  • Kentucky derby

  • Most famous horse race in the world

  • Run the first sat in may

  • May 2nd 1964

  • First canadian horse to win

The original six hockey teams

  • Montreal Canadiens

  • Toronto Maple Leaves

  • Boston Bruins

  • Chicago Blackhawks

  • Detroit Red Wings

  • New Tork Rangers

The New Six

  • LA Kings

  • Pittsburgh Penguins

  • St. Louis Blues

  • California Seals

  • Minnesota North Stars

In 1967, Canadians travelled to the olympics and won award for skiing


  • Drama

  • Westerns

  • Action

Social Changes

  • Universal Health Care

  • 1962

  • Tommy leader of the CCF

  • Universal health care to saskatchewan

  • Applies universally in Canada on July 1st 1968

Medicare - 1966

Greatest Canadian Tommy Douglas

Canadian Bill of Rights

  • Diefenbaker believed that Canada’s internment of Japanese was disgraceful

  • Felt that a bill of rights would prevent such an event from re-occurring

International Issues - Equality )Concept)

  • Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early….

Canadian Pension Plan

  • 1965

  • Creates the CPP response to the growing poverty in retired Canadians.

  • Gives back 25 of the workers earnings

  • 2016: averaged around $7700

The Pill- 1961

  • Contraception was illegal up to 1969 in Canada

  • Start of the women’s movement and secual revolution

  • What would change

  • Some argue it was a decline in social morality

  • Very successful

  • 1961-1969 : was illegal

  • Had the right to control economical well being

    • Had the right to a bank account or credit card

  • Had the right to employment

    • Werent equal under the law

    • Werent earning the same

  • Women didn't have control over her reproductiveness

  • 1969, legal contraceptives legal for all women

  • Enabled women to go to university

Young Offenders Act

  • Under 14, treated differently than if u were older

  • Case in 1967

  • Steven truscott was wrongly convicted of killing his 12 year old school,ate Lynne Harper

  • 50 years in jail before released


1969 (criminal code):

  • Homosexuality

  • Abortion

    • only legal if the women's health was in danger

  • Jumpstarted womens right and lgbtq movements

1969: Birth Control

  • Start of the women’s movement and the sexual revolution

  • Argument against: it would decline the women’s social morality

Introduction of LGBTQ2 - Equality RIghts

  • Homosecuality was illegal up to 1969 in the Criminal Code of Canada

  • Abortion is also legalized in the same bill in 1969 if the women’s health is in danger

Auto Pact

  • In the early 60s, the Canadian auto industry was failing limited market high tariffs in the imported parts

1965: the Auto Pact was created

  • Relationship between Canada and the US to remove tariffs


  • Displayed key elements of free trade and protectionism

  • Key role in the creation of the Free Trade Agreement with the US

  • Saved the Canadian auto industry

A Couple of Significances

  • Key elements of both free trade


  • John G. Diefenbaker

  • Conservative Party

  • 1957-1963

  • Cut taxes

  • Increased pensions

  • Built railways, roads and schools

  • Introduced Canada’s first bill of RIghts

  • He also valued diversity

  • Appointed the first women to cabinet

  • Appointed the first aboriginal to senate


  • St. Laurent, research was put into developing a fighter jet that could protect Canada from a Soviet Attack

  • This culminated in the Avro-Arrow, the most technically advanced jet of its kind

  • However, it was very costly, approximately $8 million per plane, which was 10x the cost of an American Starfighter

  • Canadian made orenda endive made for the Arrow was scrapped for a US made engine which led many to believe the US was influencing the project )they were not)

  • The program all together was costing over

  • Many went to the United States to work for Boeing

  • Most believe it was the right decision, but poorly executed as the public the avro arrow

  • It also

    • Diefenbaker - disappointments

    • Economic recession

    • Diefenbaker fixed the dollar at 92.5 cents

    • Made exports cheaper and imports more expensive

  • Diefenbaker- the cuban missile crisis

  • Soviets build missile sites in cuba so they could launch a nuclear attack against the US

  • Kennedy demanded Khrushchev turn back the ships that were on their way to deliver the missiles

  • US formed a naval blockade around cuba

  • Threatened to take military action if Khrushchev didn’t comply

  • For 5 days, Khrushchev refused to call back his ships. The world stood on the brink of nuclear war

  • Kennedy requested Canada immediately put its military on alert

  • Diefenbaker delayed for 2 days

  • Angry that kennedy had not consulted him first

  • Feared that being on military alert might heighten tension with the USSR

  • Demonstrate an act of independence from US foreign policy

  • Crisis ended