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Week 10

Cellular Respiration ppt

Defined as the flow of electronsm, through or within a membrane, from reduced coenzymes to an external electron acceptor, ususalluy accompanied by the generation of ATP

  • results in the complete oxidation of substrates to CO2

  • Drastically increases the yield of ATP form that of glycolysis alone

  • Takes place mostly in the mitochondria of animals

  • Electrons are removed from organic substrates and transferred to coenzymes carriers, which the transfer these electrons to oxygen

  • Oxygen in the terminal are torn acceptor, therefore the overall oxygen-requiring process in known as aerobic respiration

  • Oxygen is reduced to water

5 stage of Aerobic respiration

  • Glycolytic pathway

    • 1 glucose is cleaved forming 2 pyruvate molecules

  • Pyruvate oxidation

    • Pyruvate is oxidized to acetylene coenzyme A

  • The citric acid cycle

    • Oxidation of acetylene CoA to OC2

    • Stored energy in high energy reduced coenzymes

  • Electron transport

    • Electrons are transferred from reduced coenzymes to oxygen, which is coupled with active transport of protons across a membrane

  • Oxidative phosphorylation

    • Synthesis of ATP


  • where most of the aerobic repiration occurs

  • Posses their own DNA that independent of the nuclear DNA

  • Found in higher numbers in tissues with a high energy demand (Skeletal muscle)

  • Can replicate themselves due to increase need for ATP (endurance sports)

  • Only from the Ovum. Sperm cells don;t contribute mitochondria to reproduction

  • Comprised of

    • Outer membrane

      • Not a significant permeability barrier for ions and small molecules

      • Has transmembrane Chanel proteins called Porins that permit passage of siolutes with molecular weights of up to 5000

    • Inner membrane

      • Cristae are in folding of the inner membrane

        • Creates more surface area, making it 5X larger than the outer membrane

        • Allow the inner membrane to accommodate large numbers of the protein complexes needed for

          • Solute transport

          • Electron transport

          • ATP synthesis (ATP synthase)

        • Intercristal spaces

          • Provide numerous regions where protons can accumulate during the electron transport process

      • Impermeable to most solutes

      • Partitions mitochondria into 2 compartments

        • Intermembrane space

        • Mitochondrial Matrix

      • Inner boundary membrane

        • Portion of the inner membrane adjacent to the intermembrane space

  • Matrix:

    • Semifluid found in the interior of the organelle

    • Contains enzymes, DNA (15,000-20,000 base pairs) and ribosomes

    • Mutation of mitochondria DNA can lead to human disease (neurodegeneration, mitochondrial myopathies, etc)


  • don’t have mitochondria, but may are capable of aerobic respiration, which takes place in the:

    • Cytoplasm

      • Contains the enzymes of the citric acid cycle

    • Plasma membrane

      • Contains electron transport proteins.

Citric Acid Cylce

  • AKA Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), or the Krebs Cycle

  • Before the cycle begins, pyruvate mist pass through portions int he mitochondrial outer membrane into he inter membrane space

  • Once inside this space, pyruvate is transported across the inner membrane by a specific pyruvate symport protein (co-transported with a proton)

  • Once inside the mitochondrial matrix, pyruvate is concerted to Acetylene CoA by the pyruvate Dehydrogenase complex (PDH), which consists of

    • 3 different enzymes

    • 5 coenzymes

    • 2 regulatory proteins

  • This reaction is known as the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate

  • The cycle begins with the entry of acetylene CoA and its chemical reaction with oxaloacetate to form citrate

  • CoA contains the B5 vitamin: pantothenic acid

    • Citrate goes from a 6-carbon compound, to a 5- carbon compound, to a 4-carbon compound

Catabolism of Non-carbohydrates

  • the citric acid cycle also plays a role in catabolism of fats and proteins

  • As glycogen store are nearing depletion, animalsbegi to catabolize fats

  • Once fat sores are depleted, animals to catabolize proteins (starvation, marathon runners)

Catabolism of Fats

  • most fat is stored as Triglycerides

  • The catabolism begins with their hydrolysis to glycerol and free fatty acids

  • Glycerol is channeled into the glycolytic pathway by oxidative conversions to dihydroxyacetone phosphate

  • The fatty acid bonds to CoA to form fatty acrylic CoAs, which are then degraded by B oxidation

  • The initial energy required in activation step of B oxidation takes place in the cytosol

  • It involves the 2nd B carbon from the carboxylic acid

  • The fatty acrylic CoA then enters the mitochondria

  • In Bacteria, B oxidation occurs solely in the cytoplasm

Byproducts of fat catabolism

  • excessive fat catabolism can deplete from CoA (there may not be enough CoA to keep up with demands for ATP synthesis

  • This will lead to the incomplete oxidation of fats and therefore, the accumulation of ketone bodies

    • Acetone

    • Acetoacetate

    • B_hydroxybutyrate

      • An accumulation of These are bad for your kidneys

  • The accumulation of ketone bodies is known as Ketosis

  • Large quantities o ketone ill lower blood pH, results in ketoacidosis

    • Ketoacidosis is often seen in uncontrolled diabetes

Catabolism of Proteins

  • Once glycogen and lipid stores are depletes, organisms will begin to catabolize proteins

  • This process begins with proteolysis (hydrolysis) of te peptide bones lignin amino acids together in a polypeptide chain

  • Proteolysis requires enzymes called proteases

  • The end products of proteolysis are small peptides and free amino acids

  • Peptides are further digested by peptidases

  • Of the 20amino acids found in proteins, only 3 give use o pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates directly

    • Alanine

    • Aspartame

    • Glutamate

  • All other amino acids require more complicated pathways, but ultimately also come citric acid cycle intermediates

Electron transport

  • the TCA cycle begins with a reaction between Acetylene CoA and oxaloacetate to form citrate

  • At the end of their cycles oxaloacetate is reformed

  • But the time oxaloacetate is reformed, only 10% of the possible number of ATP is formed

  • The energy for the remaining amount of ATP is stored in the reduced coenzymes NADH and FADH2

  • The process of coenzyme reoxidation by the transfer of electrons to oxygen

  • The is process is accompanied by ATP synthesis

  • NADH+H+1/2O2 _>NAD+ +H2O (Yields 52.4 kcal/mol)

  • FADH2 + 1/2O2 → FAD + H2O (yields 45.9 kcal/mol)

Electron Transport System (ETS)

  • A multi-step process involving a series of reversible oxidizable electron carriers that function together

  • The ETS contains a number or integral membrane proteins situated in the inner mitochondrial membrane of Eukaryotes and the plasma membrane of bacteria

  • carriers the make up the ETS include

    • Flavoproterins (FAD)

    • Iron-suffer proteins

    • Cytochromes (also contains iron)

    • Copper-containing cytochromes

    • Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)

      • The only non proteins component of the ETS

Energy yield of Cellular Respiration

  • ~38 ATP Per glucose max

  • Glycolysis alone yields:

    • 2 ATP

    • 2 Pyruvate acid

    • 2 NADH + H+

DNA and Chromosomes ppt

DNA is found in the nucleus and never leaves the nucleus

  • DNA is a polymer tht consists of 2 long strands of nucleotides which are monomers

  • The 2 strands twist around one another to form a twisted ladder called a Double Helix


  • 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose)

  • A phosphate group

  • 1 or 4 nitrogen-containing aromatic bases

    • 2 categories

      • Purines

        • Adenine

        • Guanine

      • Pyriidines

        • Thiamine

        • Cytosine

  • The phosphate and sugar components creates the DNA backbone of each strand

  • Nitrogen-containing bases attach to the sugar component of the backbone

  • Two strands of DNA are bonded by Hydrogen bonding between their bases

    • All other bonds in DNA are covalent

  • The nucleotides of each strand are oriented in opposite directions

    • Known as the “antiparallel orientation”

  • Double helix creates major and minor grooves

  • Regulatory proteins attach to the major grooves

  • The length of DNA is measured in base pairs (bp) and sometimes in the kilobase (kb) unit

    • The human genome contains ~3 billion base pairs

  • The double helix can be twisted upon itself to form a supercoil but can also exist in a non-supercoiled relaxed state

    • It supercoils during cell division

  • DNA frequently transitions between he supercoiled and relaxed state, a process catalyzed by enzymes (known as Topoisomerases)

    • Topoisomerase I will break a single strand of DNA

      • The DNA rotates, the intact strand passes through the break

      • Then the break is resealed

    • Topoisomerase II uses ATP to break both strands

      • An intact portion of the DNA strand with passed through the break

      • Then the break is resealed

  • After uncoiling, the 2 strands of nucleotides can separate fro one another

  • Separation of the strands is needed for DNA replication and Transcription (RNA synthesis)

  • DNA Transcription and Translation will be on boards

DNA packaging:

  • an enormous amount fo DNA must be packed into the nucleus of a cell

  • To do so, DNA is wrapped around proteins to form chromosomes

  • Small amounts of additional DNA for nonessential functions are called plasmids

  • once bound to these proteins, DNA is called chromatin, which appear as fibers under a light microscope

  • These fibers condense during mitosis and becom recognizable chromosomes

  • The proteins with the most important role in chromatin structure are call Histones

  • In addition to histones, chromatin contains nonhistone proteins for enzymatic, structural and regulatory roles

  • 8 Histones bond to form an Octamer

  • A section of DNA wraps around an octamer creating a Nucleosome (8 histone molecules and 146 base pairs of DNA)

  • Each histone has an amino acid tail That alter how tightly chromatin is packed

  • The degree to which chromatin is compacted changed during inferential phases of the cell cycle

  • Tightly packed chromatin (or Heterochromatin) is transcriptionally inactive

  • Loosely packed chromatin or euchromatin is transcriptionally active

Histone modification:

  • each histone molecule has a protruding tail that can be tagged at various locations by adding methyl, acetylene, phosphate, or other functional groups

  • The combinations of these tags create a histone code

    • A histone Code

      • The histone code is read by other proteins that use them as a set of signals for modifying chromatin structure and gene activity

      • This process can either activate or repress gene expression


  • only visible under the light microscope when chromatin is highly condenses (during mitosis)

  • The narrow part of the chromosome is called the centromere, which plays a role is separation f duplicated chromosomes

  • The tips of chromosomes are called telomeres, which contains highly repetitive DNA sequences

    • Telomeres get shorter as you age

    • Cloned animals are born with shorter telomeres

  • The genetic makeup of an organism is called its genotype

  • A picture of one’s compliment of chromosomes is called Karyotype

  • Phenotype is a organism’s observable characteristics that are attributed to its genotype

  • Chromosomes contain repeating DNA sequences that do not contribute to the phenotype


  • Most of our DNA is identical to the DNA of other, however there are inherited regions that can vary from person to person

  • Variations in DNA sequence between individual are termed: polymorphisms

    • The spaces between genes

  • Sections of DNA with repeating aromatic bases along the nucleotide chain

  • The repeating code may appear as:


  • Tandem repeats can be categorized by their length:

    • Satellite DNA

    • Variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs)

    • Short tandem repeats (STRs)

      • STRS are short sequences of DNA that are repeated numerous times

      • The tetramer “gata” may appear as “gatagatagatagata”

      • The polymorphisms in STRs are due to the different number of copies of the repeat element that can occur in a population of individuals

  • D7S280 is one of 30 core CODIS STR genetic loci. This DNA is found on human chromosome 7

    • The tetrameric repeat sequence of D7S280 is “Gata”

    • Different alleles of this locus have from 6-15 tandem repeats of the “gata” sequence

Week 10

Cellular Respiration ppt

Defined as the flow of electronsm, through or within a membrane, from reduced coenzymes to an external electron acceptor, ususalluy accompanied by the generation of ATP

  • results in the complete oxidation of substrates to CO2

  • Drastically increases the yield of ATP form that of glycolysis alone

  • Takes place mostly in the mitochondria of animals

  • Electrons are removed from organic substrates and transferred to coenzymes carriers, which the transfer these electrons to oxygen

  • Oxygen in the terminal are torn acceptor, therefore the overall oxygen-requiring process in known as aerobic respiration

  • Oxygen is reduced to water

5 stage of Aerobic respiration

  • Glycolytic pathway

    • 1 glucose is cleaved forming 2 pyruvate molecules

  • Pyruvate oxidation

    • Pyruvate is oxidized to acetylene coenzyme A

  • The citric acid cycle

    • Oxidation of acetylene CoA to OC2

    • Stored energy in high energy reduced coenzymes

  • Electron transport

    • Electrons are transferred from reduced coenzymes to oxygen, which is coupled with active transport of protons across a membrane

  • Oxidative phosphorylation

    • Synthesis of ATP


  • where most of the aerobic repiration occurs

  • Posses their own DNA that independent of the nuclear DNA

  • Found in higher numbers in tissues with a high energy demand (Skeletal muscle)

  • Can replicate themselves due to increase need for ATP (endurance sports)

  • Only from the Ovum. Sperm cells don;t contribute mitochondria to reproduction

  • Comprised of

    • Outer membrane

      • Not a significant permeability barrier for ions and small molecules

      • Has transmembrane Chanel proteins called Porins that permit passage of siolutes with molecular weights of up to 5000

    • Inner membrane

      • Cristae are in folding of the inner membrane

        • Creates more surface area, making it 5X larger than the outer membrane

        • Allow the inner membrane to accommodate large numbers of the protein complexes needed for

          • Solute transport

          • Electron transport

          • ATP synthesis (ATP synthase)

        • Intercristal spaces

          • Provide numerous regions where protons can accumulate during the electron transport process

      • Impermeable to most solutes

      • Partitions mitochondria into 2 compartments

        • Intermembrane space

        • Mitochondrial Matrix

      • Inner boundary membrane

        • Portion of the inner membrane adjacent to the intermembrane space

  • Matrix:

    • Semifluid found in the interior of the organelle

    • Contains enzymes, DNA (15,000-20,000 base pairs) and ribosomes

    • Mutation of mitochondria DNA can lead to human disease (neurodegeneration, mitochondrial myopathies, etc)


  • don’t have mitochondria, but may are capable of aerobic respiration, which takes place in the:

    • Cytoplasm

      • Contains the enzymes of the citric acid cycle

    • Plasma membrane

      • Contains electron transport proteins.

Citric Acid Cylce

  • AKA Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), or the Krebs Cycle

  • Before the cycle begins, pyruvate mist pass through portions int he mitochondrial outer membrane into he inter membrane space

  • Once inside this space, pyruvate is transported across the inner membrane by a specific pyruvate symport protein (co-transported with a proton)

  • Once inside the mitochondrial matrix, pyruvate is concerted to Acetylene CoA by the pyruvate Dehydrogenase complex (PDH), which consists of

    • 3 different enzymes

    • 5 coenzymes

    • 2 regulatory proteins

  • This reaction is known as the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate

  • The cycle begins with the entry of acetylene CoA and its chemical reaction with oxaloacetate to form citrate

  • CoA contains the B5 vitamin: pantothenic acid

    • Citrate goes from a 6-carbon compound, to a 5- carbon compound, to a 4-carbon compound

Catabolism of Non-carbohydrates

  • the citric acid cycle also plays a role in catabolism of fats and proteins

  • As glycogen store are nearing depletion, animalsbegi to catabolize fats

  • Once fat sores are depleted, animals to catabolize proteins (starvation, marathon runners)

Catabolism of Fats

  • most fat is stored as Triglycerides

  • The catabolism begins with their hydrolysis to glycerol and free fatty acids

  • Glycerol is channeled into the glycolytic pathway by oxidative conversions to dihydroxyacetone phosphate

  • The fatty acid bonds to CoA to form fatty acrylic CoAs, which are then degraded by B oxidation

  • The initial energy required in activation step of B oxidation takes place in the cytosol

  • It involves the 2nd B carbon from the carboxylic acid

  • The fatty acrylic CoA then enters the mitochondria

  • In Bacteria, B oxidation occurs solely in the cytoplasm

Byproducts of fat catabolism

  • excessive fat catabolism can deplete from CoA (there may not be enough CoA to keep up with demands for ATP synthesis

  • This will lead to the incomplete oxidation of fats and therefore, the accumulation of ketone bodies

    • Acetone

    • Acetoacetate

    • B_hydroxybutyrate

      • An accumulation of These are bad for your kidneys

  • The accumulation of ketone bodies is known as Ketosis

  • Large quantities o ketone ill lower blood pH, results in ketoacidosis

    • Ketoacidosis is often seen in uncontrolled diabetes

Catabolism of Proteins

  • Once glycogen and lipid stores are depletes, organisms will begin to catabolize proteins

  • This process begins with proteolysis (hydrolysis) of te peptide bones lignin amino acids together in a polypeptide chain

  • Proteolysis requires enzymes called proteases

  • The end products of proteolysis are small peptides and free amino acids

  • Peptides are further digested by peptidases

  • Of the 20amino acids found in proteins, only 3 give use o pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates directly

    • Alanine

    • Aspartame

    • Glutamate

  • All other amino acids require more complicated pathways, but ultimately also come citric acid cycle intermediates

Electron transport

  • the TCA cycle begins with a reaction between Acetylene CoA and oxaloacetate to form citrate

  • At the end of their cycles oxaloacetate is reformed

  • But the time oxaloacetate is reformed, only 10% of the possible number of ATP is formed

  • The energy for the remaining amount of ATP is stored in the reduced coenzymes NADH and FADH2

  • The process of coenzyme reoxidation by the transfer of electrons to oxygen

  • The is process is accompanied by ATP synthesis

  • NADH+H+1/2O2 _>NAD+ +H2O (Yields 52.4 kcal/mol)

  • FADH2 + 1/2O2 → FAD + H2O (yields 45.9 kcal/mol)

Electron Transport System (ETS)

  • A multi-step process involving a series of reversible oxidizable electron carriers that function together

  • The ETS contains a number or integral membrane proteins situated in the inner mitochondrial membrane of Eukaryotes and the plasma membrane of bacteria

  • carriers the make up the ETS include

    • Flavoproterins (FAD)

    • Iron-suffer proteins

    • Cytochromes (also contains iron)

    • Copper-containing cytochromes

    • Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)

      • The only non proteins component of the ETS

Energy yield of Cellular Respiration

  • ~38 ATP Per glucose max

  • Glycolysis alone yields:

    • 2 ATP

    • 2 Pyruvate acid

    • 2 NADH + H+

DNA and Chromosomes ppt

DNA is found in the nucleus and never leaves the nucleus

  • DNA is a polymer tht consists of 2 long strands of nucleotides which are monomers

  • The 2 strands twist around one another to form a twisted ladder called a Double Helix


  • 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose)

  • A phosphate group

  • 1 or 4 nitrogen-containing aromatic bases

    • 2 categories

      • Purines

        • Adenine

        • Guanine

      • Pyriidines

        • Thiamine

        • Cytosine

  • The phosphate and sugar components creates the DNA backbone of each strand

  • Nitrogen-containing bases attach to the sugar component of the backbone

  • Two strands of DNA are bonded by Hydrogen bonding between their bases

    • All other bonds in DNA are covalent

  • The nucleotides of each strand are oriented in opposite directions

    • Known as the “antiparallel orientation”

  • Double helix creates major and minor grooves

  • Regulatory proteins attach to the major grooves

  • The length of DNA is measured in base pairs (bp) and sometimes in the kilobase (kb) unit

    • The human genome contains ~3 billion base pairs

  • The double helix can be twisted upon itself to form a supercoil but can also exist in a non-supercoiled relaxed state

    • It supercoils during cell division

  • DNA frequently transitions between he supercoiled and relaxed state, a process catalyzed by enzymes (known as Topoisomerases)

    • Topoisomerase I will break a single strand of DNA

      • The DNA rotates, the intact strand passes through the break

      • Then the break is resealed

    • Topoisomerase II uses ATP to break both strands

      • An intact portion of the DNA strand with passed through the break

      • Then the break is resealed

  • After uncoiling, the 2 strands of nucleotides can separate fro one another

  • Separation of the strands is needed for DNA replication and Transcription (RNA synthesis)

  • DNA Transcription and Translation will be on boards

DNA packaging:

  • an enormous amount fo DNA must be packed into the nucleus of a cell

  • To do so, DNA is wrapped around proteins to form chromosomes

  • Small amounts of additional DNA for nonessential functions are called plasmids

  • once bound to these proteins, DNA is called chromatin, which appear as fibers under a light microscope

  • These fibers condense during mitosis and becom recognizable chromosomes

  • The proteins with the most important role in chromatin structure are call Histones

  • In addition to histones, chromatin contains nonhistone proteins for enzymatic, structural and regulatory roles

  • 8 Histones bond to form an Octamer

  • A section of DNA wraps around an octamer creating a Nucleosome (8 histone molecules and 146 base pairs of DNA)

  • Each histone has an amino acid tail That alter how tightly chromatin is packed

  • The degree to which chromatin is compacted changed during inferential phases of the cell cycle

  • Tightly packed chromatin (or Heterochromatin) is transcriptionally inactive

  • Loosely packed chromatin or euchromatin is transcriptionally active

Histone modification:

  • each histone molecule has a protruding tail that can be tagged at various locations by adding methyl, acetylene, phosphate, or other functional groups

  • The combinations of these tags create a histone code

    • A histone Code

      • The histone code is read by other proteins that use them as a set of signals for modifying chromatin structure and gene activity

      • This process can either activate or repress gene expression


  • only visible under the light microscope when chromatin is highly condenses (during mitosis)

  • The narrow part of the chromosome is called the centromere, which plays a role is separation f duplicated chromosomes

  • The tips of chromosomes are called telomeres, which contains highly repetitive DNA sequences

    • Telomeres get shorter as you age

    • Cloned animals are born with shorter telomeres

  • The genetic makeup of an organism is called its genotype

  • A picture of one’s compliment of chromosomes is called Karyotype

  • Phenotype is a organism’s observable characteristics that are attributed to its genotype

  • Chromosomes contain repeating DNA sequences that do not contribute to the phenotype


  • Most of our DNA is identical to the DNA of other, however there are inherited regions that can vary from person to person

  • Variations in DNA sequence between individual are termed: polymorphisms

    • The spaces between genes

  • Sections of DNA with repeating aromatic bases along the nucleotide chain

  • The repeating code may appear as:


  • Tandem repeats can be categorized by their length:

    • Satellite DNA

    • Variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs)

    • Short tandem repeats (STRs)

      • STRS are short sequences of DNA that are repeated numerous times

      • The tetramer “gata” may appear as “gatagatagatagata”

      • The polymorphisms in STRs are due to the different number of copies of the repeat element that can occur in a population of individuals

  • D7S280 is one of 30 core CODIS STR genetic loci. This DNA is found on human chromosome 7

    • The tetrameric repeat sequence of D7S280 is “Gata”

    • Different alleles of this locus have from 6-15 tandem repeats of the “gata” sequence