quiz 2

-Conspiracy: can also be a part of violent crime. Either white color crime . an agreement between two or more poeple to act in an unlawful way.

-White collar crime:Commited during the course of an occupation. Fraud, regulatory offenses, etc. speaks of sophistication. Violates public trust or fiduciary ____

-ark book: photo of every endangered specied, on the verge of being distinct

Types of white collar theft:

-embezzlement: misappropriation of funds or property

-Extortion: obtaining property through use of fear or force or under the guise of authority

-forgery: falsification of documents

-Fraud: obtaining property through deception

Crimes against public ___

Perjury is very difficult to prove

Corporate crimes: done by a businuss not a spoecific person.

-administrative offenses

-environmental violations

-labor violations: making people work overtime and not paying

-uinfair trade practices

Trends in white collar crime

Computer crime:

-computer can be a; target, means, incidentals

-Small number of italians involved with mob, small number

-Organized crime emphasises masculine

-France doesnt have much organized crime (not a very masculine culture)

-government often creates crime

Characteristics of organized crime

  • Willingness to use violence (csnnot have OC, wthout having violence)

  • RICO racketeer influenced corrupt organization

  • Title 18, code for _____

  • The more organized and sophisticated a group becomes, the less violence they use

  • Hierarchy where leaders are protected

  • Money laundering comes from murray the campbell humphries

  • Independent type cells and tithing, true to all except russian and japanese

  • Hate crimes get sentencing enhancements

  • Most important part of terrorist act is the selection of the audience (once audience is selected, then you know the target)
