Related Issue 1 (Social Studies 10)

Chapter 1

Key Terms:

Collective Expressions:

Individual Expression:

Language (most important one)



Body Adornment (Tattoos or Piercings)



Slang (informal)


Jargon (formal)

  • Language is a individual expression too because a person can decide if they want to learn the language (Korean, Japanese)

  • Clothing is a individual expression too because a person can decide their sense of style

Lubicon Cree:

  • Their main primary industry is trapping furs

  • The reason everything was disappearing was because of the oil and gas industries.

  • Their main sources of food was moose


Globalization - the process in which everyone is slowly becoming connected to each other

Developed country - countries that have advanced technology when comparing to other countries

Developing country - countries that are less developed industrial base and a low human development index.

Transnational Corporation - Companies that is developing and manufacturing its products or delivering to other countries

Context - Time, Place, Circumstance in which a individual or collective identity is expressed or developed.

Individual identity - characteristics that are unique to only you other than a group of people

Collective identity - characteristics that are shared in a group of people rather than one person

Chapter 2

The Banana Trade War:

  • European governments agreed to continue extending an economic helping hand to former colonies (no tariffs).

  • The American government was not happy with this. To fix this, they took the case to the WTO. The WTO imposed that European countries must changed some of the trade rules that helped the former colonies.

  • The American government still wasn’t happy and doing so they imposed tariffs on European goods being exported to the United States.

  • Political: American Banana Transnationals: Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte

  • Social: Workers are untrained when working with syntheic chemicals. They also work in unsafe working conditions

  • Economic: Bananas are usually owned by huge transnational corporations in which they can take advantage of economies of scale

  • Environmental: bananas are made with chemicals, these chemicals are harmful to the environment

Opportunities and Challenges:

Homogenization - the erasing of cultural differences. This will make people more and more alike. It is a challenge because it is erasing one of the parties culture.

Assimilation - when a group is absorbed/forced by another culture. The minority groups culture disappears. For example, residential schools made the children learn english and forget there first language. This is a challenge.

Accommodation - when other cultures make contact with each other and make space for them. Both of their customs, traditions, technologies, beliefs and languages are accepted. This is a opportunity.

Acculturation - when two cultures adapt to each other’s world views. This can be both a challenge and opportunity but it is mainly a opportunity.

  • It can be a challenge and a opportunity because there can be some economic benefits and cultural enrichment (expose to new traditions, languages, and perspectives) but their could be language barriers or even cultural identity struggles.

Forces of Globalization:

  • Trade

  • Transportation

  • Communication Technology

  • Media

    • Media Convergence - use of different technologies streaming the same network

    • Media Concentration - ownership of newspapers and other media in the hands of large corporations (CBC, Netflix, Disney and many more). Media concentration lacks diversity and is usually bias.

Dimensions of Globalization:

  • Political

    • Conflicts with the government

  • Social and Cultural

    • This influences all political, economic and environmental globalizations.

    • This can influence the way we interact with each other


    • Cost of goods

    • Cheap transportation

    • Supply and Demand

  • Environmental

    • This increased the economic globalization but in return, the environment is often sacrificed


Glocal - things that happen at global level, it can also happen at local level.
Economies of Scale - saving money by producing, using, and buying things in large quantities. Ex: Costco

Revitalization - the process of affirming and promoting individual and collective cultural identity

  • To breathe new life

Pluralism - it is where different people with different culture backgrounds coexist in the same country. Ex: Canada is multicultural

Hybridization - the combining of two or more elements.

Ex: The Metis = Metis = Mixed blood

Cultural Revitalization - efforts to grow or restore a culture

Marginalization - a culture that is being treated less. Ex: Chinese people coming into Canada

Chapter 3
