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section a (aqa) → statistical methods & techniques.

1. Descriptive Statistics

Measures of Central Tendency

  • Mean

    • Sum of all values divided by the number of values

    • Formula: Mean = Total/Number of Values

  • Median

    • Middle value when data is ordered

    • If even number of values, median is the average of the two central values

  • Mode

    • Most frequently occurring value in a dataset

Measures of Spread

  • Range

    • Difference between the highest and lowest values

    • Formula: Range=MaxMin\text{Range} = \text{Max} - \text{Min}

  • Variance

    • Average of the squared differences from the mean

  • Standard Deviation

    • Square root of the variance

    • Formula: σ=(xxˉ)2n\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum{(x - \bar{x})^2}}{n}}

2. Probability

Basic Concepts

  • Probability of an Event

    • Formula: P(E)=Number of favorable outcomesTotal number of outcomesP(E) = \frac{\text{Number of favorable outcomes}}{\text{Total number of outcomes}}

  • Complementary Events

    • Formula: P(not E)=1P(E)P(\text{not } E) = 1 - P(E)

Probability Distributions

  • Discrete Probability Distributions

    • Probability mass function (pmf)

    • Example: Rolling a fair die

  • Continuous Probability Distributions

    • Probability density function (pdf)

    • Example: Heights of people

3. Data Presentation

Graphs and Charts

  • Bar Chart

    • Used for categorical data

  • Histogram

    • Used for continuous data divided into bins

  • Pie Chart

    • Shows proportions of a whole

  • Box Plot

    • Displays distribution based on quartiles

    • Can also reveal skewness

    • Can include/exclude outliers

  • Cumulative Frequency Graph

    • Displays points graphed from a table

    • Used to find data of 5-point summary (akin to box plots)

  • Scatter Plots

    • Displays relationship (strength & direction) between two variables as graphed data points.

    • Key words for describing scatter plot data include positive, negative, no correlation, strong, moderate, weak.

      • Also make sure to note if there are or not any present possible outliers.


  • Frequency Tables

    • Organize data into categories with frequency counts

  • Grouped Frequency Tables

    • Data divided into ranges or intervals

4. Sampling Methods

Types of Sampling

  • Random Sampling

    • Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

  • Systematic Sampling

    • Selecting every nth member from a list

  • Stratified Sampling

    • Population divided into subgroups, sample taken from each subgroup

  • Cluster Sampling

    • Population divided into random groups (clusters), then the clusters to collect data from are randomly selected

  • Quota Sampling

    • Non-probability, balanced method in which the population is divided into groups (quotas) based on categories (i.e., age, gender, etc.) to ensure each quota has an equal size.

Sample vs. Population

  • Sample

    • A subset of the population used to estimate characteristics of the whole

  • Population

    • The entire group being studied

5. Hypothesis Testing

Steps in Hypothesis Testing

  • State Hypotheses

    • Null hypothesis

    • H0:H_0: No effect or difference\text{No effect or difference}

    • Alternative hypothesis H1:There is an effect or difference\newline H_1: \text{There is an effect or difference}

  • Choose Significance Level

    • Commonly α=0.05 (5%)\alpha = 0.05\ (5\%)

    • Calculate test statistic and compare with critical value

    • Reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis

  • P-Value

    • The probability that the results/observations are 

      • Low p-value (< .05) → strong evidence against null evidence indicating a significant effect of observations

      • High p-value (≥ .05) → weak/insufficient evidence against null hypothesis indicating observations are likely a coincidence/random chance


  • Type I Error

    • A false positive, meaning that you falsely reject a true null hypothesis.

  • Type II Error

    • A false negative, meaning that you fail to reject a false null hypothesis.

    • In real life scenarios, Type II Errors commonly result in more serious/dangerous errors than Type I. 

  • On the other hand, the two non-error/correct decisions are:

    • Rejecting a false null hypothesis

    • Not rejecting a true null hypothesis. 

  • Notes!

    • Never be too affirmative → we never accept a null hypothesis; only reject or not reject.

    • The language of statistics is very precise in the real world as well as on the exam.  

Types of Tests

  • t-Test

    • t=xˉμsnt = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}

      • xˉ\bar{x} = sample mean

      • μ\mu = population mean

      • s{s} = sample std. deviation

      • n{n} = sample size

  • Chi-Square Test

    • χ2=(OiEi)2Ei\chi^2 = \sum \frac{(O_i - E_i)^2}{E_i}

      • Oi{O_i} = observed frequency in category i{i}

      • Ei{E_i} = expected frequency in category i{i}

        • Check Formula Sheet


  • Mean, median, and mode → measures of central tendency.

  • Standard deviation → provides insights for data variability.

  • Probability rules → help w/ understanding likelihoods.

  • Graphs and tables → useful for presenting and interpreting data clearly.

  • Sampling methods → used for reliability of data.


section a (aqa) → statistical methods & techniques.

1. Descriptive Statistics

Measures of Central Tendency

  • Mean

    • Sum of all values divided by the number of values

    • Formula: Mean = Total/Number of Values

  • Median

    • Middle value when data is ordered

    • If even number of values, median is the average of the two central values

  • Mode

    • Most frequently occurring value in a dataset

Measures of Spread

  • Range

    • Difference between the highest and lowest values

    • Formula: Range=MaxMin\text{Range} = \text{Max} - \text{Min}

  • Variance

    • Average of the squared differences from the mean

  • Standard Deviation

    • Square root of the variance

    • Formula: σ=(xxˉ)2n\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum{(x - \bar{x})^2}}{n}}

2. Probability

Basic Concepts

  • Probability of an Event

    • Formula: P(E)=Number of favorable outcomesTotal number of outcomesP(E) = \frac{\text{Number of favorable outcomes}}{\text{Total number of outcomes}}

  • Complementary Events

    • Formula: P(not E)=1P(E)P(\text{not } E) = 1 - P(E)

Probability Distributions

  • Discrete Probability Distributions

    • Probability mass function (pmf)

    • Example: Rolling a fair die

  • Continuous Probability Distributions

    • Probability density function (pdf)

    • Example: Heights of people

3. Data Presentation

Graphs and Charts

  • Bar Chart

    • Used for categorical data

  • Histogram

    • Used for continuous data divided into bins

  • Pie Chart

    • Shows proportions of a whole

  • Box Plot

    • Displays distribution based on quartiles

    • Can also reveal skewness

    • Can include/exclude outliers

  • Cumulative Frequency Graph

    • Displays points graphed from a table

    • Used to find data of 5-point summary (akin to box plots)

  • Scatter Plots

    • Displays relationship (strength & direction) between two variables as graphed data points.

    • Key words for describing scatter plot data include positive, negative, no correlation, strong, moderate, weak.

      • Also make sure to note if there are or not any present possible outliers.


  • Frequency Tables

    • Organize data into categories with frequency counts

  • Grouped Frequency Tables

    • Data divided into ranges or intervals

4. Sampling Methods

Types of Sampling

  • Random Sampling

    • Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

  • Systematic Sampling

    • Selecting every nth member from a list

  • Stratified Sampling

    • Population divided into subgroups, sample taken from each subgroup

  • Cluster Sampling

    • Population divided into random groups (clusters), then the clusters to collect data from are randomly selected

  • Quota Sampling

    • Non-probability, balanced method in which the population is divided into groups (quotas) based on categories (i.e., age, gender, etc.) to ensure each quota has an equal size.

Sample vs. Population

  • Sample

    • A subset of the population used to estimate characteristics of the whole

  • Population

    • The entire group being studied

5. Hypothesis Testing

Steps in Hypothesis Testing

  • State Hypotheses

    • Null hypothesis

    • H0:H_0: No effect or difference\text{No effect or difference}

    • Alternative hypothesis H1:There is an effect or difference\newline H_1: \text{There is an effect or difference}

  • Choose Significance Level

    • Commonly α=0.05 (5%)\alpha = 0.05\ (5\%)

    • Calculate test statistic and compare with critical value

    • Reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis

  • P-Value

    • The probability that the results/observations are 

      • Low p-value (< .05) → strong evidence against null evidence indicating a significant effect of observations

      • High p-value (≥ .05) → weak/insufficient evidence against null hypothesis indicating observations are likely a coincidence/random chance


  • Type I Error

    • A false positive, meaning that you falsely reject a true null hypothesis.

  • Type II Error

    • A false negative, meaning that you fail to reject a false null hypothesis.

    • In real life scenarios, Type II Errors commonly result in more serious/dangerous errors than Type I. 

  • On the other hand, the two non-error/correct decisions are:

    • Rejecting a false null hypothesis

    • Not rejecting a true null hypothesis. 

  • Notes!

    • Never be too affirmative → we never accept a null hypothesis; only reject or not reject.

    • The language of statistics is very precise in the real world as well as on the exam.  

Types of Tests

  • t-Test

    • t=xˉμsnt = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}

      • xˉ\bar{x} = sample mean

      • μ\mu = population mean

      • s{s} = sample std. deviation

      • n{n} = sample size

  • Chi-Square Test

    • χ2=(OiEi)2Ei\chi^2 = \sum \frac{(O_i - E_i)^2}{E_i}

      • Oi{O_i} = observed frequency in category i{i}

      • Ei{E_i} = expected frequency in category i{i}

        • Check Formula Sheet


  • Mean, median, and mode → measures of central tendency.

  • Standard deviation → provides insights for data variability.

  • Probability rules → help w/ understanding likelihoods.

  • Graphs and tables → useful for presenting and interpreting data clearly.

  • Sampling methods → used for reliability of data.
