05 Gordon [73-90]


  • Overview of a controversial aspect of Brexit: the Ireland-Northern Ireland Protocol.

  • Aims to protect the Belfast Agreement (1998).

The Belfast Agreement

  • Established political stability post-conflict (1969-1998).

  • Endorsed by referenda in Northern Ireland and Ireland (May 1998).

  • Flexible notions of citizenship and identity facilitated cooperation.

  • Brexit proposed an economic border between UK and EU;

    • Protocol established the border in the Irish Sea with efforts to avoid a hard border.

The Protocol

  • Focus on consent principle from the Belfast Agreement.

  • Consent principle acknowledges:

    • Northern Ireland's status as part of the UK.

    • Potential for a united Ireland upon majority wish.

  • Critics claim the economic border undermines the consent principle and violates the Act of Union (1800).

  • Northern Ireland Court of Appeal ruled the Protocol consistent with the consent principle.

Legal Framework and Structures

The Belfast Agreement Strands

  • Strand One: Internal arrangements in Northern Ireland.

  • Strand Two: North/South cooperation.

  • Strand Three: East-West relations between Ireland and Britain.

The Protocol and Legal Hybridity

  • Northern Ireland institutions must comply with both UK and EU law.

  • UK Withdrawal Act 2018 incorporated the Protocol into UK law.

  • Northern Ireland Assembly can modify retained EU law, except where restricted by the UK government.

  • EU law has supremacy under the Protocol, affecting legal decisions in Northern Ireland.

Court Decisions Regarding the Protocol

  • Analysis of Re Allister’s Application highlights:

    • Issue of conflict between constitutional statutes: Protocol (via Withdrawal Act) vs. Act of Union.

    • Importance of consent principle.

  • Court maintained that parliamentary sovereignty is intact and the Protocol does not violate constitutional status.

Economic Implications

  • Protocol addresses rights, safeguards, and equality per Belfast Agreement.

  • Economic border implications analyzed; democratic consent required in 2024 regarding the Protocol.


  • Protocol reflects ongoing constitutional engineering in Northern Ireland.

  • Necessity for recognizing complexities of Northern Ireland's governance.

  • Possible implications for future of Irish unification discussions.
