inside knowledge is part of “reading” a text or image
reading is just as complicated as writing
ex. using notebook LM to digest class readings
point of reading: to get something out of the text
people read in different ways
innuendos, appeals to certain emotions, etc
ethos, logos, pathos
ex. BLM signs, road signs
reading stories behind certain media
ex. joe kelly
bringing one’s own knowledge of culture, content, context, text use, etc into an encounter with the writer, in an active process of meaning-making
subordinated groups harness language to contest or transform dominant practices
Plymouth rock
first euro-american settlers
long after, they wrote 1620 on it to commemorate it
first Africans in Virginia
1619 project
sign saying first people from Africa to the States
coincides with Plymouth rock white settlers
slavery’s historical underpinnings remain perceptible today and continue to influence American politics
African American history (contexts of resistance) - WEB Du Bois homesite
13th amendment abolished slavery (1865)
WEB Du Bois
one of the NAACP founders
famous academically