Lecture 7-8 Slides (1spp) - Cardiac Muscle and the Cardiac Cycle
Overview of Heart Anatomy and Cardiac Cycle
Mechanical Events of the Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Muscle Action Potentials
Autorhythmic Cells and Conducting System of the Heart
Electrocardiograms (ECG)
Cardiac Cycle Events
List of Primary Events
Late Diastole: Chambers are relaxed, ventricles fill passively.
Atrial Systole: Atria contract, sending additional blood into ventricles.
Ventricular Systole: Ventricles contract, ejecting blood.
Isovolumetric Contraction: AV valves close, pressure builds without volume change.
Isovolumetric Relaxation: Ventricles relax, pressure drops, semilunar valves close.
Important Heart Sounds**
Stroke Volume**
Intercalated Disks in Cardiac Muscle**