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Islamic key beliefs

  • Central belief - Oneness of God (‘The God’), there is only one God

  • =Tawhid

  • God cannot be divided (rejects Holy Trinity), God does not have children or equals, no one has any quality that God has

  • Shirk is the only sin God does not forgive (treating something else like it is God)

  • Shahadah: “There is only one God”

  • Supremacy of God’s Will - nothing happens unless God wills it

    • “Inshallah” = “If God wills”

  • Islam = Submission (To God)

  • Sunni is derived from the word ‘Sunnah’, carries on Muhammad’s teachings

  • Shi’a believes Ali should take after Muhammad (Shi’a = “Party of Ali”)

  • Sunni vs Sunnah

    • Diff interpretations

    • Emphasis on which beliefs

    • Who should’ve led Islam after Muhammad’s death

  • People thought Qur’an and Sunnah should guide them after Muhammad’s death

    • in Sunni, Abu Bakr (the Caliph) became leader

    • follows the Qur’an, does not make new laws or interpret teachings

  • Others believed Muhammad had successors chosen by Muhammad and God

    • Imams

  • God is the greatest (“Allahu Akbar” means this and is said at prayer)

  • Allah has 99 names

  • THE Merciful - source of all mercy, for example

  • Angels are God’s messengers

    • Pure and sinless

    • made of light

    • NO FREE WILL (humans > angels)

    • brings messages to people

    • Angels write what you say and do in book of deeds

  • Israfil blows trumpet on Day of Judgement

  • Jibril gave Muhammad Quran

  • Mikail rewards people for good deeds, shows mercy and brings rain

  • Predestination:

    • Some sunni muslims think that humans dont have free will

    • some think that God knows what humans will choose, but it is who chooses it

    • Shi’a thinks that God knows everything that is going to happen, but doesn’t determine it

  • Day of judgement:

    • Israfil blows trumpet

    • World destroyed and transformed into new world (Akirah)

    • The dead are resurrected

    • God judges you— book of deed in right hand = heaven, left had = hell

    • If you are truly sorry, God will forgive

  • Life and Death:

    • Heaven (Jannah) = garden of happiness

    • Hell (Jahannam) = fire and torture, can be seen literally or symbolically

    • Influence muslims by making them want to do the right think, making them feel justice (e.g. those who have wronged them will surely go to hell)


Islamic key beliefs

  • Central belief - Oneness of God (‘The God’), there is only one God

  • =Tawhid

  • God cannot be divided (rejects Holy Trinity), God does not have children or equals, no one has any quality that God has

  • Shirk is the only sin God does not forgive (treating something else like it is God)

  • Shahadah: “There is only one God”

  • Supremacy of God’s Will - nothing happens unless God wills it

    • “Inshallah” = “If God wills”

  • Islam = Submission (To God)

  • Sunni is derived from the word ‘Sunnah’, carries on Muhammad’s teachings

  • Shi’a believes Ali should take after Muhammad (Shi’a = “Party of Ali”)

  • Sunni vs Sunnah

    • Diff interpretations

    • Emphasis on which beliefs

    • Who should’ve led Islam after Muhammad’s death

  • People thought Qur’an and Sunnah should guide them after Muhammad’s death

    • in Sunni, Abu Bakr (the Caliph) became leader

    • follows the Qur’an, does not make new laws or interpret teachings

  • Others believed Muhammad had successors chosen by Muhammad and God

    • Imams

  • God is the greatest (“Allahu Akbar” means this and is said at prayer)

  • Allah has 99 names

  • THE Merciful - source of all mercy, for example

  • Angels are God’s messengers

    • Pure and sinless

    • made of light

    • NO FREE WILL (humans > angels)

    • brings messages to people

    • Angels write what you say and do in book of deeds

  • Israfil blows trumpet on Day of Judgement

  • Jibril gave Muhammad Quran

  • Mikail rewards people for good deeds, shows mercy and brings rain

  • Predestination:

    • Some sunni muslims think that humans dont have free will

    • some think that God knows what humans will choose, but it is who chooses it

    • Shi’a thinks that God knows everything that is going to happen, but doesn’t determine it

  • Day of judgement:

    • Israfil blows trumpet

    • World destroyed and transformed into new world (Akirah)

    • The dead are resurrected

    • God judges you— book of deed in right hand = heaven, left had = hell

    • If you are truly sorry, God will forgive

  • Life and Death:

    • Heaven (Jannah) = garden of happiness

    • Hell (Jahannam) = fire and torture, can be seen literally or symbolically

    • Influence muslims by making them want to do the right think, making them feel justice (e.g. those who have wronged them will surely go to hell)