This law is associated with the collection, storage and processing of personal information i.e. Name, DOB etc.
It defines an individual’s rights regarding the data that companies store about them and instructs companies on how to manage personal data.
This piece of legislation deals with the misuse of computers and defines the action of misusing a computer as a criminal offence.
Prevents the misuse of computers including hacking, stealing and/or modifying electronic data, cracking, creating viruses etc.
The law protects authors and their intellectual property (IP).
It ensures that people who develop IP i.e. books, designs, software, music, movies etc. are properly rewarded and stop the pirating of IP.
This legislation is concerned with both spooks (spies) / government agencies, as well as companies monitoring what their employees are up to when using the organisation’s computing equipment.
The British Government created this item of legislation to help make Great Britain one of the leading eCommerce nations in the world.
The law covers the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
Governments are elected by the people, they spend the people's money and therefore should be accountable to the people.
It allows citizens to request information from the government regarding decisions etc.
This act is designed to discourage/prevent digital piracy.
It allows ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to monitor their customers, then either block the offending (piracy web) or limit the customer’s speed.
This legislation allows the sharing/distribution of copyright material.
The licence includes specific terms and conditions which must be abided by but protects the distributor from prosecution under the CPA Act.