GCSE Computer Science Ethics - Legislation

Legislation in the UK:

The Data Protection Act (DPA):

  • This law is associated with the collection, storage and processing of personal information i.e. Name, DOB etc.

  • It defines an individual’s rights regarding the data that companies store about them and instructs companies on how to manage personal data.

The Computer Misuse Act:

  • This piece of legislation deals with the misuse of computers and defines the action of misusing a computer as a criminal offence.

  • Prevents the misuse of computers including hacking, stealing and/or modifying electronic data, cracking, creating viruses etc.

Copyright, Designs & Patents Act (CPA):

  • The law protects authors and their intellectual property (IP).

  • It ensures that people who develop IP i.e. books, designs, software, music, movies etc. are properly rewarded and stop the pirating of IP.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIP):

  • This legislation is concerned with both spooks (spies) / government agencies, as well as companies monitoring what their employees are up to when using the organisation’s computing equipment.

The Electronic Communications Act:

  • The British Government created this item of legislation to help make Great Britain one of the leading eCommerce nations in the world.

  • The law covers the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.

The Freedom of Information Act:

  • Governments are elected by the people, they spend the people's money and therefore should be accountable to the people.

  • It allows citizens to request information from the government regarding decisions etc.

The Digital Economy Act:

  • This act is designed to discourage/prevent digital piracy.

  • It allows ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to monitor their customers, then either block the offending (piracy web) or limit the customer’s speed.

The Creative Commons License:

  • This legislation allows the sharing/distribution of copyright material.

  • The licence includes specific terms and conditions which must be abided by but protects the distributor from prosecution under the CPA Act.
