Structural Theory

What are structural theories?

  • Top-down approaches that focus on society being more important than the individuals within it

  • The role of social institutions and social structures determines the behaviour of individuals- behaviour of individuals- behaviour is shaped by social forces

  • Preference for positivist methodologies and quantitative data that offer solutions to social issues

Examples of structural theories:

  • Consensus theories:

    • Functionalism

    • New Right

  • Conflict theories:

    • Marxism

    • Feminism

Structural theories across the specification:

  • Education- Functions of education, differences in social class, gender and ethnic achievement

  • Family- Functions of nuclear family and the role of socialisation

  • Crime- Structural and subcultural explanations of crime and deviance

  • Methods- Positivist approaches, use of quantitative data

Are structural theories still relevant? Yes

  • Divisions still exist in society- social class, gender and ethnicity

  • Relevance of theories such as boundary maintenance, functions of education, social solidarity

  • Large sections of society remain part of metanarratives- not quite evolved into a postmodern society

  • Social institutions still exist, and functions may have changed, but education, family and media still perform vital functions for society

Are structural theories still relevant? No

  • Increased individual choice and greater diversity mean less need for a ‘one size fits all’ theory

  • Society is more fragmented, according to postmodernists and therefore metanarratives lack an understanding of the variety of different perspectives in society

  • Overly deterministic in nature- even theories such as Marxism and feminism have evolved to take into account the different life experiences people have

Structure and Action- Structuration Theory:

  • Anthony Giddens proposed an alternative- structuration theory- a combination of both structural forces and social actions

  • Even when displaying agency, individuals are tied to structures through rules and resources- these are both structurally assigned but created through the individual acts of people

  • People are able to change social institutions by reflecting and choosing new actions that change a structure- e.g. change of school policies by a headteacher

Duality of structure:

  • Giddens suggests that structure and action co-exist and one cannot exist without the other

  • Language is constructed by rules that guide the way individuals use it, individuals also have the ability to change language and create new words and thus change the structure

  • Symbols may be structurally constructed by individuals who can assign meanings to them that change their structural function