
Michael Levin

  • Professor of Philosophy at City University of New York.

  • Publications include:

    • Feminism and Freedom

    • Why Race Matters

    • Why Homosexuality is Abnormal?

  • Accusations of bigotry and white supremacy; highlighted by Southern Poverty Law Center.

Overview of Homosexuality and Controversies

Introduction to the Topic

  • Antagonism towards homosexual behavior historically prevalent, with many viewing it as immoral.

  • Laws against homosexual acts have only recently been repealed; still illegal in some countries and states.

  • Some opponents believe homosexual acts are immoral but should not be policed by the state.

Arguments Regarding Homosexuality

  • Common arguments against homosexuality:

    • Sinful (Religion)

    • Disease (Scientific)

    • Crime (Legal)

    • Unnatural/Abnormal (Pseudoscientific)

Religious Views on Homosexuality

  • Christianity: Negative views, citing Leviticus 18:22 as condemning homosexual acts.

  • Judaism:

    • Orthodox Jews: Homosexual acts forbidden.

    • Conservative Judaism: Allows same-sex commitment ceremonies.

    • Reform Judaism: Supports gay families and reinterpretation of biblical texts.

  • Islam: Strict prohibition, with severe penalties in various nations.

  • Buddhism: Varies by tradition, some interpretations view homosexual acts as misconduct.

Historical Perspectives

  • 1900s shift from viewing homosexuality as a sin to a sickness.

  • Past treatments: lobotomy, electroshock therapy, and similar methods were common.

  • 1973: American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from mental disorders list.

LGBTQ Rights Movement


  • Advanced rights since 1969, with same-sex marriage legalized in 2005.

  • High public support for LGBTQ rights.


  • Stonewall riots in 1969 marked modern gay rights movement's emergence.

  • Defense of Marriage Act (1996) defined marriage as between one man and one woman.

  • Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, striking down bans.

Current Challenges for the LGBTQ Community

Mental Health and Well-being

  • High rates of bullying, suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth.

  • 36.5% of LGBT youth grades 9-12 reported suicide attempts.

  • 84% of LGBT students experienced verbal harassment.

  • Higher incidence of depression and feelings of isolation among LGBTQ youth.

Violence and Homelessness

  • Significant violence faced by LGBT individuals, both in familial and external environments.

  • A substantial portion of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ, often forced out by families.

  • Increased risk of substance abuse reported among LGBTQ adolescents.

Levin's Central Argument on Homosexuality

Main Premises

  • Asserts that the natural function of male genitalia is procreative sex, thus any other use is abnormal.

  • Suggests that homosexual relationships lead to unhappiness due to unfulfilled reproductive instincts.

Intuitions of Natural Use

  • Discusses perceived naturalness of heterosexual intercourse versus homosexuality.

  • Critiques cultural relativism and upholds biological imperatives as defining true sexual roles.

Addressing Counterarguments and Assumptions

Premises on Body Function and Happiness

  • Argues that like other body parts, genitalia have specific functions that contribute to evolutionary success and happiness.

  • Claims that misusing the body parts (e.g., engaging in homosexual acts) can lead to dissatisfaction.

Societal Misunderstandings

  • Investigates the belief that societal acceptance improves homosexual happiness, critiquing the lack of data supporting this notion.

Conclusion on Homosexuality

  • Posits that homosexuality isn't genetically predestined; some are born with tendencies but are ultimately misfortunate in their sexual behaviors.

  • Argues against policies that legitimize homosexuality, fearing they may promote it across generations.

  • Acknowledges criticisms focusing on sexual acts that do not lead to procreation but maintains that such activities must align with reproductive intent to promote happiness.
