Untitled Flashcards Set

dical Abbreviations used in Radiology

AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASHD - Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease

BE - Barium Enema

C - C Spine

CA - Cardiac Arrest

CHF - Congestive Heart Failure

COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CT - Computed Tomography

CXR - Chest X-Ray

DNR - Do Not Resuscitate

DX - Diagnosis

ER - Emergency Room / Department

FB - Foreign Body

GI - Gastrointestinal

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

H - History

ICU - Intensive Care Unit

IVP - Intravenous Urogram

KUB - Kidney Ureter Bladder

LBP - Low Back Pain

LMP - Last Menstrual Period

MI - Myocardial Infarction

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

NPO - Nothing By Mouth

PRN - As Needed

R/O - Rule Out

S - Without

SOB - Shortness of Breath

STAT - Immediately

UGI - Upper Gastrointestinal Series

Common Word Parts used in Radiography

Ab- - Away

Decub- - Lie Down

Dys- - Abnormal / Difficult

Angio- - Blood / Lymph Vessel

Arth- - Joint

Cardi- - Heart

Enter- - Intestines / Digestive Tract

Gastr- - Stomach

-algia - Pain

-centesis - Surgical Puncture to Remove Fluid

-ectomy - Surgical Removal of a Body Part

-itis - Inflammation

-megaly - Enlargement

-myel - Spinal Cord / Bone Marrow

-oma - Tumor or Mass

-osis - Abnormal State / Disease Process

-plasty - Reconstruction / Reshaping

-tomy - Surgical Incision / Cutting Into

Titles & Organizations

ACR - American College of Radiology

AMA - American Medical Association

ARRT - American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

ASRT - American Society of Radiologic Technologists

TJC - The Joint Commission

JRCERT - Joint Review on Education in Radiologic Technology

NCRP - National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurement

OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration

RT(R) - Registered Technologist in Radiography

Radiographic Nomenclature

Bucky - Moving Grid Device

Cassette - Light-Proof Protective Container

CR - Computed Radiography

PACS - Medical Imaging & Technology

Contrast - Contrast Agents

DR - Digital Radiographs

Grid - Reduced Scatter Radiation

IR - Image Receptor

IP - Image Plate

kVp - (Kilovolt Peak) Maximum Voltage Applied

Lead Apron - Protective Garment Made of Lead or Lead-Equivalent Material

mAs - (Milliampere-Seconds) Total Quantity of X-Ray Produced

OID - (Object-to-Image Distance) Distance Between the Object Being Imaged

Radiographic Position - Patient, X-ray Beam, and Image Receptor

Radiographic Projection - Path That the X-Ray Beam Travels Through the Body

Radiographic View - Appearance of an Image as Seen on a Radiograph

SID - (Source-to-Image Distance) Distance Between the X-Ray Tube and Image Receptor

SOD - (Source-to-Object Distance) Distance Between the X-Ray Tube and the Object (Patient’s Anatomy) Being Imaged
