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The Biological Study Ch. 2

  • Nervous system-

  • Neuroscience-

  • Neuron-

    Parts of the Neuron

  • Dendrites-

  • Soma- (body) cell body responsible for maintaining cell life

  • Axon-

  • Ions-

  • Resting Potential-

  • Action Potential-

  • All or None-

  • Sequence-

  • Nerves-

  • Synaptic Knob-

  • Synapse-

  • Neurotransmitter-

  • Receptor Sites-

  • Action Potential- rep

  • Axon Terminals-

  • Neurons

  • Excitatory NT-

  • Inhibitory NT-

  • Agonists-

  • Antagonists-

  • Serotonin-

  • Reuptake-

  • Enzyme-

  • Glial Cells-

  • Myelin-

  • Central NS-

  • Spinal Cord-

3 Types of Neurons

  • Sensory (Afferent) Neurons-

  • Motor (Efferent) Neuron-

  • Interneuron-

  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)- controls involuntary muscles, organs, and glands; reacts to stress

  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)-

  • Somatic Nervous System-

  • Sensory Pathway-

  • Motor Pathway-

  • Sympathetic Division-

The Hindbrain (Abore Spinal Cord)

  • Pons-

  • Medulla-

  • Reticular Formation-

  • Cerebellum-

  • Limbic System-

  • Thalamus-

  • Hypothalamus-

  • Hippocampus-

  • Amygdala-

  • Cortex-

  • Coro

  • Cerebral Hemispheres-

  • Corpus Callosum-

  • Occipital Lobe-

Primary Visual Cortex

  • Parietal Lobes-

  • Somatosensory Cortex-

  • Temporal Lobes-

  • Frontal Lobes-

  • Motor Cortex-

  • Association Areas-

  • Broca’s Aphasia-

  • Wernicke’s Aphasia-

  • Spacial neglect-

Split Brain Research

  • Endocrine Glands-

  • Pituitary Gland-

  • Pineal Gland-

  • Thyroid Gland-

  • Blank

  • Gonads-

  • Ovaries & Testes-

  • Adrenal Glands-

The Biological Study Ch. 2

  • Nervous system-

  • Neuroscience-

  • Neuron-

    Parts of the Neuron

  • Dendrites-

  • Soma- (body) cell body responsible for maintaining cell life

  • Axon-

  • Ions-

  • Resting Potential-

  • Action Potential-

  • All or None-

  • Sequence-

  • Nerves-

  • Synaptic Knob-

  • Synapse-

  • Neurotransmitter-

  • Receptor Sites-

  • Action Potential- rep

  • Axon Terminals-

  • Neurons

  • Excitatory NT-

  • Inhibitory NT-

  • Agonists-

  • Antagonists-

  • Serotonin-

  • Reuptake-

  • Enzyme-

  • Glial Cells-

  • Myelin-

  • Central NS-

  • Spinal Cord-

3 Types of Neurons

  • Sensory (Afferent) Neurons-

  • Motor (Efferent) Neuron-

  • Interneuron-

  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)- controls involuntary muscles, organs, and glands; reacts to stress

  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)-

  • Somatic Nervous System-

  • Sensory Pathway-

  • Motor Pathway-

  • Sympathetic Division-

The Hindbrain (Abore Spinal Cord)

  • Pons-

  • Medulla-

  • Reticular Formation-

  • Cerebellum-

  • Limbic System-

  • Thalamus-

  • Hypothalamus-

  • Hippocampus-

  • Amygdala-

  • Cortex-

  • Coro

  • Cerebral Hemispheres-

  • Corpus Callosum-

  • Occipital Lobe-

Primary Visual Cortex

  • Parietal Lobes-

  • Somatosensory Cortex-

  • Temporal Lobes-

  • Frontal Lobes-

  • Motor Cortex-

  • Association Areas-

  • Broca’s Aphasia-

  • Wernicke’s Aphasia-

  • Spacial neglect-

Split Brain Research

  • Endocrine Glands-

  • Pituitary Gland-

  • Pineal Gland-

  • Thyroid Gland-

  • Blank

  • Gonads-

  • Ovaries & Testes-

  • Adrenal Glands-