
Page 1: Introduction

  • Biological Psychology Lecture 10: Sensory Systems III

  • Instructor: Dr. Richárd Reichardt

    • Email:

Page 2: Vision

  • Definition: Vision is the sensation of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 400-700 nm.

  • This range constitutes the spectrum of visible light.

  • Visible light is consistently reflected by dense materials.

Page 3: The Eye

  • Vision begins in the eye.

  • Light Path: Light enters through the pupil, is refracted by the lens, and reaches the retina.

  • The retina translates light patterns into neural activation.

  • Ciliary Muscles: Change the lens shape and visual focus.

Page 4: The Retina

  • Composed of several layers:

    • Pigmented epithelium

    • Photoreceptor layer: Contains rods and cones

    • Bipolar cell layer

    • Ganglion cell layer

Page 5: Phototransduction

  • Opsins: Proteins in receptor cells containing a light-sensitive molecule called retinal.

  • When a photon hits retinal, it changes shape, leading to a chain reaction that:

    • Closes sodium (Na) channels.

    • Causes hyperpolarization of the cell.

Page 6: Distribution of Photoreceptors

  • Photoreceptor distribution varies across the retina:

    • Fovea: Highest cone density; provides the most accurate vision.

    • Other retinal areas: Contain more rods for less detailed vision.

    • Blind Spot: Area where optic nerve exits the retina, lacking photoreceptors.

Page 7: The Fovea

  • Foveal receptors are directly hit by light, bypassing other retinal layers, leading to improved visual clarity.

Page 8: The Optic Tract

  • The optic nerve crosses at optic chiasm:

    • Information from the right visual field goes to the left hemisphere.

Page 9: The Visual System

  • Pathway: Optic tract to thalamus (LGN), then to occipital cortex.

  • Some axons project to the superior colliculus for reflexive eye movements.

Page 10: Brightness Perception

  • Brightness is influenced by the visual system, not solely by light amount.

  • Lateral inhibition enhances the perception of boundaries, creating the illusion of varying brightness among uniform gray bars.

Page 11: Lateral Inhibition

  • Neurons in a region are interconnected, inhibiting each other.

  • This causes edge photoreceptors to report receiving less light, creating the illusion of darker edges next to lighter areas.

Page 12: Receptive Fields of Ganglion Cells

  • Ganglion cells possess concentric receptive fields:

    • This configuration increases sensitivity to patterned stimuli.

Page 13: Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)

  • The LGN receives contralateral visual field info:

    • Different layers: Some for the contralateral eye, others for ipsilateral eye.

    • Parvocellular layers: Involved in color vision.

    • Magnocellular layers: Important for detecting movement.

Page 14: The Visual Cortex

  • Cells in the LGN have concentric receptive fields, while V1 cells are most responsive to edges:

    • Simple Cells: Respond to specific edge orientations.

    • Complex Cells: Responsive to edges moving in specific directions.

Page 15: Simple and Complex Cells

  • Simple cortical cells aggregate inputs to respond favorably to bars of light compared to single spots.

  • Complex cortical cells receive inputs from simple cells, becoming more responsive to moving bars of light.

Page 16: Visual Processing

  • Visual information is processed in areas beyond the occipital cortex:

    • Different areas are linked to specific stimulus features.

Page 17: Complex Stimuli Response

  • Certain concentric and radial stimuli evoke strong responses in visual areas (e.g., V4).

  • The anterior inferior temporal area cells react to highly specific stimulus features.

Page 18: Color Perception

  • Same shade appearance: Gray eyes across different lighting.

  • People perceive colors differently due to lighting interpretations (e.g., dress as white/gold or blue/black).

Page 19: Trichromatic Hypothesis

  • Proposed by Hermann von Helmholtz:

    • Three types of receptor cells in the retina (blue, green, red sensitive) are responsible for color recognition.

    • Colors perceived based on activated receptor paths to the brain.

Page 20: Opponent-Process Theory

  • Ewald Hering's theory suggests:

    • Four unique hues and three opposing pairs of colors (blue/yellow, green/red, black/white).

    • Color vision is based on processes with opposed values.

Page 21: Repeat of Opponent-Process Theory

  • Reiteration of Hering's opposing colors concept.

Page 22: Color Detection

  • Detection relies on three different cone opsins, or photopigments:

    • Each cone responds to a range of wavelengths, contributing to hue perception through activity levels.

    • Spectrally opponent retinal ganglion cells assess cone activity.

Page 23: Two Streams of Visual Information

  • Visual information is processed through two pathways:

    • Ventral pathway: Experiences vision.

    • Dorsal pathway: Integrates vision with movement.

    • Blindsight: Ventral stream damage leads to obstacle avoidance without conscious visual experience.

Page 24: Blindsight and Optic Ataxia

  • Lesion in ventrolateral occipital cortex causes visual agnosia (e.g., patient DF can guide movements but not recognize objects).

  • Optic Ataxia: Impairment in visually guided movements.

Page 25: Restoring Vision

  • Light-sensitive ion channels led to optogenetics, advancing neuroscience methods and restoring photosensitivity in experimental animals.

Page 26: Conclusion

  • Thank you for attention!

  • Next class: Sensory Systems IV.
