Na+1 (sodium - 11 protons, 11 elections)
Cl-1 (chlorine - 17 protons , 17 electrons)
compound → want a balanced shell
Na+1→←Cl-1 - transfer electron, bond to form NaCl (sodium chloride)
whenever you transfer electrons, it's called ionic bonding
just have to balance each other out to bond
non-living compounds:
most of the elements used (rarely see carbon)
Few atoms (H20, NaCl)
always use ionic bonding (ionization → they form ions)
form electrolytes (anything that ionizes) (include an acid)
human pH = 7.4
acid: pH below 7
always has H in front
base: pH above 7
always has OH at the end
salt: pH=7
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O
living compounds: (organic)
always use carbon (often with hydrogen)
many atoms (C6H12O6 - glucose)
covalent bonding (sharing electrons)
no ionization, no electrolytes
carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
Carbohydrates (CHO)
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
when you break them down → glucose (blood sugar) (ATP)
classified as carbones
sugars, saccarides
pentose (5 carbon sugar) (C5) (ribose, deoxyribose)
6 carbon sugar (C6)
1= monosaccharide (glucose, fructose, galactose)
isomer= same molecular formula, diferent structure
2= disaccharide (more complex, more atoms) (sucrose, maltose, lactose)
poly saccharide ( multiple units of atom, very large) (glycogen , starch, cellulose,
anti coaglant)
Lipids (Fats) (CHONP):
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous
breaks down into fatty acids → ATP
doesn't dissolve in water
triglycerides: Simple, 3 FA+glyceral alconol
phospholipids: compound, 2 FA+glyceral + phosphate
Steroids: 4 fused carbon rings (very large)
Proteins (CHONDS) :
carry out all functions of the body
breaks down into amino acids (20 in body)
chain of AA = primary protein
secondary protein = helix
tertiary protein = 3D
quartenary = more than 1 subunit
Structural = Keratin (hair, nails)
collagen (ligaments)
contractile= actin, myosin
(come together→ muscles contract)
regulatory = hormones
transport: hemoglobin (transports our blood)
enzymatic = lactase (ase= enzyme)
immunoglobins = antibodies
(IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD)
Nucleic Acids:
DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) (stays in nucleus):
blueprint of life, double helix - hydrogen bonds (ATCG) (A-G= purines, T-C-U= pyrimidines)
3 components = sugar, phosphuric acid, nitrogen base
RNA (Ribose Nucleic Acid ):
pentose sugar (ribose sugar), uracil
protein synthesis:
use DNA+ RNA
proteins made in cytoplasm
enzyme→RNA polymerase= allows DNA to transcrive mRNA, matching bases (double helix splits, matches T-U)
proteins need ribosomes, rRNA attaches to messenger
codon (messaging code) mRNA, translate it (decode) tRNA=anticodon (U-A) (each 3 bases= triplet, code for protein) (UGA=stop)
mRNA: messenger
rRNA: ribosomal
tRNA: transfer