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theme religion and life - 12 markers


“you cannot be a christian and believe in the evolution of human life”


  • fundamentalist christians

    • evolution undermines the uniqueness of life and the sanctity of human life

    • genesis - “so god created man in his own image”

    • evolution would mean that we are just animals

  • atheists

    • evolution is a natural, accidental process and doesn’t need god

  • evolution and survival of the fittest

    • this involves suffering

    • the inconsistent triad

    • therefore no God


  • evolution itself doesn’t disprove Gods existence

  • liberal christians

    • Alister McGraph

    • science answers ‘how?’ and religion answers ‘why?’

    • theistic evolution, God guides evolution

  • god is the creator, he gave nature freedom

    • genesis says ‘be fruitful and multiply’

    • multiply → diversity → different species

  • genesis may be symbolic or metaphorical

“abortion should be allowed”


  • abortion may be ‘the lesser of two evils’ if the child will have a poor quality of life

  • the case of Savita halappanavari n the republic of Ireland

    • she was pregnant with a child but was having a miscarriage, asked to doctors for an abortion but they denied it because it still had a heart beat

    • she died of sepsis

  • Joseph Fletcher

    • situation ethics

    • the only ‘good’ action is to do the most loving action in the situation


  • the belief in the sanctity of life

    • “all people are made in the image of god” - genesis

  • ‘before i formed you in the womb i knew you, before you were born i set you apart’ - Jeremiah

  • ‘it does not matter wether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth. in both instances, destruction is murder’ - early christian writer

  • life begins at conception (catholics and some evangelicals)

    • ‘for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made’ - psalm

“there is no evidence for an afterlife”


  • it is scientifically impossible as no brain activity can be recorded - emotions come from the brain, therefore you cannot experience heaven

  • white light in a near death experience is caused by a chemical in the brain if you are dying

  • Déja vu - is a delay in messages passing through the brain

  • Ian McCormac - may be lying


  • certain case studies show that when people died and came back to life, they stated that they have seen some depiction of heaven

  • déja vu - could be seen as a past life

  • christians

    • descriptions of heaven and hell in the bible

  • Jesus’ resurrection

  • Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

  • Ian McCormac - he died from a jellyfish sting and came back in the morgue after seeing heaven

euthanasia should be okay


  • some may say that a doctors aim is to reduce suffering

  • emotional pain

    • the case of Paul Lamb

    • he was left paralysed after a car crash in the 90s and not has to be hand washe and bathed

    • quality of life is not good

  • it is cruel for the family to watch you suffer

  • you should be able to have control over your own life

  • forcing someone to stay alive may be seen as unnatural

  • 300 dying people end their own life in the UK each year (dying in dignity campaign) - banning euthanasia doesn’t stop them from dying, it stops people from doing it in a safe environment

  • 84% of the public support the assisted dying of terminally ill adults


  • doctors went into the field to save lives/ make them better, not to end lives

    • they sign the hippocratic oath

  • it is selfish to take away life, in the sense that it negatively affects your family and friends.

  • people may feel pressured to end their life as they may feel like they are a burden

  • the sanctity of life → don’t end your life, manage the pain.


theme religion and life - 12 markers


“you cannot be a christian and believe in the evolution of human life”


  • fundamentalist christians

    • evolution undermines the uniqueness of life and the sanctity of human life

    • genesis - “so god created man in his own image”

    • evolution would mean that we are just animals

  • atheists

    • evolution is a natural, accidental process and doesn’t need god

  • evolution and survival of the fittest

    • this involves suffering

    • the inconsistent triad

    • therefore no God


  • evolution itself doesn’t disprove Gods existence

  • liberal christians

    • Alister McGraph

    • science answers ‘how?’ and religion answers ‘why?’

    • theistic evolution, God guides evolution

  • god is the creator, he gave nature freedom

    • genesis says ‘be fruitful and multiply’

    • multiply → diversity → different species

  • genesis may be symbolic or metaphorical

“abortion should be allowed”


  • abortion may be ‘the lesser of two evils’ if the child will have a poor quality of life

  • the case of Savita halappanavari n the republic of Ireland

    • she was pregnant with a child but was having a miscarriage, asked to doctors for an abortion but they denied it because it still had a heart beat

    • she died of sepsis

  • Joseph Fletcher

    • situation ethics

    • the only ‘good’ action is to do the most loving action in the situation


  • the belief in the sanctity of life

    • “all people are made in the image of god” - genesis

  • ‘before i formed you in the womb i knew you, before you were born i set you apart’ - Jeremiah

  • ‘it does not matter wether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth. in both instances, destruction is murder’ - early christian writer

  • life begins at conception (catholics and some evangelicals)

    • ‘for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made’ - psalm

“there is no evidence for an afterlife”


  • it is scientifically impossible as no brain activity can be recorded - emotions come from the brain, therefore you cannot experience heaven

  • white light in a near death experience is caused by a chemical in the brain if you are dying

  • Déja vu - is a delay in messages passing through the brain

  • Ian McCormac - may be lying


  • certain case studies show that when people died and came back to life, they stated that they have seen some depiction of heaven

  • déja vu - could be seen as a past life

  • christians

    • descriptions of heaven and hell in the bible

  • Jesus’ resurrection

  • Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

  • Ian McCormac - he died from a jellyfish sting and came back in the morgue after seeing heaven

euthanasia should be okay


  • some may say that a doctors aim is to reduce suffering

  • emotional pain

    • the case of Paul Lamb

    • he was left paralysed after a car crash in the 90s and not has to be hand washe and bathed

    • quality of life is not good

  • it is cruel for the family to watch you suffer

  • you should be able to have control over your own life

  • forcing someone to stay alive may be seen as unnatural

  • 300 dying people end their own life in the UK each year (dying in dignity campaign) - banning euthanasia doesn’t stop them from dying, it stops people from doing it in a safe environment

  • 84% of the public support the assisted dying of terminally ill adults


  • doctors went into the field to save lives/ make them better, not to end lives

    • they sign the hippocratic oath

  • it is selfish to take away life, in the sense that it negatively affects your family and friends.

  • people may feel pressured to end their life as they may feel like they are a burden

  • the sanctity of life → don’t end your life, manage the pain.