Period Overview

  • Industrial Revolution (Mid-18th Century):

    • Invention of machinery to replace human and animal labor.

    • Significant increase in manufacturing output and availability of goods.

    • Key factors: agricultural productivity, urbanization, investment accumulation, labor specialization.

    • Originated in Great Britain; spread to Europe, the U.S., and Japan.

    • Resulted in developments like railroads, steamships, and telegraphs promoting global trade.

    • Industrial countries established overseas colonies for resource and market access; colonies often rebelled (e.g., successful revolts in the U.S. and Haiti).

    • Emergence of nation-states amidst expanding empires, provoking violent nationalism-related conflicts.

    • Industrialization and political changes triggered large migrations, altering ethnic diversity globally.

Key Concepts

5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism

  • Fundamental changes in goods production.

  • Development of new global trade patterns, integrating economies as industrialists sought raw materials and markets.

  • Expansion of financial institutions facilitating investments in industrial production.

  • Major advancements in transportation and communication.

  • Rise of global capitalism stimulated diverse socioeconomic responses.

  • Societal organization in industrial states transformed due to global economy restructurings.

5.2 Imperialism and Nation-State Formation

  • Transoceanic empires established by industrial powers.

  • Influence of imperialism on state formation and contraction worldwide.

  • Racial ideologies like Social Darwinism justified imperialism.

5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform

  • Enlightenment thought questioned traditions, paving way for revolutions.

  • Development of national identity linked to language, religion, and social customs since the 18th century.

  • Discontent with imperial rule fueled reformist and revolutionary movements.

  • European political and social thought spread globally, sparking new ideologies and solidarities.

5.4 Global Migration

  • Demographic changes in societies influencing migration patterns, presenting challenges to lifestyles.

  • Various motivations behind migration.

  • Nineteenth-century mass migration led to diverse societal outcomes and reactions among migrants and existing populations.

The Enlightenment, Nationalism, and Revolutions

Early Enlightenment Views

  • Conservative thinkers (e.g., Joseph de Maistre) viewed revolutions negatively.

  • Revolutions prompted by common people's desire for constitutional governance; yielded new governments aligned with Enlightenment ideals.

  • Key Ideals: progress, reason, and natural law led to questioning of traditional authorities.

New Ideas and Movements

  • Emergence of socialism and liberalism during the Age of Isms; rise of romanticism in art

  • Resistance by conservatives to Enlightenment ideas; emergence of nationalism, a sense of loyalty to shared culture.

Revolutionary Figures

  • Philosophes like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Adam Smith, Mary Wollstonecraft, and others popularized Enlightenment ideas aimed at reforming society.

  • Montesquieu influenced the separation of powers in governance, while Voltaire advocated for civil liberties.

  • Rousseau's concepts of the social contract and General Will significantly shaped revolutionary thought.

The Role of Salons and Coffeehouses

  • Intellectuals gathered in salons and coffeehouses to discuss Enlightenment ideas, influencing public perception and governmental reform.

  • Adam Smith's ideas in The Wealth of Nations promoted free trade over mercantilism.

Rise of Deism and Its Impact

  • Deism promoted a non-interventionist God, likened to a watchmaker for the natural order.

  • Advocates like Thomas Paine articulated natural rights and criticisms of traditional religion.

Revolutionary Movements in the Late 18th Century

American Revolution

  • Influenced by Enlightenment ideals; significant figures: Thomas Jefferson and his Declaration of Independence embodying Locke's ideas.

  • Establishment of the U.S. Constitution based on democratic principles of governance.

French Revolution

  • Economic distress and social inequality fueled revolt against the monarchy, symbolized by the storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789).

  • Initiated constitutional changes and the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

  • Reign of Terror: Extremism resulted in mass executions, including Louis XVI.

Latin American Independence

  • Motivated by Enlightenment ideals advocating for governance independent from European colonial rule.

  • Creole revolutions led by figures like Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín advanced independence from Spanish rule.

Nationalism and Unification Efforts

Italian Unification

  • Cavour led initiatives to unite the Italian Peninsula; supported by Garibaldi's military force.

  • Increased migration from Italy due to economic disparities between northern and southern regions.

German Unification

  • Bismarck's realpolitik approach led to uniting German states through manipulation and warfare.


  • The interplay between Enlightenment ideals, nationalism, and the resulting revolutions shaped modern governance, economic systems, and social structures, creating legacies that continue to influence global dynamics today.
