From Day 14

1. Debunk

Definition: To expose the falseness of something.

Synonyms: Disprove, invalidate, refute.

2. Fanciful

Definition: Over-imaginative and unrealistic.

Synonyms: Whimsical, impractical, dreamy.

3. Laudable

Definition: Deserving praise and commendation.

Synonyms: Praiseworthy, admirable, commendable.

4. Plodding

Definition: Slow and laborious.

Synonyms: Trudging, lumbering, tedious.

5. Restive

Definition: Unable to stay still or silent; impatient.

Synonyms: Fidgety, restless, agitated.

6. Undermine

Definition: To weaken or damage something gradually.

Synonyms: Sabotage, erode, subvert.

7. Venal

Definition: Willing to act dishonestly for money.

Synonyms: Corrupt, bribable, unscrupulous.

8. Transient

Definition: Lasting for only a short time.

Synonyms: Temporary, fleeting, short-lived.

9. Tortuous

Definition: Full of twists and turns; complicated.

Synonyms: Winding, convoluted, labyrinthine.

10. Timorous

Definition: Showing nervousness or lack of confidence.

Synonyms: Fearful, timid, apprehensive.

11. Subvert

Definition: To undermine the authority or power of something.

Synonyms: Overthrow, sabotage, destabilize.

12. Subjective

Definition: Based on personal feelings or opinions.

Synonyms: Biased, personal, individual.

13. Spurious

Definition: False or fake.

Synonyms: Bogus, counterfeit, fraudulent.

14. Specious

Definition: Seemingly plausible but actually wrong.

Synonyms: Misleading, deceptive, fallacious.

15. Probity

Definition: The quality of having strong moral principles.

Synonyms: Integrity, honesty, rectitude.

16. Entitled

Definition: Believing oneself to deserve special privileges.

Synonyms: Self-important, privileged, presumptuous.

17. Dissemble

Definition: To disguise or conceal one's true feelings or intentions.

Synonyms: Pretend, feign, mislead.

18. Indolent

Definition: Wanting to avoid activity; lazy.

Synonyms: Idle, sluggish, lethargic.

19. Prescient

Definition: Having knowledge of events before they happen.

Synonyms: Prophetic, visionary, foresighted.

20. Pristine

Definition: In its original condition; unspoiled.

Synonyms: Untouched, immaculate, pure.

21. Sedulous

Definition: Showing dedication and diligence.

Synonyms: Hard-working, diligent, meticulous.

22. Soporific

Definition: Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.

Synonyms: Sleep-inducing, sedative, tranquilizing.

23. Stern

Definition: Serious and unrelenting.

Synonyms: Strict, severe, harsh.

24. Tendentious

Definition: Expressing a particular point of view, especially a controversial one.

Synonyms: Biased, partial, one-sided.

25. Vapid

Definition: Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.

Synonyms: Dull, insipid, lifeless.

26. Utilitarian

Definition: Designed to be useful rather than attractive.

Synonyms: Practical, functional, efficient.

27. Trivial

Definition: Of little value or importance.

Synonyms: Unimportant, insignificant, minor.

28. Skullduggery

Definition: Dishonest behavior or trickery.

Synonyms: Deception, underhandedness, trickery.

29. Scant

Definition: Barely sufficient or adequate.

Synonyms: Meager, sparse, insufficient.

30. Sanguine

Definition: Optimistic or positive, especially in a bad situation.

Synonyms: Hopeful, confident, cheerful.

31. Pugnacious

Definition: Eager to fight or argue.

Synonyms: Combative, aggressive, quarrelsome.

32. Profuse

Definition: Abundant or plentiful.

Synonyms: Copious, excessive, overflowing.

33. Perfidy

Definition: Deceitfulness; untrustworthiness.

Synonyms: Treachery, betrayal, disloyalty.

34. Obviate

Definition: To remove or prevent the need for something.

Synonyms: Preclude, avert, prevent.

35. Nettlesome

Definition: Causing irritation or annoyance.

Synonyms: Irritating, bothersome, vexing.

36. Indiscriminate

Definition: Done without careful judgment.

Synonyms: Random, haphazard, unselective.

37. Galvanize

Definition: To shock or excite into action.

Synonyms: Stimulate, motivate, spur.

38. Gainsay

Definition: To deny or contradict a statement.

Synonyms: Dispute, oppose, refute.

39. Forestall

Definition: To prevent by taking action ahead of time.

Synonyms: Preempt, anticipate, avert.

40. Evanescent

Definition: Quickly fading or disappearing.

Synonyms: Ephemeral, fleeting, transient.

41. Egregious

Definition: Outstandingly bad or shocking.

Synonyms: Appalling, atrocious, flagrant.

42. Conjectural

Definition: Based on guesswork or incomplete information.

Synonyms: Speculative, theoretical, hypothetical.

43. Accentuate

Definition: To make something more noticeable or prominent.

Synonyms: Highlight, emphasize, underline.

44. Acrimonious

Definition: Angry and bitter in speech or tone.

Synonyms: Caustic, bitter, hostile.

45. Belligerent

Definition: Hostile and aggressive.

Synonyms: Combative, warlike, confrontational.

46. Canny

Definition: Having shrewdness in dealing with people or situations.

Synonyms: Clever, astute, sharp.

47. Cavalier

Definition: Showing a lack of proper concern.

Synonyms: Indifferent, dismissive, offhand.

48. Hackneyed

Definition: Overused and unoriginal.

Synonyms: Trite, clichéd, stale.

49. Incongruous

Definition: Not in harmony or keeping with surroundings.

Synonyms: Out of place, inappropriate, inconsistent.

50. Laconic

Definition: Using few words.

Synonyms: Brief, concise, terse.

51. Opprobrium

Definition: Harsh criticism or censure.

Synonyms: Scorn, condemnation, reproach.

52. Parsimonious

Definition: Unwilling to spend money; stingy.

Synonyms: Miserly, frugal, penny-pinching.

53. Peripheral

Definition: On the edge or periphery of something.

Synonyms: Marginal, secondary, minor.

54. Tempestuous

Definition: Characterized by strong and turbulent emotions.

Synonyms: Stormy, turbulent, tumultuous.

55. Vitiate

Definition: To spoil or impair the quality of something.

Synonyms: Corrupt, debase, impair.

56. Truculent

Definition: Eager or quick to argue or fight.

Synonyms: Aggressive, belligerent, defiant.

57. Satirical

Definition: Using humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize.

Synonyms: Mocking, ironic, sardonic.

58. Pervasive

Definition: Spreading widely throughout an area or group.

Synonyms: Widespread, prevalent, omnipresent.

59. Perilous

Definition: Full of danger or risk.

Synonyms: Hazardous, dangerous, risky.

60. Ostentatious

Definition: Designed to impress or attract attention.

Synonyms: Showy, flamboyant, pretentious.
