What is Interactionism?

What is interactionism?

  • Interactionism is a collection of social action theories that examine how individuals make sense of the world around them

  • Individuals interpret the behaviours of others in order to understand what they are thinking and how they should behave

  • Based on an individual’s understanding of the different social contexts they may find themselves in

How does this happen?

  • Interactionists suggest this occurs in a number of different ways

  • One way is through understanding the meanings of signs and symbols they see

  • This is called symbolic interactions

Symbolic Interactionism:

  • Individuals react based on their knowledge of these signs and symbols

  • Not instinctive behaviour, but a process of interpreting what the signs mean based on experiences

  • These signs may differ in social contexts

Labelling Theory:

  • Individuals are often categorised based on superficial characteristics

  • Individuals might internalise these labels and begin to act upon them - self-fulfiling prophecy

  • This reinforces the belief if observers and the label become a master status

Looking-glass Self:

  • According to Cooley, individuals understand themselves through the way others react to them

  • Believe we are funny or intelligent or attractive based upon other’s reactions

  • Influences our own self-concept and helps to understand who we are

Dramaturgical Model:

  • Individuals take on different roles in different social contexts

  • Goffman argues we are like actors in a play, performing actions that are expected of us in society

  • The true and authentic self is ‘backstage’