Factors and Causes of Drug Use, Dependence and the Selling or Transporting of Drugs
DRUG ABUSE - it is the obsessive use of drugs contrary to its use.
DRUG ADDICTION - it is the state of chronic behavior or periodic intoxication detrimental to the individual and society at large produced by repeated drug consumption.
DRUG DEPENDENCE - it is the state of psychic or physical dependence or both on dangerous drugs arising in a person following administration or use of that drug on a periodic or continuous basis.
DRUG TOLERANCE - a person's diminished response to a drug, which occurs when the drug is used repeatedly and the body adapts to the continued presence of the drug.
Kinds of Drug Dependence:
Physical Dependence - it is a condition in which the body has adjusted to the presence of a drug resulting in clear symptoms of withdrawal when its use stops.
Psychological Dependence - it is characterized by emotional and mental preoccupation with the drug effects and by a persistent craving for it.
Tolerance - A form of physical dependence, occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a drug as the drug is repeatedly taken in the same dose. It now requires ever- increasing larger doses to achieve the same desired effect. Tendency to increase dosage to maintain the same effect in the body. a.
Habituation - A form of psychological dependence, characterized by continuous desire for a drug. A person believes that the drug is needed to function at work or home because drugs often produce an elated/ excited emotional state.
Addiction - a form of physical dependence, severe craving for the drug even to the point of interfering with the person's ability to function normally.
Biological Factors.
a. Genetic predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic susceptibility to addiction.
b. Neurochemical imbalances: Imbalances in brain chemicals can increase the risk of drug use.
Psychological Factors
a. Coping mechanisms: Individuals may turn to drugs to cope with stress, trauma, or emotional pain.
b. Mental health disorders: Conditions like depression and anxiety can contribute to drug use as a form of self-medication.
1. Impulsivity: People with impulsive tendencies may be more prone to experimenting with drugs.
Social Factors
a. Peer pressure: Influence from friends or social circles can lead to drug experimentation.
b. Family environment: Growing up in a household with drug use can normalize the behavior.
c. Social acceptance: The cultural and social acceptance of drug use can play a role.
Socioeconomic Factors
a. Economic instability: Financial stress and poverty can lead to drug use as a coping mechanism.
b. Lack of education and employment opportunities: Limited prospects may contribute to drug involvement.
Environmental Factors
a. Drug availability: Easy access to drugs in the community can encourage experimentation.
b. Exposure to drug-using environments: Frequent exposure to drug-using_peers or environments increases the likelihood of drug use.
Cultural and Social Norms
a. Cultural norms: Cultural acceptance or tolerance of drug use can influence behavior.
b. Media influence: Portrayals of drug use in media and entertainment can impact perceptions.
Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
a. Childhood trauma: Abuse, neglect, or adverse experiences during childhood can increase the risk of drug use.
Physical Pain and Medical Prescriptions
a. Chronic pain: Individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions, may turn to prescription opioids, which can lead to addiction.
b. Medical prescriptions: Overuse or misuse of prescribed medications can result in dependency.
Curiosity and Experimentation
a. Desire to explore and experience new sensations can drive experimentation with drugs.
Religious or Spiritual Influences
a. Some religious or spiritual practices involve the use of psychoactive substances.
Note: Remember that these categories are not mutually exclusive, and individual drug use is often influenced by a combination of factors. Understanding these categories can help in developing prevention and intervention strategies tailored to specific risk factors.
1. Parental influences - Unhappy home) parents showing little or no interest in their children, Abuses committed by parents such as harsh physical punishments; Lack of parental values; parents who are permissive and liberal; parental neglect; domestic violence; role modeling.
2. Peer influences - Drug using friends encourage, pressure even, a youth to experiment with drugs.
3. Personality Factors - Curiosity or the desire to experience a new state of consciousness; Escape from physical and mental pain, relief from boredom and frustration, and desire to escape from harsh realities; unable to conform with social standards; weak personality or low sense of self-esteem.
Drug use - refers to the consumption of drugs for personal, recreational, or medicinal purposes. Several factors and causes can contribute to drug use:
Selling Drugs - involves the illegal distribution of controlled substances for profit. The factors and causes behind drug selling are different from drug use:
Economic Factors
Criminal Network Involvement
Transporting Drugs - involves the movement of illegal substances from one location to another. Similar to drug selling, it has its own set of factors and causes:
Criminal involvement
Financial motivation
Drug Prevention - it refers to the promotion of constructive lifestyles and norms that discourage drug use. The development of social and physical environments that facilitate drug-free lifestyles. In our country drug prevention programs are primarily formulated by the Dangerous Drugs Board. In combating illegal drugs board follow the file pillars of actions, which includes the following:
Drug supply reduction
Drug demand reduction
Alternative development
Civic awareness and response
Regional and International Cooperation
Philippines' Preventive Drug Education Approach - The Philippines adopts the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention which stipulate that prevention initiatives should target the various developmental stages and settings.
The Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), with the help of various implementing agencies and organizations in the Philippines, has a range of educational programs and services designed to cater to the needs of every sector of society. It has programs that engage the youth, address the needs of parents, and provide employers, educators, health professionals, policymakers, and other sectors with information on the prevention and control of drug use.
A key program implemented to strengthen the family as the first line of defense against drug abuse is the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting where parents are taught ways to improve their relations with their children, and detect and refer drug dependents for appropriate care. A well-informed parent-youth resource against drug abuse was also developed to discuss common issues and concerns and promote a joint association that will help minimize drug problem in the family and community.
Schools and other Youth Touch Points
The flagship program implemented for the youth is dubbed as the "Barkada Kontra Droga" or Peer Group Against Drugs. This program has been institutionalized in order to enlist the participation of more in and out-of school youth and eventually organize them into a movement of young people who are catalysts within their peer groups in advocating a healthy and drug-free lifestyle.
Communities have been in the center of drug prevention and control efforts in the country. For the DDB, the most effective interventions are the ones that emanate from the community, carried out by the community, for the community.
Common Drug Prevention Programs of the Government
A. Drug Preventive Education and Advocacy Programs (DDB)
Barkada Kontra Droga Launching Seminar - This is a flagship program of the Board designed to promote youth empowerment through the organization of a worthy group called "Barkada" which will lead towards the adoption of a healthy lifestyle that is drug-free and productive. This program is in collaboration with the Department of Education.
Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Out-of-School Youth. - This program aims to provide knowledge and skills among OSY on the prevention of drugs and substance use to make them resilient and law-abiding citizens of the country. It will also provide a responsive livelihood project dedicated for Out-of-School Youth in cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Technical Education, Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
Training of National Service Training Program (NSTP) Implementers on Drug Abuse Prevention Education - A training program which aims to promote the anti-drug abuse advocacy through providing information on the extent of the country's problem on drugs, government efforts to address the problem, salient provisions of the drug law, ill effects of drugs and current youth prevention initiatives. The training is part of the co-curricular activities of the students.
Parent-Youth Resource Against Drug Abuse Prevention - This is a two-day seminar designed to organize a well-informed parent and youth as resource against drug abuse. Objectives are to provide family members with knowledge on the dangers of drug abuse and enhance competencies to resist the temptations of drug use and encourage and motivate family members to become actively involved in drug abuse prevention activities.
B. Family Drug Abuse Prevention Program (DSWD)
- FDAPP is a community-based presentation program designed to educate families and communities on the adheres effects of drug abuse. The program adheres to the provisions of RA 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 Which recognizes the vital role of the family in educating its members on the ill effects of dangerous drugs.
Create awareness of families and communities on the underling causes of drug abuse and its ill effects
Promote family life enrichment, strengthen Filipino family values and enhance relationships among its members
Mobilize families in the promotion of effective parenting and drug-free home and community
Organization of Family Councils - Families are organized into family councils to identify needs, discuss possible solutions, provide socio-emotional support in times of struggles and challenges, and advocate on drug abuse presention in the community
Capacity Building of Families and Service providers Training on health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal and economic dimensions and implications of the drug problem
Advocacy, Networking and Social Mobilization . Local Anti-Drug Abuse Councils provide referral services and conduct information and education activities to promote drug-free home and community
Demand Reduction Strategy
Preventive education and information campaigns to prevent further demand of society particularly the youth.
Treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
Supply Reduction Strategy
Buy-Bust Operations - It is form of entrapment) employed by_peace officers as an effective way of apprehending a criminal in the act of the commission of the offense.
Anti-illegal Drug Raid - a sudden and unexpected visit by the PDEA and/or other law enforcement agency, often involving forced entry, with the aim of finding any illegal drugs.
Marijuana Eradication. -It involves the location' and destruction of marijuana plantations, including the identification, arrest and prosecution of the planter, owner or cultivator, and the escheating of the land where the plantations are located.
Mobile Checkpoint Operations - No other forms of checkpoints other than mobile checkpoints are authorized for drug enforcement and prevention operations. They shall be established only in conjunction with on-going operations/situation or when there is a need to arrest a criminal.
Airport and Seaport Interdiction - Airport and seaport interdiction involve the conduct of surveillance, interception and interdiction of persons and evidence during travel by air or sea vessels.
Controlled Delivery - This is the technique of allowing illicit or suspect consignment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or substances substituted for them to pass out of, through or into the territory of one or more countries.
Narcotic Investigation - Narcotic investigation is a necessary tool employed by drug enforcement agencies in building up relevant and competent evidence, which are vital in the development of a drug case. Several investigative techniques may be utilized for the successful attainment of the operation.