warm-up 3/5: How are plant and animal cells different? Same?
animal cells: lysosomes, centrioles, flagella
both: vacuoles, nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, ER, golgi, nucleolus
plant cells: large central vacuole, chloroplasts, cell walls, clorophil
2 types of cells:
Prokaryotes: Domain Bacteria and Archaea (Biggest distinguishing factor: No nucleus)
Eukaryotes (domain Eukarya): protists, fungi, plants, animals
A prokaryotic cell (bacteria)
“before” “kernel”
no nucleus
DNA in a nucleoid
no organelles other than ribosomes
small size
bacteria and archaea
1-10 um
“true” “kernel”
nucleus/nuclear envelope
membrane-bound organelles with specialized structure/function
much larger in size
more complex
plant, animal, protist, fungi
10-100 um
function: control center of cell that contains DNA
surrounded by double membrane (nuclear envelope)
continuous with the rough ER
Nuclear pores: control what enters/leaves nucleus
chromatin: made of DNA + proteins; makes up chromosomes
nucleolus: region where ribosomal subunits are formed
Warm up
A. Nucleolus- RNA synthesized here, produces ribosomes
B. Nuclear pore- areas where ribosomes are released
C. Nuclear envelope- double emmebrane that surrounds and protects nucleus
D. Chromatin- genetic material before it condenses into chromosomes
E. DNA- genetic material
F. RNA- protein synthesis
G. Chromosome- structures that carry genetic info
H. Genes- found on chromosomes, give us traits + characteristics,
Warm up 3/7: the functions of these parts
Nucleus- contains the genes, brian of the cells
ribosomes-protein synthesis
Golgi- packages, transports, sorting
smooth er- lipid synthesis, modifies lipids
rough er- protein synthesis/modification
vesicle- membrane sacs that contain nutrients, golgi apparatus
Chloroplast- site of photosynthesis
Mitochondrion- powerhouse of the cell where energy is made, cellular respiration
cytoplasm- what holds organelles in a cell, metabolic activities
plasma membrane- selective barrier that lets things in and out of cell
pili- help attach bacteria
cilia- tiny hairs that help remove foreign stuff
microvilli- cell receptors, hairlike, in digestive system, increase surface area so we can absorb nutrients
nucleolus- makes ribosomes, in nucleus
plasmid- horizontal gene transfer
central vacuole- plays a role in plant cell growth, contain water, waste, structure
lysosomes- used for digestion and remove waste, recycling units, found in immune system, white blood cells contain lots of
chromatin- makes up chromosomes
MRSA- Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
function: (translation) protein synthesis and made of rRNA + proteins
large subunit + small subunit
1. free ribosomes: float in cytosol, produce proteins used within cells
2. bound ribosomes: attached to ER, make proteins for export from cell
Endomembrane system:
regulates lipid and protein modification, packaging, and transport
performs metabolism functions (chemical reactions)
Includes: endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, vesicles, lysosomes, cell membrane and nuclear envelope
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Biosynthetic factory)
network of membrane and sacs
Rough ER: ribosomes on surface
function: transport and package proteins for secretion, send transport vesicles to Golgi, make membranes
Smooth ER: no ribosomes on surface
function: synthesize lipids, metabolize carbs, detox drugs and poisons and in muscles, they store Ca2+
Golgi Apparatus
functions: synthesis and packaging of materials (small molecules) for transport (in vesicles); produce lysosomes and package lipids and proteins into vesicles
series of flattened membrane sacs (vesicles)
cis face: receives vesicles
trans face: ships vesicles
Warm-up 3/10/25:
What are the functions of the endomembrane system? What organelles are included?
Regulates lipid and protein modification, packages, and transports.
1. endoplasmic reticulum 2. golgi apparatus 3. vesicles 4. Lysosomes 5. cell membrane 6. nuclear envelope
Lysosomes (only found in animal cells)
Originate in the Golgi Apparatus.
Function: intracellular digestion of macromolecules and pathogens; recycle cell’s materials; performs programmed cell death when necessary (Apoptosis).
Contain hydrolytic enzymes (Break down).
Prefer an acidic environment (low pH).
Found a lot in white blood cells.
Function: storage of materials, (food, water, minerals, pigments, poisons)
Membrane-bound vesicles
Ex. food vacuoles (formed by phagocytosis ), contractile vacuoles (regulates water pressure)
Plants: Large central vacuole -- stores water, wastes and gives cells shape.
Mitochondria (be able to draw and label)
Function: site of cellular respiration.
Double membrane: outer and inner membrane.
Cristae: folds of inner membrane for increased surface area: contains enzymes for ATP production.
Matrix: fluid-filled inner compartment.
Mitochondrial DNA: Same as our Mamas
Cellular Respiration= REDOX reactions transfer electrons from (glucose) by breaking the bonds which makes ATP, the energy controlling all biological processes.
Oxidation= electron loss Reduction= electron gain
C6H12O6 + 6O2 →6CO2 + 6H2O + chemical energy 32_ - 36 (ATP)
Glycolysis- in cytoplasm
Krebs Cycle - Matrix
Electron Transport Chain - Cristae
Warm up 3/11: Explain how proteins are manufactured in the cell and sent out and used in the body
and onto the rough ER. In the rough ER protein is synthesized and then through the golgi apparatus, they are sent out to the body for usage for structure, growth
start in the nucleolus which produces ribosomes that are sent out of the nuclear pores
rough er transports and modifies the amino acids and are sent to the
golgi apparatus where they are package, modified, and placed into vesicles
The vesicles are then sent to the plasma membrane and dispersed through exocytosis and used by the body
double-membraned and site of photosynthesis
thylakoid disks in stacks of grana-light dependent reactons; contain chlorophyll (pigments) for capturing light energy to form ATP and NADPH (enzyme)
stroma (fluid)- Calvin cycle or dark reactions- carbon fixation is used to “fix” into organic molecules glucose (the food for the autotroph)
Endosymbiont theory (symbiogenesis)
Mitochondria and chloroplasts share a similar origin
Prokaryotic cells engulfed by ancestors of eukaryotic cells
double membrane structure
have their own ribosomes and DNA
reproduce independently within cell
want as many mitochondria as possible which means more cellular respiration, which means more energy
Peroxisomes (liver and kidney)
functions: contain various enzymes that break down fatty acids (lipid biosynthesis); detox alcohol (catalase) as well as alcohol dehydrogenase; prevent kidney stones
involves the production of hydrogen peroxide (H202)
Cytoskeleton: network of protein fibers
Function: support/structure, mobility, regular biochemical activities
3 types: microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments
Warm up 3/12:
carbohydrate- recenptors to identify cells and pathogens
phospholipids- hydrophilic heads hydrophobic tails
cholesterol- prevents tails from sticking together and keeps fluidity of membrane
integral protein- takes up the entire membrane and has channels that pass through substances
peripheral protein-
channel protein- area where substances more into and out of the cell
fluid mosaic model- because it must be flexible and fluid, It is called mosaic because of that intricate parts
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
outside plasma membrane
composed of glycoproteins (ex. collagen and antibodies )
function: strengthens tissues and transmits external signals to cell
Plant cells
cell wall: protect plant, maintain shape
composed of cellulose and lignin
plasmodesmata: channels between cells to allow passage of molecules and cellular communication (play a role in fighting off pathogens like fungal, bacteria, viral)
Surface area example (plant):
root hairs: extensions of root epidermal cells; increase surface area for absorbing water and minerals. enables the transport water to the xylem vessels
nutrients: phloem
Surface area example (animal):
small intestine: highly folded surface increases absorptions of nutrients
villi: finger-like projections on small intestine wall that allow for nutrient absorption
microvilli: smaller projections on each (found in large intestine too)
Plant cells only | Animal cells only |
central vacuoles | lysosomes |
chloroplasts | centrioles |
cell wall of cellulose | flagella, cilia |
plasmodesmata | desmosomes, tight and gap junctions |
extracellular matrix (ECM) |