Techniques in Documentary Film

What is documentary film? : Documentary films are non-fictional films meant to document reality, usually to educate, instruct, document events, and more recently, to entertain.

In order to achieve the purpose of a documentary film, there are various techniques that a director may utilize. These are known as persuasive techniques and are used to elicit a particular reaction from the viewer.

The persuasive techniques can be split into 4 categories:

  1. What viewers see

  2. What viewers hear

  3. What viewers read

  4. The organization

What Viewers See

  • Primary Footage

    • scenes shot/created by the filmmaker specifically for the film (think of location, interviews, re-enactments)

  • Secondary Footage

    • scene shot by other filmmakers that is gathered and used by the documentarian

  • Still Images

    • Photographs instead of videos

What Viewers Hear

  • Dialogue

    • Communication between 2 or more people.

    • Conversational in wording.

  • Narration

    • Single speaking individual that tells the story or ads context to what is being seen. Sometimes the individual speaking is seen, others they are not.

  • Diegetic Sounds

    • Any sound that the character(s) or individuals can physically hear. Originates within the video or film’s world. (voices, background, an instrument)

  • Non-diegetic sounds

    • Any sound the audience can hear but the characters/individuals on screen cannot. Generally added in during post-production (narration,score, effects)

What Viewers Read

  • Subtitles

    • add additional information to images

  • Graphics

    • images, charts, graphs, that add additional information to spoken words

The Organization

  • Sequence

    • How events unfold

    • The order of the film elements presented

  • Transitions

    • Video and audio techniques that filmmakers use between film elements

  • Cohesiveness

    • Consistent look and feel given to the entire film
