Kidney failure: Partial or complete impairment of kidney function, leading to the inability to excrete metabolic waste products and water.
Effects: Causes fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances impacting all body systems.
Challenges: Requires adherence to diet therapy and treatment plans while managing changes in:
Family relationships
Emotional distress: Patients often experience withdrawal and depression due to:
Grieving loss of kidney function
Grieving loss of independence
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Rapid onset of kidney impairment.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Gradual and progressive decline in kidney function.
AKI: Sudden
CKD: Gradual, often over many years
Most common causes:
AKI: Acute tubular necrosis
CKD: Diabetic nephropathy
Diagnostic criteria:
AKI: Acute reduction in urine output and/or increased serum creatinine.
CKD: GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m² for >3 months and/or kidney damage for >3 months.
AKI: Potentially reversible
CKD: Progressive and irreversible
Main cause of death:
AKI: Infection
CKD: Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Definition: Describes a syndrome with a range from slight deterioration to severe kidney impairment.
Rapid loss of function with or without decreased urine output.
Increases in BUN, creatinine, and potassium.
Severity can range from slight to azotemia.
Development: Can occur over hours or days, mainly affecting those with life-threatening issues.
Common Causes: Severe, prolonged hypotension, hypovolemia, nephrotoxic exposure.
Categorized as:
Prerenal causes: Factors reducing systemic circulation.
Intrarenal causes: Direct damage to kidney tissue.
Postrenal causes: Mechanical obstruction of urine outflow.
Definition: Factors leading to decreased renal blood flow.
Characteristics: No damage to kidney tissue; reversible with treatment.
Common causes:
Hypovolemia (e.g., dehydration, HF)
Decreased cardiac output (e.g., cardiogenic shock)
Definition: Direct damage to kidney tissue impairing nephron function.
Common causes:
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Prolonged ischemia and nephrotoxins
Hemolysis and muscle injury
Definition: Obstruction of urine outflow impairs kidney function.
Common causes:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Prostate cancer
Stone formation and trauma
Risk: GFR decrease by 25%, urine output <0.5 mL/kg/hr for 6 hr.
Injury: GFR decrease by 50%, urine output <0.5 mL/kg/hr for 12 hr.
Failure: GFR decrease by 75% or serum creatinine >4 mg/dL, urine output <0.3 mL/kg/hr.
Loss: Persistent acute kidney failure >4 weeks.
End-stage renal disease: Complete loss of function >3 months.
Common manifestations:
Urinary changes
Waste product accumulation
Fluid volume depletion
Metabolic acidosis
Electrolyte Imbalances:
Sodium imbalance
Potassium excess
Neurological Issues: Fatigue, concentration difficulties, seizures due to waste accumulation.
Description: Daily urine output may reach 1-3 L.
Characteristics: High volume due to osmotic diuresis; hypovolemia may occur from fluid loss.
Duration: Lasts 1 to 3 weeks.
Initiation: Begins with an increase in GFR and a decrease in BUN and creatinine.
Duration: Initial improvements in the first 1-2 weeks; may take up to 12 months for stabilization.
Considerations: Older adults less likely to recover completely; some may progress to CKD.
History Assessment: Vital for diagnosing AKI causes, focusing on:
Prerenal: Dehydration and hypotension history.
Intrarenal: Exposure to nephrotoxins.
Postrenal: Urinary stream changes or stones.
Urinalysis: Detects sediment abnormalities, hematuria, and pyuria.
Imaging: Ultrasound is frequently the first test; renal scans assess blood flow; CT scans visualize obstructions or lesions.
Eliminate the cause.
Manage signs and symptoms.
Prevent complications:
Fluid management and diuretic therapy may be utilized.
Calories: 30-35 kcal/kg to prevent catabolism.
Protein: 0.8-1.0 g/kg/day; sodium restricted as needed.
Potassium and phosphate: Monitored and restricted.
Daily assessments:
Weight, intake, output, vital signs, and urine output.
Infection Prevention: Leading cause of death; careful monitoring and aseptic technique required.
Fluid Balance: Managing hypervolemia or hypovolemia, especially during diuretic phase.
Recovery outcomes depend on the severity of injury, health status, and lifestyle factors.
Educational focus: Patient education to prevent recurrence and emphasize the importance of follow-up care.
Key factors: Preexisting CKD, older age, trauma, major surgery, extensive burns, heart failure, sepsis.
Nursing Role: Monitoring high-risk patients and educating on preventive measures.