physical properties | definition |
Fusibility | The ability of a material to be fused or converted from a solid to a liquid/molten state usually by heat. Good fusibility is an essential property for metal being cast. |
Density | The mass of the material in a standard volume of space (relative density is to that of pure water at 4˚C) |
Chemical resistance | The ability for a material to resist damage by chemical reaction or solvent action |
Corrosion/degradation resistance | The ability of the material to withstand environmental attack and decay |
Impervious to gases | The material is not able to be penetrated by gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Sealed containers can be air tight. |
Non-toxic | A product, substance or material that will not cause adverse health effects, either immediately or over the long term |
Pigment coloured | Material is coloured at the point of manufacture. Colour goes right through material |