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Science Midterm Study Guide

  • Heat to heat transfer 

    • Kinetic energy: energy of motion

    • Heat: thermal energy or total of all energy within a substance

    • Motion of molecules

      • Vibrates and moves in each state of matter

        • Solid: slowest

        • Liquid: faster than solid, slower than gas

        • Gas: fastest

    • Law of Conservation of Energy: states that energy can neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form

    • Thermal energy in freezing and boiling materials

      • Freezing: decreases kinetic energy; molecules move slowly and closer together.

      • Boiling: increases kinetic energy; molecules move faster and farther apart.

    • Solutes: salt (how it affects boiling and freezing)

      • Boiling: increases boiling point

        • Boiling point: the temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas

      • Freezing: decreases freezing point

        • Freezing point: the temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid

    • Specific heat capacity: the amount of heat (joules) that is required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree centigrade

    • Joules: unit of energy

    • Heat transfer: transfer of thermal energy from areas of high temperature to low temperature

  • Friction

    • Frictional force: The force that prevents two objects from easily moving against one another

    • Acceleration: the rate an object changes velocity

      • Positive acceleration: speed increases as it moves away from its starting position

      • Negative acceleration: speed decreases as it moves away from its starting position

    • Relationship between weight and friction

      • The more weight, the more frictional force.

    • Surface area in friction

      • Friction stays the same on an object, no matter the surface area

    • What affects friction

      • The smoothness/roughness of the surface.

        • Smoother the surface, less friction

        • Rougher the surface, more friction

    • Coefficient of friction: a number that describes the degree of mechanical and molecular interaction between forces

      • As friction increases, coefficient of friction increases

    • Applied force: force that is applied to an object from an outside force

    • FE = ma : the sum of all forces equal to mass x acceleration

  • Soundwaves

    • Pressure waves: the moving wave that is produced by a standing wave moves back and forth

    • Standing waves: a wave that forms in a vibrating object. This wave does NOT move through space, it forms due to the repeated vibrations of the object

    • Frequency vs pitch

      • Frequency: the back and forth vibrations which causes sound to occur rapidly or slowly

      • Pitch: how high or low the sound is

      • Low frequency= HIGH PITCH

      • High frequency= LOW PITCH

    • Speed of sound (in air and water)

      • Air: 346 m/s

      • Water: 1500 m/s

      • Greater attraction between particles = greater speed of sound

    • Formula of speed (s=wavelength x frequency)

    • Standing wave

      • 2 nodes: beginning + end

      • 2 antinodes: one up, one down


Science Midterm Study Guide

  • Heat to heat transfer 

    • Kinetic energy: energy of motion

    • Heat: thermal energy or total of all energy within a substance

    • Motion of molecules

      • Vibrates and moves in each state of matter

        • Solid: slowest

        • Liquid: faster than solid, slower than gas

        • Gas: fastest

    • Law of Conservation of Energy: states that energy can neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form

    • Thermal energy in freezing and boiling materials

      • Freezing: decreases kinetic energy; molecules move slowly and closer together.

      • Boiling: increases kinetic energy; molecules move faster and farther apart.

    • Solutes: salt (how it affects boiling and freezing)

      • Boiling: increases boiling point

        • Boiling point: the temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas

      • Freezing: decreases freezing point

        • Freezing point: the temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid

    • Specific heat capacity: the amount of heat (joules) that is required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree centigrade

    • Joules: unit of energy

    • Heat transfer: transfer of thermal energy from areas of high temperature to low temperature

  • Friction

    • Frictional force: The force that prevents two objects from easily moving against one another

    • Acceleration: the rate an object changes velocity

      • Positive acceleration: speed increases as it moves away from its starting position

      • Negative acceleration: speed decreases as it moves away from its starting position

    • Relationship between weight and friction

      • The more weight, the more frictional force.

    • Surface area in friction

      • Friction stays the same on an object, no matter the surface area

    • What affects friction

      • The smoothness/roughness of the surface.

        • Smoother the surface, less friction

        • Rougher the surface, more friction

    • Coefficient of friction: a number that describes the degree of mechanical and molecular interaction between forces

      • As friction increases, coefficient of friction increases

    • Applied force: force that is applied to an object from an outside force

    • FE = ma : the sum of all forces equal to mass x acceleration

  • Soundwaves

    • Pressure waves: the moving wave that is produced by a standing wave moves back and forth

    • Standing waves: a wave that forms in a vibrating object. This wave does NOT move through space, it forms due to the repeated vibrations of the object

    • Frequency vs pitch

      • Frequency: the back and forth vibrations which causes sound to occur rapidly or slowly

      • Pitch: how high or low the sound is

      • Low frequency= HIGH PITCH

      • High frequency= LOW PITCH

    • Speed of sound (in air and water)

      • Air: 346 m/s

      • Water: 1500 m/s

      • Greater attraction between particles = greater speed of sound

    • Formula of speed (s=wavelength x frequency)

    • Standing wave

      • 2 nodes: beginning + end

      • 2 antinodes: one up, one down