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Organic chemistry

1. Basic Concepts:

- Understand the structure of carbon compounds, bonding (single, double, triple), hybridization, isomerism (structural, stereoisomerism).

2. Functional Groups:

- Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides.

3. Hydrocarbonbs:

- Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes: Nomenclature, properties, and reactions like combustion, substitution, addition.

4. Reactions:

- Understanding reaction mechanisms like addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation, reduction, condensation, and hydrolysis.

5. Polymers:

- Understand the basics of polymerization, types of polymers (addition, condensation), and their uses.

6. Biomolecules:

- Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids: Structure, functions, and their roles in living organisms.

7. Organic Analysis:

- Techniques used to identify organic compounds (like chromatography, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry).

8. Environmental Chemistry:

- Understand environmental issues related to organic compounds, like pollutants, and their impact.

1. Alkanes:

- Saturated hydrocarbons with single bonds.

- General formula: CnH2n+2.

- Reactivity: Generally unreactive, undergo combustion and halogenation.

2. Alkenes:

- Unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon double bond.

- General formula: CnH2n.

- Reactivity: Undergo addition reactions (like hydrogenation, halogenation, hydration) due to the presence of the π bond.

3. Alkynes:

- Unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon triple bond.

- General formula: CnH2n-2.

- Reactivity: Similar reactions to alkenes due to the presence of the π bond.

4. Alcohols:

- Contain the -OH functional group attached to a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-ol."

- Reactivity: Can undergo dehydration, oxidation, and esterification reactions.

5. Aldehydes:

- Contain the carbonyl group (C=O) at the end of a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-al."

- Reactivity: Common in oxidation-reduction reactions, forming carboxylic acids or alcohols.

6. Ketones:

- Contain the carbonyl group (C=O) in the middle of a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-one."

- Reactivity: Similar to aldehydes but less reactive towards oxidation.

7. Carboxylic Acids:


- Contain the carboxyl group (COOH).

- Naming ends with "-oic acid."

- Reactivity: Acidic properties, undergoes reactions to form esters, amides, and salts.

8. Esters:

- Formed by the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.

- Naming often ends with "-yl alkanoate."

- Reactivity: Used in fragrance, flavoring, and as solvents.

9. Amines:

- Contain a nitrogen atom bonded to carbon.

- Naming depends on the number of alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen.

- Reactivity: Can act as bases, undergo substitution reactions.

10. Amides:

- Derived from carboxylic acids and amines.

- Naming often ends with "-amide."

- Reactivity: Involved in peptide bond formation in proteins.

Alkanes (Saturated Hydrocarbons):

  1. Methane: CH4

  2. Ethane: C2H6

  3. Propane: C3H8

  4. Butane: C4H10​

  5. Pentane: C5H12​

  6. Hexane: C6H14

  7. Heptane: C7H16

  8. Octane: C8H18

  9. Nonane: C9H20

  10. Decane: C10H22

General Formula for Alkanes: CnH2n+2




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Alkenes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with Double Bond):

  1. Ethene: C2H4​

  2. tPropene: C3H6​

  3. Butene: C4H8

  4. Pentene: C5H10​

  5. Hexene: C6H12

  6. Heptene: C7H14

  7. Octene: C8H16

  8. Nonene: C9H18

  9. Decene: C10H20

  10. Undecene: C11H22​

General Formula for Alkenes: CnH2n

Alcohols (Hydroxyl Functional Group):

  1. Methanol: CH3OH

  2. Ethanol: C2H5OH

  3. Propanol: C3H7OH

  4. Butanol: C4H9OH

  5. Pentanol: C5H11OH

  6. Hexanol: C6H13OH

  7. Heptanol: C7H15OH

  8. Octanol: C8H17OH

  9. Nonanol: C9H19OH

  10. Decanol: C10H21OH

General Formula for Alcohols: CnH2n+1OH


Organic chemistry

1. Basic Concepts:

- Understand the structure of carbon compounds, bonding (single, double, triple), hybridization, isomerism (structural, stereoisomerism).

2. Functional Groups:

- Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides.

3. Hydrocarbonbs:

- Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes: Nomenclature, properties, and reactions like combustion, substitution, addition.

4. Reactions:

- Understanding reaction mechanisms like addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation, reduction, condensation, and hydrolysis.

5. Polymers:

- Understand the basics of polymerization, types of polymers (addition, condensation), and their uses.

6. Biomolecules:

- Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids: Structure, functions, and their roles in living organisms.

7. Organic Analysis:

- Techniques used to identify organic compounds (like chromatography, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry).

8. Environmental Chemistry:

- Understand environmental issues related to organic compounds, like pollutants, and their impact.

1. Alkanes:

- Saturated hydrocarbons with single bonds.

- General formula: CnH2n+2.

- Reactivity: Generally unreactive, undergo combustion and halogenation.

2. Alkenes:

- Unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon double bond.

- General formula: CnH2n.

- Reactivity: Undergo addition reactions (like hydrogenation, halogenation, hydration) due to the presence of the π bond.

3. Alkynes:

- Unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon triple bond.

- General formula: CnH2n-2.

- Reactivity: Similar reactions to alkenes due to the presence of the π bond.

4. Alcohols:

- Contain the -OH functional group attached to a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-ol."

- Reactivity: Can undergo dehydration, oxidation, and esterification reactions.

5. Aldehydes:

- Contain the carbonyl group (C=O) at the end of a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-al."

- Reactivity: Common in oxidation-reduction reactions, forming carboxylic acids or alcohols.

6. Ketones:

- Contain the carbonyl group (C=O) in the middle of a carbon chain.

- Naming ends with "-one."

- Reactivity: Similar to aldehydes but less reactive towards oxidation.

7. Carboxylic Acids:


- Contain the carboxyl group (COOH).

- Naming ends with "-oic acid."

- Reactivity: Acidic properties, undergoes reactions to form esters, amides, and salts.

8. Esters:

- Formed by the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.

- Naming often ends with "-yl alkanoate."

- Reactivity: Used in fragrance, flavoring, and as solvents.

9. Amines:

- Contain a nitrogen atom bonded to carbon.

- Naming depends on the number of alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen.

- Reactivity: Can act as bases, undergo substitution reactions.

10. Amides:

- Derived from carboxylic acids and amines.

- Naming often ends with "-amide."

- Reactivity: Involved in peptide bond formation in proteins.

Alkanes (Saturated Hydrocarbons):

  1. Methane: CH4

  2. Ethane: C2H6

  3. Propane: C3H8

  4. Butane: C4H10​

  5. Pentane: C5H12​

  6. Hexane: C6H14

  7. Heptane: C7H16

  8. Octane: C8H18

  9. Nonane: C9H20

  10. Decane: C10H22

General Formula for Alkanes: CnH2n+2




has none







Alkenes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with Double Bond):

  1. Ethene: C2H4​

  2. tPropene: C3H6​

  3. Butene: C4H8

  4. Pentene: C5H10​

  5. Hexene: C6H12

  6. Heptene: C7H14

  7. Octene: C8H16

  8. Nonene: C9H18

  9. Decene: C10H20

  10. Undecene: C11H22​

General Formula for Alkenes: CnH2n

Alcohols (Hydroxyl Functional Group):

  1. Methanol: CH3OH

  2. Ethanol: C2H5OH

  3. Propanol: C3H7OH

  4. Butanol: C4H9OH

  5. Pentanol: C5H11OH

  6. Hexanol: C6H13OH

  7. Heptanol: C7H15OH

  8. Octanol: C8H17OH

  9. Nonanol: C9H19OH

  10. Decanol: C10H21OH

General Formula for Alcohols: CnH2n+1OH