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IB ITGS HL - 15. IT Systems in Organizations

Types of development

  • When an organization decides to investigate a new IT project, it can choose from two types of software:

    • Off-the-shelf software: software that is widely available for general purchase from software vendors.

    • Custom / bespoke software: software created specifically for a single organization. More tailored to their needs.

Development tools

  • Software developers use a variety of programs to create new software

    • Text editor to enter the program’s source code

    • A compiler translates the source code into machine code

    • Debugging tools to help find and fix errors in the program

  • These tools are packaged together in an Integrated Development Environment.

Legacy systems

  • Legacy system: a computer system that is no longer available for purchase or is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

    • Organizations may continue to use them because they are essential to their operations and there is no easily available replacement.

Emulation and virtual machines

  • One solution to using legacy systems in a modern environment is to employ a virtual machine, which creates a virtual computer running inside a window.

  • An emulator is a software recreation of an entire system’s hardware, allowing the user to run the emulated system in a window. This is used when the legacy system requires hardware that is different from the host computer.

System development life-cycle

  • System Development Life-Cycle: the stages involved in creating an IT system. There are 6 key stages.

    • Analysis: an investigation of the current system, the needs of the client, and the possibility of creating a solution.

    • Design: the planning of a solution to meet the needs of the client.

    • Development / Implementation: the creation of a system.

    • Testing: ensuring that the system function correctly.

    • Installation / Delivery: installing the software and any necessary hardware at the client’s organization. Removing the old system and transferring data may be required.

    • Maintenance: updates made to a system to fix bugs, improve performance or add new features.


  • It must involve all key stakeholders, such as the client and the end users.

  • Project goals (aim) and its limitations (scope) must be carefully defined.

  • Data collection: to fully understand the current system, data about it must be collected from users, managers and administrators, and any existing documentation.

    • Questionnaires

    • Interviews

    • Observation of users

    • Organizational policies

  • Requirements specification: a technical document that describes the needs of an organization and the scope and aims of the project.

    • Functional requirements: features the system should have, such as input, output, storage, processing and UI.

    • Non-functional requirements: limitations on how the system should work.

  • Identification of possible IT solutions: many projects have several possible solutions.

  • Feasibility studies and justification of solution: a business case must be made, justifying the chosen solution in terms of time and cost of production versus the predicted benefits.

  • Project plan: a project manager and a project management methodology are chosen. Project milestones are defined.

    • Gantt charts provide a high level overview of a project schedule by showing tasks and the individuals that are responsible for it.

    • Program Evaluation and Review Technique charts represent scheduling information graphically and show the relationships between each task.

    • Critical Path is used to determine the longest route to determine the minimum time required.


  • The user interface and the data flow of the system is designed.

Data Flow Diagrams

  • A data flow diagram shows the relationship between the data storage, in puts, outputs, and processes in a system.

    • Sink: external processes

    • System context diagram: shows a high level view of the system with only relations to external stakeholders.

    • Symbols:

Entity Relationship Diagrams

  • An ERD shows the groups of data stored, the attributes of each, and the relationships between the various data items.


  • Implementation is also called development or construction.

  • During this stage, developers create the system, following the design documents previously created.

  • Alpha testing is performed to verify that the software works according to the requirements. This is done by a team of software testers.

  • Prototypes are created to show to the client and make sure that the project is meeting expectations.

  • Quality control processes are used to lessen the likelihood of serious problems.

  • Quality assurance methods are used to ensure the developers are following standardized practices.

    • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI): is a type of quality assurance method that describes an organization in terms of five levels of maturity in order to improve performance.

  • Technical documentation is produced, targeted at system administrators and other developers who may change the system in the future.

  • User documentation explains how to use a system.


  • Beta testing is used to detect any small remaining bugs and to test the software’s usability under real world conditions.

  • User acceptance testing involves the client checking the system to ensure it meets their requirements.


  • Installation is also called delivery or deployment.

  • This stage concerns preparing the organization for the installation of the new system and the removal of the old one.

  • User training must be done so that employees can properly utilize the new system.

  • Changeover is the most crucial part because any small failures can have a big impact on the whole organization.

    • Direct changeover: all users start to use the new system immediately.

    • Phased changeover: switches gradually from the old to the new system, with some parts of the organization switching before others.

    • Parallel changeover: running the old system concurrently with the new system. Mostly used for safety critical systems.


  • Adaptive maintenance: updating the system to work with new hardware or software.

  • Perfective maintenance: adding new features as required by the changing organization.

  • Corrective maintenance: fixing bugs that weren’t found during testing.

  • Preventive maintenance: updating the software to prevent foreseeable problems.

  • Regression testing: the process of repeating old t estas to ensure they still work after alterations are made.

Development approach

  • Waterfall model

  • Agile development model

Project management methodologies

  • Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM)

  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK)

  • PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2)


IB ITGS HL - 15. IT Systems in Organizations

Types of development

  • When an organization decides to investigate a new IT project, it can choose from two types of software:

    • Off-the-shelf software: software that is widely available for general purchase from software vendors.

    • Custom / bespoke software: software created specifically for a single organization. More tailored to their needs.

Development tools

  • Software developers use a variety of programs to create new software

    • Text editor to enter the program’s source code

    • A compiler translates the source code into machine code

    • Debugging tools to help find and fix errors in the program

  • These tools are packaged together in an Integrated Development Environment.

Legacy systems

  • Legacy system: a computer system that is no longer available for purchase or is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

    • Organizations may continue to use them because they are essential to their operations and there is no easily available replacement.

Emulation and virtual machines

  • One solution to using legacy systems in a modern environment is to employ a virtual machine, which creates a virtual computer running inside a window.

  • An emulator is a software recreation of an entire system’s hardware, allowing the user to run the emulated system in a window. This is used when the legacy system requires hardware that is different from the host computer.

System development life-cycle

  • System Development Life-Cycle: the stages involved in creating an IT system. There are 6 key stages.

    • Analysis: an investigation of the current system, the needs of the client, and the possibility of creating a solution.

    • Design: the planning of a solution to meet the needs of the client.

    • Development / Implementation: the creation of a system.

    • Testing: ensuring that the system function correctly.

    • Installation / Delivery: installing the software and any necessary hardware at the client’s organization. Removing the old system and transferring data may be required.

    • Maintenance: updates made to a system to fix bugs, improve performance or add new features.


  • It must involve all key stakeholders, such as the client and the end users.

  • Project goals (aim) and its limitations (scope) must be carefully defined.

  • Data collection: to fully understand the current system, data about it must be collected from users, managers and administrators, and any existing documentation.

    • Questionnaires

    • Interviews

    • Observation of users

    • Organizational policies

  • Requirements specification: a technical document that describes the needs of an organization and the scope and aims of the project.

    • Functional requirements: features the system should have, such as input, output, storage, processing and UI.

    • Non-functional requirements: limitations on how the system should work.

  • Identification of possible IT solutions: many projects have several possible solutions.

  • Feasibility studies and justification of solution: a business case must be made, justifying the chosen solution in terms of time and cost of production versus the predicted benefits.

  • Project plan: a project manager and a project management methodology are chosen. Project milestones are defined.

    • Gantt charts provide a high level overview of a project schedule by showing tasks and the individuals that are responsible for it.

    • Program Evaluation and Review Technique charts represent scheduling information graphically and show the relationships between each task.

    • Critical Path is used to determine the longest route to determine the minimum time required.


  • The user interface and the data flow of the system is designed.

Data Flow Diagrams

  • A data flow diagram shows the relationship between the data storage, in puts, outputs, and processes in a system.

    • Sink: external processes

    • System context diagram: shows a high level view of the system with only relations to external stakeholders.

    • Symbols:

Entity Relationship Diagrams

  • An ERD shows the groups of data stored, the attributes of each, and the relationships between the various data items.


  • Implementation is also called development or construction.

  • During this stage, developers create the system, following the design documents previously created.

  • Alpha testing is performed to verify that the software works according to the requirements. This is done by a team of software testers.

  • Prototypes are created to show to the client and make sure that the project is meeting expectations.

  • Quality control processes are used to lessen the likelihood of serious problems.

  • Quality assurance methods are used to ensure the developers are following standardized practices.

    • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI): is a type of quality assurance method that describes an organization in terms of five levels of maturity in order to improve performance.

  • Technical documentation is produced, targeted at system administrators and other developers who may change the system in the future.

  • User documentation explains how to use a system.


  • Beta testing is used to detect any small remaining bugs and to test the software’s usability under real world conditions.

  • User acceptance testing involves the client checking the system to ensure it meets their requirements.


  • Installation is also called delivery or deployment.

  • This stage concerns preparing the organization for the installation of the new system and the removal of the old one.

  • User training must be done so that employees can properly utilize the new system.

  • Changeover is the most crucial part because any small failures can have a big impact on the whole organization.

    • Direct changeover: all users start to use the new system immediately.

    • Phased changeover: switches gradually from the old to the new system, with some parts of the organization switching before others.

    • Parallel changeover: running the old system concurrently with the new system. Mostly used for safety critical systems.


  • Adaptive maintenance: updating the system to work with new hardware or software.

  • Perfective maintenance: adding new features as required by the changing organization.

  • Corrective maintenance: fixing bugs that weren’t found during testing.

  • Preventive maintenance: updating the software to prevent foreseeable problems.

  • Regression testing: the process of repeating old t estas to ensure they still work after alterations are made.

Development approach

  • Waterfall model

  • Agile development model

Project management methodologies

  • Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM)

  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK)

  • PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2)