
Responses to training (Genetics vs Training)


High responders: Individuals who show large responses to exercise or training

Non-responders: Individuals who show small or unchanched responses to exercise or training

Individuals inherit 50% of their genes from each parent. The sport they partake in determines the athletic influence of genetic factors on performance. Some individuals inherit traits that make them naturally better at specific sports:

  • Muscle fiber composition (e.g. fast/slow-twitch dominance)

  • VO2 max potential (genetic ceiling for oxygen uptake and aerobic endurance)

  • Lactate threshold and metabolic efficiency

  • Flexibility, joint structure, and limb proportion

Genes are not always permanently active. Genes can be turned on or off through gene expression, which is influenced by internal factors like hormones and aging or external factors like diet and environment. This process affects how traits develop over time.

  • Training and exercise can activate genes related to muscle growth, endurance, or recovery

  • Diet and nutrition can impact metabolism-related genes, affecting energy use and muscle repair

  • Environmental conditions like alt or temp can trigger changes in oxygen transport or thermoregulation

  • Aging may “switch off” some genes = reducing muscle mass or recovery speed

This explains why athletic performance can improve or decline over a person's life, depending on how the environment or lifestyle influences these genes.

Implications of genetic screening

Genetic screening is the process of studying a person's DNA to identify any genetic indifference or susceptibility to diseases:

  • The identification of life-threatening conditions, therefore, allows early treatment plans to start (+)

  • The potential to predict susceptibility to injury so reduce risk for athlete (+)

  • Ethical concerns about excluding or discriminating against athletes (-)

  • Risk of discrimination beyond sport, such as employment (-)

  • Potential future issues with gene doping or using genetics to select athletes (-)


Training responses vary between individuals and depend on the training mode. Those who show low training response to one parameter do not always show low training response in other parameters. Suggesting individuals who show ‘non-response’ may vary by training mode

  • Training & lifestyle: Regular training, diet, and recovery support adaptations.

  • Climate & altitude: High altitude boosts oxygen capacity; temperature extremes affect hydration and endurance.

  • Facilities & coaching: Quality coaching and equipment improve development.

  • Diet & nutrition: Proper nutrient intake supports performance and recovery.

  • Socioeconomic & cultural factors: Sports opportunities differ globally.

  • Sleep & recovery: Essential for adaptation, hormone regulation, and performance.


Athletic ability is influenced by many genes affecting traits like muscle fiber composition, oxygen uptake, metabolism, and flexibility, all of which contribute to overall performance. There is no single "athlete gene," as performance depends on a mix of genetics, training, environment, and lifestyle.
