Leisure - William Henry Davies
England in 1819 - Percy Bysshe Shelley
A Satirical Elegy on the Death of a Late Famous General - Jonathan Swift
The Collar - George Herbert
To a Child Dancing in the Wind
My Last Duchess - Robert Browning
The Voice - Thomas Hardy
Remembrance - Emily Bronte
The Schoolboy - William Blake
The Darkling Thrush - Thomas Hardy
The passionate shepherd to his love - Christopher Marlowe
Extract from the Prelude Book V - William Wordsworth
London - William Blake
Composed upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth
The Author to her Book - Anne Bradstreet
She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron
Sonnet 130 - William Shakespeare
To Autumn - John Keats
Sonnet XIX: On his Blindness - Christina Georgina Rossetti
On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer - John Keats