Definition: A mode of inquiry that investigates events, ideas, concepts, or artifacts by analyzing various media, documents, records, and recordings.
Classification: Similar to qualitative research, it can be classified as qualitative due to its investigative nature.
Historical Analysis: Involves systematic gathering and criticism of documents to describe and interpret past events using both qualitative and quantitative data.
Legal Analysis: Focuses on law and court decisions to assess their influence on educational practices.
Concept Analysis: Concerns implications and applications of educational concepts, such as high-stakes testing and performance assessment.
Basic Research:
Purpose: The development of theories and broad generalizations about relationships between phenomena.
Characteristics: Not concerned with practical applications; primarily theoretical.
Examples: Studies on memory systems, language development, and social development.
Applied Research:
Purpose: To test theories in natural educational settings with a focus on solving specific problems.
Characteristics: Results relevant to decision-making in education and applicable across different settings.
Examples: Comparing teaching styles, examining effective school characteristics, exploring the impact of school day length on achievement.
Action Research:
Purpose: To solve specific classroom or school problems and improve practice immediately.
Types: Individual teacher research, collaborative action research, and school-wide action research.
Role of Teachers: Teachers conduct research to improve their classroom practices; administrators may use these strategies for overall school improvement.
Purpose: To assess program effectiveness and desirability, guiding decision-making about educational programs.
Focus: Specific locations or types of programs, posing judgment queries like:
Which reading curriculum should be implemented?
Did the new program succeed?
Should the district opt for multiple small schools or one large school?
What’s the impact of increased technology on student knowledge and attitudes?
A summary with additional examples can be found in Table 1.2, which categorizes research based on purpose and methodology.