
Flashcards for Chapters 10-12, 14

Chapter 10: Motivation & Emotion

Flashcard 1:

  • Term: Motivation

  • Definition: Goal-directed behavior driven by needs, wants, interests, and desires.

Flashcard 2:

  • Term: Homeostasis

  • Definition: A state of physiological equilibrium or stability.

Flashcard 3:

  • Term: Drive

  • Definition: An internal state of tension that motivates an organism to engage in activities to reduce this tension.

Flashcard 4:

  • Term: Incentive

  • Definition: An external goal that has the capacity to motivate behavior.

Flashcard 5:

  • Term: Set-Point Theory

  • Definition: The body monitors fat-cell levels to keep weight fairly stable.

Flashcard 6:

  • Term: Settling-Point Theory

  • Definition: Weight tends to drift around the level at which the factors determining food consumption and energy expenditure achieve equilibrium.

Flashcard 7:

  • Term: Achievement Motivation

  • Definition: The need to master difficult challenges, to outperform others, and to meet high standards of excellence.

Flashcard 8:

  • Term: Emotion

  • Definition: A subjective conscious experience, accompanied by bodily arousal and characteristic overt expressions.

Flashcard 9:

  • Term: Hedonic Adaptation

  • Definition: The tendency for people’s happiness levels to return to a baseline despite positive or negative events.

Chapter 11: Personality

Flashcard 10:

  • Term: Personality

  • Definition: An individual's unique set of consistent behavioral traits.

Flashcard 11:

  • Term: Big Five Personality Traits

  • Definition:

    • Extraversion – Sociability & enthusiasm

    • Neuroticism – Emotional instability & anxiety

    • Openness – Creativity & curiosity

    • Agreeableness – Compassion & cooperativeness

    • Conscientiousness – Organization & responsibility

Flashcard 12:

  • Term: Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

  • Definition: Personality is shaped by unconscious conflicts between the id, ego, and superego.

Flashcard 13:

  • Term: Defense Mechanisms

  • Definition: Unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions (e.g., repression, projection, denial).

Flashcard 14:

  • Term: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  • Definition: A motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, culminating in self-actualization.

Chapter 12: Social Behavior

Flashcard 15:

  • Term: Social Psychology

  • Definition: The study of how people influence each other’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Flashcard 16:

  • Term: Attributions

  • Definition: Inferences people make about the causes of behavior (internal vs. external).

Flashcard 17:

  • Term: Fundamental Attribution Error

  • Definition: The tendency to overestimate personal factors and underestimate situational factors when explaining others' behavior.

Flashcard 18:

  • Term: Conformity

  • Definition: Adjusting one’s behavior to align with a group standard.

Flashcard 19:

  • Term: Obedience

  • Definition: Following direct commands, usually from an authority figure (e.g., Milgram’s shock experiment).

Flashcard 20:

  • Term: Bystander Effect

  • Definition: The tendency for individuals to be less likely to help someone in need when others are present.

Flashcard 21:

  • Term: Groupthink

  • Definition: When group members emphasize agreement over critical thinking, leading to poor decision-making.

Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders

Flashcard 22:

  • Term: Psychological Disorder

  • Definition: A pattern of behavior that causes significant distress, impairs daily life, or deviates from cultural norms.

Flashcard 23:

  • Term: Anxiety Disorders

  • Definition: Disorders characterized by excessive fear and anxiety, including generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, and panic disorder.

Flashcard 24:

  • Term: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Definition: A disorder marked by persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

Flashcard 25:

  • Term: Mood Disorders

  • Definition: Psychological disorders involving emotional disturbances, such as major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.

Flashcard 26:

  • Term: Schizophrenia

  • Definition: A severe disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and impaired functioning.

Flashcard 27:

  • Term: Personality Disorders

  • Definition: Chronic, inflexible personality traits that cause distress or impaired social functioning (e.g., antisocial personality disorder).

Flashcard 28:

  • Term: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Definition: A disorder triggered by traumatic experiences, leading to flashbacks, anxiety, and emotional numbness.
