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NURS 1001- Current Issues in Nursing Practice

NURS 1001- Current Issues in Nursing Practice

What do you think the current issues issues in Nursing are?

Issues Facing Nursing

  • Pandemic

  • Critical shortages

  • Scope of Practice

  • Wrestling with our history

  • Advocay and Social justice

  • Changing work

  • Moving beyond “tasks”, seeing nursing work as more

Nursing Shortage

  • Boom and bust cycle

Recruitment & Retention

  • What is being offered?

  • What is missing?

  • Is the focus in the right place?

  • Big bonus but doesnt tell you about staying for years ina certain area

  • Tuition reimbursement if you stay in a certain area

  • In rural northern communities they are offering additional northern benefits on top of pay

  • Relocation bonus’

  • Education initiatives

  • Focus is on money, not on quality of life, work/life balance, vacation


  • Its not about money!

  • Safe & appropriate staffing & resources

  • work/life balance

  • Sense of control & being heard

  • Pay

  • Development opportunities

    • 80/20 school-work, 20 is not enough

    • Short staffed means reschedule your other duties

    • Does not work for rural hospitals

    • Be carful of what the collecitve agreement says, know what the language says

  • Relationships & support

What is happening/being proposed?

  • Create policy dictating a minimum nurse-to-patient or, in non-acute health-care settings, a minimum care standard

    • Staffing levels can shift

    • We dont have anthing about patient-nurse ratios

  • Integrate nurses in Canada with international education and training

    • Ha sbeene disgracful

  • Increase float team/pool capacity

    • Acute-care centric

    • Float teams are not assigned to a particular unit

    • Can be good with developing hands on skills

    • Can have surge staffing

  • Implement a support team to reduce non-nursing duties

    • Help to porter rooms, assist patients

    • Do the easy roles to lessen the load on nurses

    • Clincal extern

    • NGG

  • Use eveidence-based tools and processes to address heavy workloads

    • Workload measuring

  • Pan-candian licensure

    • Any province or tertiorty with your license

    • Can get different licensures to work in other provinces or territories

The Federal Toolkit

Privatization & Capitalism

  • Whos making money off these services?

  • Concern is that many of these agencies are popping up, but who is making money?

  • Whos interests are best served? How are we facilitating those who most need our help when theres privtization?

Changing Scope of Practice

  • RNs in Ontario are able to prescribe from a restricted list of medications (Birth control, drugs for smoking sensation)

  • Will help reduce wait times in ontario

  • Gaps in care, Gaps in service

  • If there was value in it, we wouldve seen a faster implementation of it (looks on how nurses are honoured)

The Effects of the Pandemic

  • uncertainty and fear,

    • Virus are always changing, SARS

  • alteration of perceptions of time and space,

  • change in the meaning of ‘to care’ and

  • changes in roles and relationships.

    • Compassion fatigue

  • Moral/psychological distress & compassion fatigue

Moral Deteminents of Health

  • Shift in thinking about our role when caring for those who have lots of needs/ complexities

Moral Deteminants

Marmot:6 categories:

  • conditions of birth and early childhood,

  • education,

  • work,

  • the social circumstances of elders,

  • a collection of elements of community resilience (such as transportation, housing, security, and a sense of community self-efficacy), and,

  • cross-cutting all, what he calls “fairness,” which generally amounts to a sufficient redistribution of wealth and income to ensure social and economic security and basic equity.

But theres more…

  • Gun violence

  • Environmental racism and the effects of climate change

  • Loneliness

  • Access

  • Flooding that happens

  • Indigenous communities are most affected

  • cawisa

Unleashing the Power of Nursing

Reconciling out past

  • Look to our history with many different views: from Nightingale to Marie Branch

  • Perpetuating many of the same behaviours & responses

  • How history has shaped our reality

    • Marie opened up a clinic for people who couldnt get to or afford care

Marie Branch

  • “Nursing has the power to effect radical change in ways other health professions cannot”

    • Have the ability to affect change

    • Different levels

  • She saw nursing as singularly “free to innovate and improve practice,” unencumbered by either elitism or payment models which prioritized quantity over quality

    • Most important

    • Not tied to money

    • You get paid the same no matter how many patients are seen

  • In order to fulfill its revolutionary potential, however, the field would need to adopt a philosophy she named “ethnic humanism,”

Changing nursing practice/changing nursing education

  • Think about how were all connected to support those who need care



  • All the things weve seen in healthcare settings today have became from advocacy

  • Challenging stigma

  • Supporting those who no one else will

  • Humanity of Nursing & patient-centered care

  • Nurses of 5B

    • Unit of a hospital in sanfran

    • Only one willing to take HIV and Aids patients

    • We didnt know tranmsission, lots of myths about HIV/Aids

    • These nurses took initiative to do the work

Activism Gets Results

  • Nurses at policy tables

  • ONA

    • Lori dupont (nurse murded by fellow collegue doctor)

Is this the work of nurses?

Supporting Safe Consumption

  • Corey ranger

  • @nurseranger


So why Understand Current Issues?

  • To know whats happening and be aware of that

  • Shannon knew there was a need for more mental health supports and work towards it

  • It is part of your nursing story

Your Nursing Story

Nursing- Broaden the lens

NURS 1001- Current Issues in Nursing Practice

NURS 1001- Current Issues in Nursing Practice

What do you think the current issues issues in Nursing are?

Issues Facing Nursing

  • Pandemic

  • Critical shortages

  • Scope of Practice

  • Wrestling with our history

  • Advocay and Social justice

  • Changing work

  • Moving beyond “tasks”, seeing nursing work as more

Nursing Shortage

  • Boom and bust cycle

Recruitment & Retention

  • What is being offered?

  • What is missing?

  • Is the focus in the right place?

  • Big bonus but doesnt tell you about staying for years ina certain area

  • Tuition reimbursement if you stay in a certain area

  • In rural northern communities they are offering additional northern benefits on top of pay

  • Relocation bonus’

  • Education initiatives

  • Focus is on money, not on quality of life, work/life balance, vacation


  • Its not about money!

  • Safe & appropriate staffing & resources

  • work/life balance

  • Sense of control & being heard

  • Pay

  • Development opportunities

    • 80/20 school-work, 20 is not enough

    • Short staffed means reschedule your other duties

    • Does not work for rural hospitals

    • Be carful of what the collecitve agreement says, know what the language says

  • Relationships & support

What is happening/being proposed?

  • Create policy dictating a minimum nurse-to-patient or, in non-acute health-care settings, a minimum care standard

    • Staffing levels can shift

    • We dont have anthing about patient-nurse ratios

  • Integrate nurses in Canada with international education and training

    • Ha sbeene disgracful

  • Increase float team/pool capacity

    • Acute-care centric

    • Float teams are not assigned to a particular unit

    • Can be good with developing hands on skills

    • Can have surge staffing

  • Implement a support team to reduce non-nursing duties

    • Help to porter rooms, assist patients

    • Do the easy roles to lessen the load on nurses

    • Clincal extern

    • NGG

  • Use eveidence-based tools and processes to address heavy workloads

    • Workload measuring

  • Pan-candian licensure

    • Any province or tertiorty with your license

    • Can get different licensures to work in other provinces or territories

The Federal Toolkit

Privatization & Capitalism

  • Whos making money off these services?

  • Concern is that many of these agencies are popping up, but who is making money?

  • Whos interests are best served? How are we facilitating those who most need our help when theres privtization?

Changing Scope of Practice

  • RNs in Ontario are able to prescribe from a restricted list of medications (Birth control, drugs for smoking sensation)

  • Will help reduce wait times in ontario

  • Gaps in care, Gaps in service

  • If there was value in it, we wouldve seen a faster implementation of it (looks on how nurses are honoured)

The Effects of the Pandemic

  • uncertainty and fear,

    • Virus are always changing, SARS

  • alteration of perceptions of time and space,

  • change in the meaning of ‘to care’ and

  • changes in roles and relationships.

    • Compassion fatigue

  • Moral/psychological distress & compassion fatigue

Moral Deteminents of Health

  • Shift in thinking about our role when caring for those who have lots of needs/ complexities

Moral Deteminants

Marmot:6 categories:

  • conditions of birth and early childhood,

  • education,

  • work,

  • the social circumstances of elders,

  • a collection of elements of community resilience (such as transportation, housing, security, and a sense of community self-efficacy), and,

  • cross-cutting all, what he calls “fairness,” which generally amounts to a sufficient redistribution of wealth and income to ensure social and economic security and basic equity.

But theres more…

  • Gun violence

  • Environmental racism and the effects of climate change

  • Loneliness

  • Access

  • Flooding that happens

  • Indigenous communities are most affected

  • cawisa

Unleashing the Power of Nursing

Reconciling out past

  • Look to our history with many different views: from Nightingale to Marie Branch

  • Perpetuating many of the same behaviours & responses

  • How history has shaped our reality

    • Marie opened up a clinic for people who couldnt get to or afford care

Marie Branch

  • “Nursing has the power to effect radical change in ways other health professions cannot”

    • Have the ability to affect change

    • Different levels

  • She saw nursing as singularly “free to innovate and improve practice,” unencumbered by either elitism or payment models which prioritized quantity over quality

    • Most important

    • Not tied to money

    • You get paid the same no matter how many patients are seen

  • In order to fulfill its revolutionary potential, however, the field would need to adopt a philosophy she named “ethnic humanism,”

Changing nursing practice/changing nursing education

  • Think about how were all connected to support those who need care



  • All the things weve seen in healthcare settings today have became from advocacy

  • Challenging stigma

  • Supporting those who no one else will

  • Humanity of Nursing & patient-centered care

  • Nurses of 5B

    • Unit of a hospital in sanfran

    • Only one willing to take HIV and Aids patients

    • We didnt know tranmsission, lots of myths about HIV/Aids

    • These nurses took initiative to do the work

Activism Gets Results

  • Nurses at policy tables

  • ONA

    • Lori dupont (nurse murded by fellow collegue doctor)

Is this the work of nurses?

Supporting Safe Consumption

  • Corey ranger

  • @nurseranger


So why Understand Current Issues?

  • To know whats happening and be aware of that

  • Shannon knew there was a need for more mental health supports and work towards it

  • It is part of your nursing story

Your Nursing Story

Nursing- Broaden the lens